Designing a Successful Quality Improvement Program Teambuilding and Writing a QI Plan Bureau of Primary[设计一个成功的质量改进项目团队建设与写作小学的齐计划局 ](-54)教材课程

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Designing a Successful Quality Improvement Program Teambuilding and Writing a QI Plan Bureau of Primary[设计一个成功的质量改进项目团队建设与写作小学的齐计划局 ](-54)教材课程_第1页
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Designing a Successful Quality Improvement Program Teambuilding and Writing a QI Plan Bureau of Primary[设计一个成功的质量改进项目团队建设与写作小学的齐计划局 ](-54)教材课程_第2页
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Designing a Successful Quality Improvement Program Teambuilding and Writing a QI Plan Bureau of Primary[设计一个成功的质量改进项目团队建设与写作小学的齐计划局 ](-54)教材课程_第3页
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Designing a Successful Quality Improvement Program Teambuilding and Writing a QI Plan Bureau of Primary[设计一个成功的质量改进项目团队建设与写作小学的齐计划局 ](-54)教材课程_第4页
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Designing a Successful Quality Improvement Program Teambuilding and Writing a QI Plan Bureau of Primary[设计一个成功的质量改进项目团队建设与写作小学的齐计划局 ](-54)教材课程_第5页
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《Designing a Successful Quality Improvement Program Teambuilding and Writing a QI Plan Bureau of Primary[设计一个成功的质量改进项目团队建设与写作小学的齐计划局 ](-54)教材课程》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Designing a Successful Quality Improvement Program Teambuilding and Writing a QI Plan Bureau of Primary[设计一个成功的质量改进项目团队建设与写作小学的齐计划局 ](-54)教材课程(53页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Designing a Successful Quality Improvement Program: Teambuilding and Writing a QI Plan,Bureau of Primary Health Care Health Resources and Services Administration March 10, 2011,Introduction,Learning series on quality improvement planning Current core and FTCA requirements as a starting point Focus o

2、n implementation Roadmap for getting there Create a QI infrastructure Seek resources and technical assistance Third-party quality recognition Build on partnerships with HRSA and the national cooperative agreements,Health Center Performance Calendar Year 2009,Among Health Center Patients: 67.3% enter

3、ed prenatal care in the first trimester Rate of low birth weight babies (7.3%) continues to be lower than national estimates (8.2%) 68.8% of children received all recommended immunizations by 2nd birthday 63.1% Hypertensive Patients with Blood Pressure= 140/90 70.7% Diabetic Patients with HbA1c = 9

4、$600 Total Cost per Patient $131 per Medical Visit Source: Uniform Data System, 2009 For more information: http:/,FY 2011 HRSA Strategic Priorities,Improve Access to Quality Health Care and Services Community/new site development Expansion planning Pati

5、ent-centered medical/health home development Meaningful use adoption Strengthen the Health Workforce Workforce recruitment and retention Build Healthy Communities and Improve Health Equity,National Determine method of data collection, i.e. chart abstraction, interviews,4. Collect Data/Determine a Ba

6、seline,Create data collection tools: Create instructions for data collection tools Train personnel who will collect data Conduct pilot test of tool Establish process of communicating with staff about measurement process Collect data,5. Analyze Data/Evaluate Performance,Analyze data and review the re

7、sults. Identify areas where additional data is required. If historical data are available, compare for trends. Display and distribute data to communicate findings and results. Identify areas for improvement and select a quality improvement project.,5. Analyze Data/Evaluate Performance,How do we know

8、 if performance is satisfactory? Benchmarks useful in setting feasible and challenging goals The most important comparisons are internal Most relevant when patient populations are similar UDS data will reveal state and national trends over time, rural vs. urban, etc.,5. Analyze Data/Evaluate Perform

9、ance,Healthy People 2010: National Quality CenterImproving HIV Care: http:/ AHRQ Effective Health Care: http:/ National Quality Forum: http:/ State Primary Care Associations: http:/www.b

10、,6. Plan 2009 BPHC UDS 58%) and reality (20%) Solve the problem!,6. Plan & Implement Changes for Improvement,Establish project-specific QI team that represents all staff integral to the service or issue. Scheduler, provider, nurse manager, medical rec

11、ords, IT Identify a team leader or sponsor. Chair of CQI program (COO) Set specific goals for the team. Initially wanted to improve to 25%. Verify baseline data Identify restricting & contributing factors,6. Plan & Implement Changes for Improvement,Allocate time and resources for the team. Initially

12、 meet weekly to monitor PDSA cycles Delineate responsibilities. Develop timeline for reporting findings and improvement strategies. Report to next CQI meeting in one week then monthly,6. Plan & Implement Changes for Improvement,Processes EHR now being implemented Staff training Patient education Pla

13、n to institute new consent form specific for womens health and policy to ensure its use,6. Plan & Implement Changes for Improvement,Clinical practice guideline Review Pap guidelines and present to provider staff Access to care issue Many pts seek Paps at State Health Department Hispanic patients pre

14、fer female provider Many mobile migrant patients with multiple providers Outcomes data Incomplete because only queried practice management system which did not include transferred records Tracking No consistent mechanism for obtaining records from other providers Have meeting with health dept staff

15、to assure cooperation,6. Plan & Implement Changes for Improvement,Pt. satisfaction survey?are they happy with the system? Will consider in the future to explore attitudes regarding various interventions Documentation of process Plan to keep meeting minutes, goals, outcomes,6. Plan & Implement Change

16、s for Improvement,Analyze data and review the results. Monthly review of women seen for Pap status Identify areas where additional data is required. Data collection method did not capture all Paps done If historical data are available, compare for trends. Not previously measured Display and distribute data to communicate findings and results. Plan to inform CQI committee and staff of results Graphic presentation of data readings over time,7. Monitor Performance Over Time,Communicate r



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