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1、1.2 科技英语的特殊语法现象,五、关于动作主体的问题 六、命令句的用法 七、by, with的用法 八、关于“名词+名词”的问题 九、很少用“s”表示所有 十、定语从句中与which、when连用的介词位置,一、关于be going to 表示未来的问题 二、will, can, may的用法 三、无人称被动句的用法 四、should的用法,十一、关于if 从句的问题 十二、从句的紧缩式 十三、完成时的用法 十四、as的用法,十五、such that, such as to 的用法 十六、关于抽象名词的用法 十七、动词+后缀当形容词 十八、常用的前缀 十九、多用正规动词,少用“动词+副词”,

2、1.2 科技英语的特殊语法现象,The new aircraft is going to fly for the first time on Monday.,The new aircraft will fly for the first time on Monday.,一、很少用be going to 表示未来,科技英语中很少用be going to 表示将来。,这架新飞机将在礼拜一首次航行。,二、will, can, may的用法,The new motorway will have three traffic lanes in each direction。,Production of t

3、he new machine will commence next year.,明年(将会)开始生产这种新机器。,新高速公路的两侧(将会)各有三条相反方向的交通线。,表示纯粹未来用will,(1),This solid will vaporize when we heat it.,Friction will cause the bearings to become heated.,摩擦会使轴承变热。,当我们给它加热时,这种固体会汽化。,表示经常发生的事用will,二、will, can, may的用法,(3),Metal which cools rapidly Unguarded belts

4、or chains The testing of new machines,may can,cause fracture. cause accidents. take a long time.,表示有时发生的事用may, can,二、will, can, may的用法,(4),We can easily calculate the friction losses.,Work on the new engine can start in a few weeks.,几周后可以开始这种新型发动机的工作。,我们可以很容易的算出摩擦损耗。,表示能够用can,二、will, can, may的用法,(5)

5、,This problem Low-speed bearings The steel Thermo-couples,may be can be,approached in several ways. lubricated with grease. quenched(淬火) in either water or oil. used to measure high temperatures.,表示可能性用may, can,二、will, can, may的用法,(6),三、无人称被动句的用法,The driver starts the engine.,The engine is started.,

6、(司机)开动发动机。,He welded the plates together.,The plates are welded together.,(他)把钢板焊接在一起。,The furnace smelts the ore.,The ore is smelted in the furnace.,高炉熔化矿石。,The man sharpened his tool.,His tool was sharpened.,那人磨尖了它的工具。,We must lubricate bearings.,Bearings must be lubricated.,(我们)必须润滑轴承。,三、无人称被动句的用

7、法,他们很快就开始进行这项工作。,They will start the work soon.,The work will soon be started.,或,Attention should be paid not to damage the machine.,(操作者)应当注意不要损坏了机器。,The heat in the center of the earth is being made use of in some countries.,在某些国家,人们利用地球中心的热。,Use is being made of the heat in the center of the eart

8、h in some countries.,三、无人称被动句的用法,A lathe can cut screws.,Screws can be cut on a lathe.,车床能加工螺丝。,四、should的用法,Safety precautions should be observed at all time.,These machines should be handled with great care.,这些机器应当小心操作。,任何时候都应注意安全措施。,表示“告诫”,The results of the experiment should be plotted on a graph

9、.,应将实验结果绘在图表上。,(1),Carbon content in steel should not be more than 0.5%.,The steel should not contain more than 0.5% of carbon.,钢里的含炭量不应超过0.5%。,说明某一情况,The maximum internal diameter should be 40 thousandths of an inch.,最大内径应为40/1000英寸。,或,四、should的用法,(2),This building should be completed by the end of

10、 next year.,The process of cooling should continue for several hours.,冷却过程要延续好几个小时。,这座大楼应在明年年底前竣工。,表示“期待”,四、should的用法,(3),五、关于动作主体的问题, 动作主体是人时,句末不用by短语; 动作主体不是人时,句末应用by短语; 动作主体为人,但省去影响句子的意思时,应加by短语。,2,Agriculture cannot be developed without sufficient water.,Explosion is caused by the rapid combinat

11、ion of the fuels with the oxygen in the air.,没有足够的水就无法发展农业。,爆炸是由燃料与空气中的氧迅速化合而引起的。,动作主体是人,不用by,五、关于动作主体的问题,动作主体不是人,用by,Three machines can be controlled,All responsibility for the accident must be accepted,一个操作者可以同时控制三台机器。,设计者应承担产生事故的一切责任。,by the designer.,by a single operator.,强调动作 主体,用by,五、关于动作主体的问题

12、,六、命令句的用法,表示无人称指令,Allow Let Take 祈使句 动词开头,Should 命令句,e.g. Water should be heated before The bearing should be lubricated before,Let me by! 让我过去! Let it alone! 别管它! Let him be! 别打扰他!,日 常 英 语,将轮胎里的气放掉!,科 技 英 语,Let the air out of the tire!,把瓶子里的水倒出来。,Let the water out of the bottle.,六、命令句的用法,每十分钟测一次温度!

13、,Take the temperature every ten minutes.,假设X等于每分钟的转数。,Let X equal the number of revolutions per minute.,记下水面位置。,Take the water level.,六、命令句的用法,让水冷却十分钟,然后再测温度。,Allow the water to cool for ten minutes and then take the temperature.,计算出将产生的膨胀量。,Calculate the amount of expansion which will take place.,六

14、、命令句的用法,Fill a test-tube half full of water and heat it nearly to boiling point. Support the tube on a stand and allow it to cool.Take the temperature every minute. Stir carefully with a glass rod. Record the reading you obtain,and plot them on a graph of temperature against time. Repeat this with a

15、 tube half-full of crystals. Allow the solid to melt. Heat the liquid to 100 ,fix the tube on the stand and allow it to cool. Record the results as before and plot them.,七、by, with的用法,by,by means of,用耐火砖可以减少热损耗。,Heat losses can be reduced by firebricks.,Heat losses can be reduced by lining the furna

16、ce with firebricks.,The heat loss reduction can be achieved by means of firebricks.,with,with the help of,By means of 后面不能跟动名词短语。,Heat losses can be reduced by means of lining the furnace with firebricks.,Heat losses can be reduced by means of firebricks.,七、by, with的用法,The necessary heat for the carbon-steam and carbon-carbon dioxide reactions is commonly generated by burning part of the carbon in the gasifier.,碳和蒸汽以及碳和二氧化碳反应所需的热量通 常靠在气化炉中燃烧一部分碳来提供.,传动



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