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1、开放英语 2中央广播电视大学UNIT 19 Talking About the Past,主讲:叶华青 联系方式: 办公室(0576)87268466,Goals:,1. learn how to use the simple past tense 学习一般过去时 2. learn Some common irregular verbs 学习不规则动词,Session 1,1. Study the simple past of regular verbs in the affirmative and negative 学习一般过去时,学习时态的方法,1. 定义 2. 每种时态的三大结构:(肯定

2、,否定,疑问) 3.每种时态都有特定时间状语或特定的副词, 也就是说一看到就是什么时态了,一般过去时的动词分为2类结构,一般过去时的动词分为2类结构 be动词 am is are -was, were I was a student. (he/they) 行为动词 help go-helped went He liked English. (I/they),规则动词的过去式的四种构成方法(见p2-Language Focus),1)直接 + ed 构成过去式 ask-asked 2) 以 e 结尾的规则动词,直接 + d 构成过去式 arrive-arrived,3)以重读闭音节结尾,词尾满足

3、元音+一个辅音时,应双写辅音字母,再 + ed 构成过去式 plan-planned 4) 辅音字母 + y, 改 y 为 i 再+ ed 构成过去式 study-studied 注意: 以元音字母+y 结尾的规则动词直接+ ed构成过去式. play-played stay-stayed Exercise P3 Activity 3,见page 3-Activity 3用所给动词的过去式填空,1. I closed the door. 2. she answered my email yesterday. 3. We helped clear up the flat. 4. They cri

4、ed about the lost dog. 5. He agreed with me. 6. They played happily all day together. 7. You arrived too late for the meal. 8. They shopped for clothes all day long.,一般过去时的否定式 : p3-Language Focus(do-did-did not 动词原形),ask asked help helped arrive arrived plan planned try tried study studied play play

5、ed,did not ask did not help did not arrive did not plan did not try did not study did not play,一般过去时的否定式,I liked swimming when I was a child. I did not like swimming when I was a child. They came to the party. They did not (didnt) come to the party. (我不喜欢在呆在家。) I did not like staying at home. be 动词-

6、was; were直接变为was not; were not He was late yesterday. He was not (wasnt) late yesterday. They were not (werent) at home yesterday.,操练:Page 1 Activity 1,听对话,将短文补充完整: 1. 11:30 2. wine 3. sunny 4. 10 oclock 5. Polly,阅读短文,找出否定的句子: 1. didnt get up 2. didnt want 3. wasnt very good 4. didnt finish 5. didnt

7、 turn up 6. didnt dance,Page 1 Activity 1,阅读短文,判断句子的正误: 1.(F) They cleared up in the afternoon. 2.(F) Tim did the barbecur with Xiaoyan. 3.(F) It was nice. 4.(T) 5.(T) 6. (T),见page4-Activity 5用所给动词的正确形式填空,注意肯定与否定的形式,We did it! Tim and I announced our engagement last night. Everyone was really please

8、d. Everybody talked about our wedding plans for ages. I showed Xiaoyan my ring and she loved it! She wanted to know all about English weddings, but I didnt know what to tell her- I tried but theres too much to explain.Tim didnt stop smiling all evening. He looked very happy.,Session 2,1. Learn how t

9、o ask questions in the simple past 2. Practice short answers,一般过去时的疑问句与简略回答(规则动词)见p6-language focus,did+ 主语+ 动词原形 例句: She watched TV last night. Did she watch TV last night? Did you work yesterday morning? 回答: Yes , I did. No , I did not. I studied at home yesterday morning.,一般过去时的疑问句与简略回答(be 动词),Wa

10、s/were +主语+ 表语 例句: Polly was at the party. Was Polly at the party? -Yes, she was. Were they in the restaurant? -No, they werent. Exercise Activity 7,阅读对话,回答问句见p5-Activity 7,1. Why wasnt Jane at the party? 2. Who played the live music? 3.Where does Tom work? 4. Why wasnt he there?,She was in Paris. M

11、arys friends played the live music. He works in the accounts department. He went to visit his parnents.,关注过去时中特定时间状语或特定的副词,一般过去时指在过去某个特定时间发生且完成的动作,或过去习惯性动作,不强调对现在的影响,只说明过去。常跟明确的过去时间连用,如:yesterday昨天;last week上周;in 1945,at that time在那时;once过去; before从前;a few days ago几天前; 1. He worked very hard last ye

12、ar. 2. They were here only a few minutes ago.,Session 3,1. Learn to ask and answer questions in the simple past using wh-question words 学习一般过去时的特殊疑问句 2. learn some irregular verbs. 学习不规则动词,不规则动词的过去时,go-went come-came drink-drank spend-spent 注意动词中有a e i o u这五个字母时,通常是不规则动词(见p282 不规则动词表),多朗读,不规则动词的过去式(

13、操练),Activity 12:阅读短文,找出短文中使用过去式的动词,并写出动词的原形 1. went- go 2. had- have 3. came- come 4. were- are/be 5. could- can 6. brought-bring 7. played- play 8. drank- drink 9. fell - fall,10. made- make 11.told- tell 12. met- meet 13. spent- spend,不规则动词的过去式(操练),Activity 13用括号了动词哦的适当形式填空 1. had 2. saw 3. met 4.

14、 was 5. went 6. came 7. had 8. told,9. talked 10. were 11. didnt stay 12. went 13. watched 14. phoned,一般过去时特殊疑问句见p10-Language Focus,1.疑问词+助动词(did)+主语+动词原形 Where did you go? What did you do? 2.疑问词+系动词(was/were)+主语+表语 When were you at home? Why was he in Shanghai?,操练:划线提问 1. I travelled to Wuyi Mounta

15、in during the spring festival(春节). 2. He met my teacher yesterday. 3.I went to Beijing by plane.,Where did you travel during the spring festival?,Who did he meet yesterday?,How did you go to Beijing?,4. She found a new job last year. 5. Xiaoyan was in China before.,When did she find a new job?,Where was Xiaoyan before?,Page 12 Unit 19-vocabulary,1. get got 2.burnburned burn- burnt 3.enjoy oneself= have a good time 4. be engaged订婚了(表示一种状态) 5. grow - grew,SEE YOU,


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