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1、大型单件小批制造型企业产品制造时间模型研究摘要 制造型企业总是希望在不投资或者少投资的情况下扩大生产能力尤其是大型单件小批生产的企业,由于订单具有随机性,生产种类繁多,生产对象不断在变化,生产重复性低且不确定,就使得生产计划及生产管理十分复杂难做,因此研究怎样扩大生产能力显得十分重要。但在目前管理的运用中,人们往往去追求先进的管理理念,比如:计算机集成制造系统(aIMe)、并行工程(CE)、准时制(.IIT),敏捷制造(AM)等等,而常常忽视了对企业自身最基础的生产流程和时间的研究特别像大型单件小批制造型企业,生产产品没有固定的工时定额,在生产计划的排程上只有靠经验估工,找不到科学的产品工时作

2、为计划的数据支撑。本文就是在这种情况下,对大型单件小批制造型企业进行时间模型的研究 本文首先阐述了工业工程(IE)中方法研究理论和时间研究理论,然后根据大型单件小批制造型企业的产品在生产中生产对象不固定且工时耗费也不是固定的,即工时呈变化的特点,分析得出工时的变化是由一部分常数值和变动值构成,而变动部分又和某种影响因素有关,由此得出对大型单件小批制造型企业生产产品建立生产工序工时模型的思想,并提出了建立该模型的总体规划的方法步骤和规戈图。 按照对大型单件小批制造型企业的时间模型研究方法,对A公司的油箱制造分公司进行了实证时间研究优化了原来的油箱制造流程,改善了其中的流程作业工序,在此基础上运用

3、工时模型的建立方法对油箱制造进行了工时的建模,示例建立了数控下料工序、折弯工序、焊接工序和喷砂工序中的部分零部件的工时模型。运用时间模型采用关键路线法对生产中的H订单产品在生产计划方面的编制进行了研究,提出了时间模型在员工绩效管理方面的应用情况,同时还分析了时间模型的运用经济效果 工时模型的正确建立,为油箱生产的工时制定提供了良好的方法,也为油箱的生产计划提供了准确可靠的数据支持同时也有利于大型单件小批制造型企业的生产管理关键词:大型单件小批生产,工时定额,时间模型,关键路线法重庆大学硕士学位论文ABSTRACT The leaders in enterprises belong to man

4、ufacturing industry always expect thattheir production capacities could be expanded under no investment or few investment,especially Large-Piece OKP (one-of-a-kind production) Enterprises. Due to the orderrandomicity and variety and low reiteration and ascertainion in Large-Piece OKPEnterprises, the

5、 production plan and production management is very complicated anddifficult. So it is very important that studying on how to expand production capacities.But now, people often pursue the advanced management, such as CIMS, CE, JI工AMetc, but neglect the most foundation process and time study in enterp

6、rises themselves. Inparticular, in Large-Piece OKP Enterprises, the production have no fixed man-hourquota and the planner depend on only experience to estimate the man-hour quota whenplanning because of being unable to obtain scientific man-hour quota datum. In thispaper, the production time in Lar

7、ge-Piece OKP Enterprises will be studied. In this paper, first of all, expounding Motion Stu勿and Time Study in IE theory,and then, according to the characteristic that is the unfixed production objects andman-hour quota in Large-Piece OKP Enterprises, that is, man-hours are changeable, andon the bas

8、is of analyzing the changeable man-hour that is made up of consta川andvariable, the man-hour model idea and the establishing step and process chart are given. According to man-hour models in Large-Piece OKP Enterprises, Thedemonstrating example is given in tank factory of A Company. Analyzing the tan

9、kproduction process and improving the working operation in process, and establishingman-hour models and giving the demonstration in CNC and bending and welding andblasting working operation. And then using the model and CPM(Critical Path Method)to study production planning of H order, putting forwar

10、d the performance managementby using the man-hour models. In the end, economic benefit is analyzed after usingman-hour models. The right man-hour models can offer accurate methods for man-hour quotaestablishment, and also provide exact and reliable datum for production planning, andalso in favor of

11、production management in Large-Piece OKP Enterprises.Keywords: Large-Piece OKP Enterprises, man-hour quota, time models, CPMii重庆大学硕士学位论文目录目录摘要.IABSTRACT. II1绪论.1 1.1论文选题背景及研究意义.1 1.2国内外工业工程发展和应用状况. 2 1.2.1工业工程发展阶段. 2 1.2.2应用状况. 2 1.3论文的来源、研究目的和意义. 3 1.3.1论文来源. 3 1.3.2研究目的. 3 1.3.3研究的意义. 4 1.4本文研究思路及总体构架. 42时间研究相关理论.5 2.1方法研究23331 28341.5 2.1.1方法研究的定义及特点.



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