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1、名词(Nouns),分类和数,一、名词的分类,1 按意义分,普通名词,专有名词,个体名词,集体名词,物质名词,抽象名词,tree, city, teacher, man, holiday,police, people, clothes, family,paper, bread, light, air, gas,truth, honesty, friendship, money,Mary, China, London, The Great Wall, the Young Pioneer,2. 按可数性分,c.n.,u.n.,个体名词,集体名词,可数,只用复数(pl.),物质名词,抽象名词,不可数

2、,二、名词的数,1规则的: (1)-s (2) es: 以x, s, sh, ch 结尾,例外:stomach-stomachs,注意:mouth- physics/maths-+单谓,(3) 辅音字母+y结尾,去y变-ies: story-stories body-bodies,(4) 元音字母y 结尾,直接+s: toy-toys, boy-boys, holiday-holidays,(5) 以-f, -fe 结尾,去-f, -fe变-ves: life-lives, wife-wives, knife-knives, thief-thieves, shelf-shelves, wolf

3、-wolves, half-halves,例外:roof-roofs, proof proofs, safes,(6) 以-o结尾,+s/es: potato-potatoes, tomato-tomatoes, hero-heroes photo-photos, radio-radios, piano-pianos, zoo-zoos,But: Mary-Marys, Henry Henrys, Harry- Harrys,2. 不规则的:,(1) foot-feet, tooth-teeth, goose-geese,(2) man-men, woman-women,例外:human-hu

4、mans, German-Germans, Roman-Romans, Walkman-Walkmans, Discman-Discmans,(3) child-children, ox-oxen,(4) mouse-mice,3.单复同形,Chinese, Japanese, Swiss, sheep, deer,注意:fish,u.n.,c.n.,鱼肉,fish 鱼(条数),fishes 鱼(种类,三、名词种类的转化 Paper u.n. 纸 papers c.n 卷子,报纸 Tea/coffee u.n. 茶,咖啡(物质) teas/coffees c.n. (量) Glass u.n.

5、 玻璃 glasses c.n. 眼镜 Cloth u.n. 布 clothes c.n. 衣服总称 A chicken c.n. 小鸡 chicken u.n. 鸡肉 Light u.n. 光 lights c.n. 灯 A room c.n. 房间 room u.n. 空间 注意:有些抽象名词和物质名词+adj., 可具体化 Have a good time Have dinner,Have a big dinner,A big help have a long talk,说出下列名词的复数,Dictionary Family Foot Child Fridge Holiday Month

6、 Japanese Knife Key Match Mouth Movie Orange sheep,Potato Tomato Radio Play Railway Thief Waitress Victory Woman Dash Zoo,Hobby UFO Life Tooth Mouse Video Policeman Wife Glass Human Roman,s s ies s es es s ies es ies ies es es ies es,Photo Airport Army German Box Brush Camera City Class Copy Country

7、 Dish Dress Enemy fish,ies ies -ee- -ren s s s - ves s es s s s -,es es s s s ves es ies -men es s,ies s ves -ee- mice s men ves es s s,在下列词中的可数名词前加a(n), 不可数名词前加/,Answer American Smile News Advice Ice Chinese Grass Milk Idea Kilogram Law Lunch meal,Meat Music Medicine Picnic Programme Shoe Season Ta

8、xi Travel Trip Biscuit Event eyesight,Housework Job Postage Record Sauce Shampoo Steam Whale turkey Vapour liquid,Air Loaf Kindness Geography Honesty Friendship Book University Umbrella,an an a / / / a / / an a a / a,/ / / a a a a a a a a an /,/ a / a / / / a a / /,/ a / / / / a a an,完成下列句子,In the r

9、estaurant we learned how to serve _(顾客) There are many _ (女医生) in the childrens hospital Liquids can be turned into _( 气体). We often go to Shanghai Library _(星期日下午) Our school has _(八十年的历史) -Excuse me, wheres _(教师办公室)? Oh, so many _(巧克力) in the box! Mike, you are playing _ (电子游戏) again. Mother got _

10、(东西) ready for the next days picnic. -_(祝你玩得愉快)-The same to you. At _(周末) we often go swimming. Billy, take off your _(眼镜). Lets have _( 检查) on _ (视力). The old man was happy to see many highrises _. (亲眼) I wonder how many _ (女服务员) watched the first performance of the singing group.,customers,women d

11、octors,gases,on Sunday afternoons,a history of 80 years,the teachers office,chocolates,video games,things,Have a good time,weekends,glasses,a checkup,eyesight,with his own eyes,waitresses,15. Im sure that _(奥林匹克运动会) will be held in our country one day. 16. The store sells _ (运动鞋) for middle school s

12、tudents. 17. They _( 握手) warmly when they were introduced to each other. 18. “_ (两杯咖啡), please.” Mr. Smith said to the waiter as he sat down. 19. A shining coin on the ground _(引起我注意) 20. The children answer _(异口同声) 21. The weather station said that there would be _(一场大雨) after midnight. 22. -Would

13、you have a little more _ (鱼)? -No, thanks. 23. Is there _ (足够的地方) in the corner of another chair? 24. Dont _ (吵闹) when you go up and down the stairs. 25. He went to the sore to buy some _ (鸡蛋),the Olympic Games,sports shoes,shook hands with each other,Two coffees,caught my eye,with one voice,a heavy rain,fish,enough room,make a noise,eggs,


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