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1、最新人教PEP版小学英语精品试卷设计人教版小学五年级英语下册unit4 What are you doing单元测试卷2带答案基础全练全测一、【四会词汇】根据所给汉语写出相应的英语单词或短语。(10分)1.做饭_ 2.浇花_3扫地_ 4.打扫卧室_5铺床_ 6.摆餐具_7洗衣服_ 8.洗碗碟_9使用计算机_ 10.不能_三、【二会词汇】给英文单词(短语)选出正确的汉语意思。(45分)()1.helpful ()2.at home ()3.ill ()4.wash the windows ()5.just do it ()6.have a try()7.robot ()8.play chess

2、()9.Id like toA下棋B擦窗户C在家 D试一试 E就这么干吧 F机器人G有用的 H有病的 I我想要 四、【四会句子】为下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。(30分)()1.Can you use a computer?Yes,I can.()2.What can you do? ()3.I can cook the meals. ()4.I can sweep the floor. ()5.Can you make the bed?No,I cant. ()6.I can water the flowers! A你会使用计算机吗?是的,我会。B我会扫地。C你会铺床吗?不,我不会。D我会做

3、饭。E你会做什么?F我会浇花!综合全练全测听力部分(40分)一、听句子,将人物头像与相应短语连线。(8分)1. Ado the dishes2. Bput away the clothes3. Cmake the bed4. Dcook the meals二、听音,根据你所听到的短语,按(AD)的顺序给图片标号。(8分) xK b1.Com()1. ()2. ()3. ()4. 三、听音,补全句子,注意大小写。(16分)1A:What can you do?B:I can _ the _.2A:Can you _ the windows?B:Sorry,I cant.But Id like t

4、o have a _.3A:_ can play chess in _ family?B:My father.4A:_ you helpful at home?B:_.四、听音,选词。(在你所听到的单词下面打“”)(8分)1I usually do (homework,housework) in the evening.2.What (can,does) he do?3John can clean the (windows,bedroom)4What can (Ann,Alice) do at home?笔试部分(60分)五、看图补全短语。(7分) http:/www. xkb1 .com1.

5、 watch _ 2. 2. _ the dishes3. use a _ 4. 4. _ the clothes5. _ the meals 6. set the_7. _ the bed六、选择正确的词完成句子。(16分) candocanthousework1My sister_use a computer.2What can they_at home?3Ben can help his mother do_4_you wash the clothes?七、按要求完成句子。(8分)1He can clean the desks._ he clean the desks?(改为一般疑问句)

6、2Alice can play chess.Alice _ play chess.(变否定句)3Can Mike play chess?Yes,_ _.(作肯定回答)4Do you read books on weekends?_,I _.(作否定回答)八、选择恰当的答语。(6分)()1.What can you do?()2.Can Amy set the table?()3.Who can use a computer?九、阅读理解。(8分) Hello!My name is Alice.I have a happy family.There are three people in my

7、family.They are my father,my mother and IWe all do housework _(1)_ home.My father can cook the _(2)_My mother can wash the _(3)_ and clean the bedroom.I can empty the trash and _(4) _ the flowers.I can set the table,too.1选择适当的单词将短文补充完整。(4分)(1)_(2)_(3)_(4)_2回答下列问题。(4分) X|k |B| 1 . c|O |m(1)Can Alices

8、 father cook the meals?_(2)What can Alice do?_十、看图完成句子。(12分)十一、说一说。(3分)Can you do housework at home? What can you do?What cant you do?I can _I cant_听力原文一、1.Teacher:What can you do,Chen Jie?Chen Jie:I can make the bed.2Teacher:Hello,Mike.What can you do?Mike:I can cook the meals.3Teacher:Can you cook

9、 the meals,Wu Yifan?Wu Yifan:No,I cant.I can do the dishes.4Amy:Im Amy.I can put away the clothes.二、Sarah:Hello,Chen Jie.What do you do after school?Chen Jie:Usually I read books and help my mother. Sarah:Really? What can you do?Chen Jie:I can clean the bedroom and empty the trash.I can water the fl

10、owers,too.三、1.A:What can you do? http:/www. xkb1 .comB:I can sweep the floor.2A:Can you clean the windows?B:Sorry,I cant.But Id like to have a try.3A:Who can play chess in your family?B:My father.4A:Are you helpful at home?B:Sure.四、1.I usually do homework in the evening.2What does he do?3John can cl

11、ean the windows.4What can Alice do at home?答案详解xK b1.Com答案详解一、1.cook the meals2.water the flowers3.sweep the floor4.clean the bedroom5.make the bed 6set the table7.wash the clothes8.do the dishes9.use a computer10.cant/cannot 二、1.倒垃圾2.做家务3.收拾衣服三、1.G2.C3.H4.B5.E6.D7.F8.A 9I四、1.A2.E3.D4.B5.C6.F一、1C2D3

12、A4B二、1.A2.D3.C4.B三、1.sweep,floor2.clean,try3.Who,your 4Are,Sure四、1.homework2.does3.windows4.Alice五、1.watch TV2.do the dishes3.use a computer 4wash the clothes5.cook the meals6.set the table7.make the bed六、1.cant2.do3.housework4.Can七、1.Can2.cant3.he,can4.No,dont八、1.C2.A3.B九、1.(1)C(2)D(3)A(4)B 2(1)Yes, he can.(2)She can empty the trash,water the flowers and set the table.十、1.water the flowe



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