职场英语写作--Chapter 2 商务信函的结构与格式(附 业务关系的确立) (1)课件

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《职场英语写作--Chapter 2 商务信函的结构与格式(附 业务关系的确立) (1)课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《职场英语写作--Chapter 2 商务信函的结构与格式(附 业务关系的确立) (1)课件(37页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2020/7/21,1,Professional English Writing,职场英语写作 Lecture 2 Structure of a Business Letter Establishment of Business Relations by Li Xiangqi Faculty of English Education,2020/7/21,2,Structure and Styles of Biz Letters,In this lecture you will learn how to: -use various kinds of layout of biz letters -

2、follow format conventions -identify the organizational elements of a business letter -recognize and use the form condition of business letters -write effectively each part of business letters and address envelopes -Develop biz relations,2020/7/21,3,Format of a Business Letter,The Three Parts of a Bi

3、z Letter 1. Letterhead (信头) 2. letter body (正文) 3. Close (结尾),2020/7/21,4,Elements of a Business Letter,Essential Parts: Letterhead 信头: 包括发信人公司的名称、地址、 传真、电传号码、因特网地址、 邮箱地址、公司logo等。 Date Line 发信日期 Inside Address 封内地址 (收信人地址) Salutation 对收信人的尊称 Body 正文 Complimentary 结尾敬语 Signature 签名,2020/7/21,5,Elemen

4、ts of a Business Letter,Additional Parts: Attention Line 指定收信人 Subject and Reference Lines事由 Organization Name 公司名称 Author, Title and Department撰稿者印刷体姓名 Reference Initials 主办人代号(便于考查信函 的主稿人和打字人) Enclosure Notation 附件注明 Copy Notation 复本抄送(CC to Mr.Li 或 CC Uni Trading Co.,Ltd.),2020/7/21,6,Letterhead

5、Systems A/S Corporation Tel:+45 83894232 Fax:+45 83894234 Web Site: E-mail: Dateline March 23, 2004 Inside Address Mr. Jame 收信人姓名 Director of Personnel 收信人职位、头衔 Windsor Mils Inc. 单位名称 212 Magnolia Avenue 门牌号码、街道名称 Spartanburg, South Carolina 29301 城市、州、邮编 The United States of America 国家 Attention Li

6、ne Attention: Mr .Li (指定收信人或某个部门) Salutation Dear Mr. Jame Subject Line Re / Subject: Claim No. MA-457972 信文的主旨 Body - - Complimentary Close Cordially, Organization Name Systems A/S Corporation Signature Author, Title Joe Grossman Department Sales Manager Reference Initials XYW : SH Enclosure Notati

7、on Encl. Copy Notation CC to Mr. Zhang,2020/7/21,7,A Sample,Make corrections in the format of the following business letter.,2020/7/21,8,Rocky Mountain High Country Realty Mile High Building One Denver Plaza Denver, Colorado 80200 Sept. 28, 2010 Pueblo, CO 81002 2009 West Prospect Street Ms. Kim Jam

8、eston, Attorney Dear Ms. Jameston: We appreciate your April 23 letter concerning the failure of one of our sales representatives to inform your client of the possible zoning of the Blake property. Please accept my sincere apology for not having corresponded with you sooner. The sales. ROCKY MOUNTAIN

9、 HIGH COUNTRY REALTY Cordially, Residential Property Sales Manager, Joe Crossman,Ms. Kim Jameston, Attorney 2009 West Prospect Street Pueblo, CO 81002,Cordially, Joe Crossman Sales Manager Residential Property,2020/7/21,9,March 10, 2010 Professor Fan Hong Foreign Languages Department Sun Yat-sen Uni

10、versity Guangdong, 510275 Dear Prof. FAN, I am very interested in Business English and wish to learn more from your lectures. This week I am going to write a letter to IBM company requesting information about the availability of a product. Could you please send me some information on the formats of

11、the business letter? I would be very grateful for your kind help and early reply. Sincerely yours, (Signature) Li Ping,2020/7/21,10,Letter Heading (信头),写信人地址Addressers Address 日期 Date 收信人地址Receivers Address 称呼Salutation 标题/事由Subject / Re,2020/7/21,11,在商务书信中,信头所占版面不超过书信页面的三分之一。 商务书信的信头一般包括 发信人地址、 发信日

12、期、 收信人地址和姓名、 称呼以及事由。,2020/7/21,12,发信日期的书写模式: 1. “29 Feb., 2012” (日-月-年) 2. “Feb.12, 2012”(月-日-年)。 日期可以打印在左边空白处。日期与抬头或发信人地址之间应空两行。,2020/7/21,13,收信人地址的标准排序方式: A.收信人名称、职位 B.所在部门及公司名称 C.公司所在的街道号码及街道名 D.所在城市、州或省名称及邮政编码 E.所在国名称,2020/7/21,14,Address of the Recipient of the Letter,Mr. Richard Young,Director

13、姓名 Cresswell Inc. 头衔、公司名称 400 Fortune Street 街道号码及名称 Phoenix Arizona 82044城市名、州名、邮编 U.S.A国家名 Professor Fan Hong Foreign Languages Department Sun Yat-sen University Guangdong, 510275 Peoples Republic of China,Par Avion,Stamp,2020/7/21,15,称谓(Ways to solute): Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. Wang Dear Sir 或 Dear

14、 Madam Dear Sir or Madam Dear Sirs 称呼从左边空白处写起,在收信人地址下面空两行。,2020/7/21,16,事由(Subject/Re): 写明事由可以使收信人对信件或传真的内容一目了然。事由位于称呼之下,与称呼相隔一行。可以居中、居左、缩格。,2020/7/21,17,信文 (Letter Body) 在全齐头式(full-blocked)书信,每个段落都从左边空白处开始书写,在“事由”下面空一行。段落内采用单行行距,段落之间采用双行行距。,2020/7/21,18,信尾Close,结尾或信尾 (Close) 结尾敬辞(Complimentary clos

15、e) 信末签名 (Signature (of the addresser) 打印名字和头衔(Printed name and title of the addresser),2020/7/21,19,信尾Close,口述者/打字员姓名缩写 Initials of dictator and typist) 附件 Enclosure 抄送 Carbon copy (cc: Chan Wai Ming) 附笔/ 附言 Postscript (附笔的主要用途是引起收信人的注意。因 此,推销信函中有时也加上附笔,给广告宣传增加一点较亲切的感觉) *最后四项不是每封信所必需的部分,是根据实际需要而增加的部分。,2020/7/21,20,Complimentary Close 客套结束语,亲密式:Cordially, Cordially yours, Intimately yours, 普通式:Sincerely, Si



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