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2、营措施提供了参考价值。主要的研究结果如下:(1) 设置不同的林分密度,林木生长的林分因子呈现不同的数据。在标准地设置的100株/hm,200株/hm,300株/hm,400株/hm,500株/hm五个不同林分密度中,100株/hm的林分密度下林木生长的最好。根据数据分析发现,林分密度对平均胸径、树冠结构、树高等均有不同程度的影响。当林分密度持续增加时,林木的平均胸径和树冠结构减小,树高则上升。(2) 坡度、坡位、坡向等地形因子和土层厚度、土地类型等土壤因子是影响城郊林场人工林林木生长的主要立地条件。林地坡度变化不大,林地坡位导致土壤肥力不同,林地坡向使日照时间长短和强度有差异。林地坡度对林分生

3、长的平均胸径、树冠结构、树高没有什么影响,二者关系不大。林地坡位对林分生长的平均胸径、树冠结构、树高有较大影响,当林地坡位上升时,平均胸径、树高下降,具有负相关性质。树冠结构上升,具有正相关性质。林地坡向对林分生长的平均胸径、树高有较大影响,对树冠结构没有影响。当林地坡向上升时,平均胸径、树高上升,具有正相关性质。(3) 抚育间伐对城郊林场人工林的土壤物理性质、化学性质、土壤酶活性等有较大影响。抚育经营不同的间伐强度,土壤的温度,湿度不同。抚育经营不同的间伐强度,Ph值、有机质。磷含量等数据不同。抚育经营不同的间伐强度,测定的土壤酶活性不同。关键词:抚育经营;林分密度;立地条件;人工林抚育;土

4、壤酶活性;Abstract: in the process of forest growth, will be affected by various factors, and natural forest because of various effects led to tree density, so through the thinning of science, will growth advantage to eliminate the unqualified inferior forest in natural forest. Then, according to differe

5、nt stand density and different site conditions, how to select reasonable thinning of different intensity to provide advantages for tending management. This paper takes the suburb in Qingyuan County of Liaoning province forest farm as research sites, by setting the standard of different investigation

6、, comparative analysis, trying to find the most reasonable way of tending operations. In view of the specific conditions of suburban forest farms, different tending and management methods were adopted under different stand density and different site conditions. And specific analysis of the suburban

7、forest currently existing in the management of the problem, put forward related suggestions to improve and provide the reference value for the local forestry workers take proper measures of tending operations. The main results are as follows:(1) different stand density is set up, and the stand facto

8、r of tree growth is different. 100 strains of hm set in the standard, 200 strains of /hm ,300 strains of/hm , 400 strains of /hm , 500 strains of/hm different stand densities. According to the data analysis, the stand density has different effects on the average DBH, crown structure, tree height and

9、 so on. When the stand density increased continuously, the average DBH and crown structure of trees decreased, but the tree height increased.(2) the soil factors such as slope, slope, slope and other soil factors, such as soil thickness and land type, are the main site conditions affecting the growt

10、h of plantation forest in suburban forest farm. The slope of woodland forest slope caused little change, soil fertility, woodland slope towards the sunshine time and strength are different. The forest slope had no influence on the average DBH, crown structure and tree height of the growth of the sta

11、nd, and the two had little relationship. The slope position of forest land has a great influence on the average DBH, crown structure and tree height. When the slope of forest land rises, the average DBH and tree height have negative correlation. The rise of crown structure has positive correlation p

12、roperty. The forest slope has a great influence on the average DBH and tree height, but has no influence on the crown structure. When the slope of forest land rises, the average DBH and tree height have positive correlation.(3) tending and thinning had great influence on soil physical properties, ch

13、emical properties and soil enzyme activities in plantations of suburban forest farms. Tending to manage different thinning intensities, soil temperature, and humidity are different. Different thinning intensities, such as Ph and phosphorus content, are different in tending and management. The soil e

14、nzyme activities measured by different thinning intensities were different between tending and management.Key words: tending management; stand density; site condition; tending of plantation;soil enzyme activity独 创 性 声 明本人声明所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果

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