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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。法律英语导读(6)4. A Police Officer Told Me That If I Didnt Answer the Officers Questions Id Be Arrested for Loitering. Is That Legal?In certain circumstances, it may be. Laws in effect in many states generally define loitering as “wandering about from place to plac

2、e without apparent business, such that the person poses a threat to public safety.” Under these laws, if a police officer sees a person loitering, the officer can demand identification and an explanation of the persons activities. If the person fails to comply, the officer can arrest the person for

3、loitering. Therefore, the refusal to answer questions is only a problem if the officer has also observed the person to be loitering.Case Example: Officer Icia Yu is dispatched to Upscale Meadows after a resident calls the police to complain that a woman has been walking back and forth along the stre

4、ets for over an hour, with no apparent purpose. From a distance, the officer observes the woman for a few minutes, and sees her stopping occasionally to peer into residents back yards. Believing that she may be planning a burglary, Officer Yu confronts the woman, asks for identification and asks her

5、 to explain what she is doing in the neighborhood. The woman refuses to respond.Question: Can Officer Yu arrest her?Answer: Under loitering laws in effect in many states, yes. Officer Yu had reasonable grounds to believe that the woman posed a danger to the community. Since she didnt identify hersel

6、f or explain why she was in the neighborhood, the officer could arrest her. Had the woman responded to Officer Yu, the officer might not arrest her for loitering. However, she might be subject to arrest for a different offense, such as trespass (unlawful entry on someone elses property)。本节常用法律术语:1、loitering v.闲荡, 虚度, 徘徊2、in effect 生效3、identification 身份证4、dispatch 派遣5、burglary 入室行窃6、trespass 侵入,侵害:用明显或隐蔽的武力或暴力对人、财产或他人的权利实施非法伤害,尤指错误地侵入另一个人的土地3



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