讲故事 教英语课件

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《讲故事 教英语课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《讲故事 教英语课件(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、语境:既情景的设计。情景教学是小学英语教学的重点,教师一定要研读教材,设计符合学生生理和心理特点,贴近学生生活的情景,让学生在情景中学,使学生想说,能说,和有话可说。 语量:既语言输入的量。大量的语言信息的输入,才有可能出现大量的语言信息的内化和输出。因此,在教师设计教学的时候,不能就教材教教材,一定要做到高出教材一点点,挖深一点点,拓宽一点一点点,不要小看每天的一点点,信息量的输出需要大量的输入积累。如果你每天做到多输入一点点,持之以恒,一段时间后,你会发现你的孩子的输出能力更强。 语用:既语言的灵活运用,这种运用不但包括口头上的运用,也包括笔头上的运用。通过适切的情景设计,大量的语言输入,

2、那么,学生可以在耳濡目染中较好地感知、理解学习内容,并能在具体语境中运用所学知识,形成语言知识向语言能力的转化,自然而然习得语言。 总之,语境、语量、语用是有效英语课堂教学的关键。,人在旅途,难免有不安与困惑伴你同行,但不管怎样,你都要继续自己的人生之旅。,讲故事 教英语,安徽马鞍山市雨山区教育局教研室 赵刚,二期课改目标要求: 改变 过去片面强调系统性、准确性、规范性的教学模式 倡导 以培养学生实际的英语交际能力为宗旨 强调 在教材中使用真实的应用语言 到实际环境中锻炼学生的听说读写能力,有什么样的语言观就会有什么样的语言教学观。 有什么样的语言教学观就有什么样的教学行为。,教学观与教学,如

3、果认为语言就是知识, 教师在课堂上就会大量讲解语言知识。 如果认为语言是技能, 教师在课堂上就会大量进行语用训练。,教学观与教学,输入的作用: 语言不是学多少就掌握多少,而是输入大于吸收, 更要大于输出,要大量输入,才有少量输出; 听读是输入,说写是输出;要能理解的才能输入, 要掌握了才能输出;只有高效输入,才能优质输出。 英语知识讲了不一定懂了,懂了不一定会用, 要让知识转化为能力,靠的是反复操练和语用活动。,一、故事,顾名思义,故事。,Keys? Kiss?,A friend of mine was giving an English lesson to a class of adult

4、who had recently come to live in the United States. After placing quite a number of everyday objects on a table, he asked various members of the class to give him the ruler, the book, the pen and so on. The class went very smoothly and the students seemed interested and serious about the work that t

5、hey were engaged in until when my friend turned to an Italian student and said, Give me the kays. The man looked surprised and somewhat at a loss. Seeing this, my friend thought that the student hadnt heard him clearly, so he repeated. Give me the kays. The Italian shrugged his shoulders. Then, he t

6、hrew his arms around the teachers neck and kissed him on both cheeks.,Class and Ass,Professor Laurie of Glasgow put his notice on his door: Professor Laurie will not meet his classes today. A student, after reading the notice, rubbed out the c. Later Professor Laurie came along, and entering into th

7、e spirit of the joke, rubbed out the l. 班和笨驴 格拉斯哥的劳里教授在门上贴了这样一个通知:“劳里教授今天不见他的班级。” 一个学生读了通知后,擦掉了字母“c”(lass:姑娘)。 后来劳里教授来了,也想开开玩笑,他擦掉了字母“l”(ass:笨驴)。,二、此故事,而非彼故事。即阅读。,阅读材料从何而来? 网上下载英语儿歌故事 课外英语阅读书籍报刊 根据主题改编阅读材料 根据主题创编阅读材料,阅读材料如何选择? 话题要基于小学生的生活和思想 内容要生动有趣并有想象的空间 篇幅长短难易度要适合你的学生 句型要简单多样并易于写话模仿,朗读的作用: 生动优美的朗

8、读,体现了你对文章的体会和品位, 良好的英语朗读技能和习惯会为你日后的口头交流打 下坚实的基础。原汁原味的英语文章读多了,背熟了, 能出口成句、出口成章,就是说,而且说得准确, 说得流利,说的有文化品位。,背诵的作用: 背诵能将语音、词汇、语法融为一体。 背诵使学生接受的是直接可以运用的语言形式, 而不是被分解的支离破碎的语言; 背诵可以高度集中注意力,从而不断保持有效的语言刺激; 背诵能加深学生对文章的理解,从而提高阅读能力; 背诵会提高你对语音的辨别和感知能力,从而提高听力; 背诵会使你的语音、语调更加地道,从而提高口头表达能力,怎样培养小学生初步写话能力? 1阅读欣赏着手,增加输入量 2

9、. 通过有效的说促进写的能力的发展 3. 通过朗读和背诵促进写话能力提高 4. 营造和谐的环境、培养积极的态度,欣赏一些课堂所用故事材料,Tom is my good friend.,We are both smart and cute.,I can ride a horse.,He can ride a scooter.,We both like to draw.,But I like to draw the flowers.,He likes to draw the planes.,As you can see, we are good friends. But we are differ

10、ent.,What do you think about you and your friend?,2. What can you and your friend do?,3. What do you and your friend like to do?,Tom is my good friend. I am tall. Tom is short. I am taller than he. He is shorter than I. We are both smart and clever.,I can ride a horse. Tom can ride a scooter.,We bot

11、h like to draw.,No two people are the same. My classmate, Kitty and I look very different. I am tall and thin. She is short and thin. We both have black hair. But I have long hair, and she has short hair. I can swim. And she can play ball games. On the weekend I usually read a book at home. But she

12、usually watches TV at home. As you can see, we are classmates, but we are different.,Kitty is my classmate.,As you can see, we are classmates. But we are different.,We both like to play. But I like to play football. Kitty likes to play basketball.,I can run very fast. She can take a swing.,I am tall. She is short.,We both have black eyes. But my eyes are big. Kittys eyes are small.,beginning part,organs,abilities,body shapes,hobbies,ending part,我不会因昨日的成功而骄傲自大,也不会因为失败而当作是祸根。不论昨日的一切是好是坏,我将把这忘记,并满怀信心地迎接新一轮太阳的升起,我相信这将是美好的一天,只要我日益进取,不断学习,坚持到底。,Thank you!,


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