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1、优秀精品课件文档资料,Why Historians Disagree Allen F. Davis power or responsibility; 呈现出 a smile; 假装 innocence; 采用 a false name Presume: I to do我冒昧地,擅自; 推测although not certain; 认定,推定,意味着An accused man is d innocent until proven guilty. Presuppose: assuming one thing is true in order to continue with what you

2、are saying or thinking预先推测;以为先决条件Surmise: guess from the available evidence although not certain推测;猜测;疑惑,Turn out to be (Pa. 2) prove to be;,1 turn out well/fine/all right/satisfactory etc. It was a difficult time, but everything turned out all right. 2 turn out to ones + n. Please make sure that al

3、l the presents will turn out to their satisfaction. 3 turn out to be He turned out to be a teacher instead of a new student. 4 As it turned out, ,Contend v. (Pa.2),1 contend with/against/for: struggle, be in rivalry or competition They contend with each other for the top prize while getting along we

4、ll. 2 argue, assert He contends at the meeting that the universe is expanding.,Q,This experience opened a new _ in his mind.A.perspective B.prospect C. factor D. aspect,Perspective:远景; a way of thinking视角,观点,想法Prospect:将要发生的事,预期展望,景色,视野,(成功)可能性,(经济)前景; 堪察(for)(v.)Factor: 因素; Aspect: one of the parts

5、 of sths character or nature方面; 建筑物的方位; appearance or quality 外观,面貌,B,Can not help but do sth(p3),cannothelpbutdo cannotbutdo candonothingbutdo cannotdoanythingbutdo 但是:haveno choice/alternativebuttodo,take sth. for granted: (Pa4) regard it as true or certain to happen,1 His parents take his success

6、 in the contest for granted. Take sb. for granted:treat his presence and actions as a due rather than a favor,What is history?百家讲坛 于丹 论语心得,CCTV Hundred Rostrums” is calling for an increased awareness of traditional Chinese culture. How do you comment on the craze of Chinese classics? How do you like

7、 Prof. Yudan?,Confucianism: Confucius, Chinese philosopher whose Analects contain a collection of his sayings and dialogues compiled by disciples after his death. Taoism: Zhuangzi and Laozi-two famous scholars of Taoism in ancient China,Admittedly adv. (Pa7): saying sth which weakens the importance

8、or force of your statement,He is admittedly a scholar. (without denial, by general admission),Crude adj. (Pa7),1 not refined or manufactured 未提炼的,粗糙的 crude oilcrude ore 2 not having grace, taste or refinement粗鄙/粗鲁的 crude manner 3 not finished properly; badly worked out 粗制滥造的,不完善的,B,The _ parties wer

9、e due, once again, to try to settle their differences. So a temporary ceasefire is ordered.A. aggressive B. belligerent C. combative D. contentious Belligerent: hostile and aggressive好斗敌对; warring countries or groups交战国 Aggressive: behaving in a forceful way because of an eager to succeed咄咄逼人 Combat

10、ive: aggressive and eager to fight or argue Contentious: a issue causes a lot of disagreement or arguments;,World War I (1914-1918),Woodrow Wilson,Zimmerman Note Pa 8,A coded communique from the German foreign Secretary, Arthur Zimmerman to the German minister in Mexico on Jan.19, 1917, which is int

11、ercepted and decoded by British navy intelligence.,In that Pa. 9 since, because,The increase of income tax is harmful in that it may discourage people from trying to earn more.,Take . into account/take account of . (Pa.9): note or consider;pay attention to ,1 Youd better take all factors into accoun

12、t before making your decision. 2 When seeking a job, he is likely to take account of his parents opinion.,Stem from (Pa. 9) arise from; develop as a result of sth. else (not in continuous aspect不用进行时),1 His headaches stemmed from vision problems. 2 Much of the instability stems from the economic eff

13、ects of the war.,Concern oneself with/in/about (Pa.9) be busy with, interest oneself in,1 He loves his wife, and concerns himself with her needs and desires. 2 As a fan of the football player Yao Ming, he concerns himself in every account of him. To whom it may concern Be concerned for/about sb./sth

14、.:worry, trouble, bother So/As far as is/are concerned,Disproportionate adj.(Pa.10) out of proportion, relatively too large or small, etc.,1 School students tend to give disproportionate time to games. 2 The railway workers in New York were on strike because their pay is disproportionate to their wo

15、rk.,Be destined for sth./to do sth. (Pa.13) decoded in advance or by fate,1 He was a soliders son and was destined from birth for the army. 2 Deep in love as they were, they were destined never to meet again.,Summary It should be noted that although this essay is about why historians differ in their

16、 opinions, actually the basic views can also be used to explain why people disagree generallyAnd to understand why people disagree is the first necessary step toward learning to deal with themThis is particularly important today because We are confronted with an information explosion and surrounded by people who are trying to influence our thinking for their own selfish reasons This is a piece of expository writing. The language used is a little formal,with impersonal structur


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