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1、英汉翻译理论与实践,主讲 蔡子亮,翻译理论与实践,英译汉常用的方法和技巧:(7) 被动句的译法: 1)译成被动句 2)译成主动句,试译下列句子: 1. The compass was invented by Chinese long ago. 2. The solution to the problem was finally found. 3. That question neednt be brought in. 4. Those who died for the country will be remembered forever by the people. 5. He was ver

2、y naughty and would be beaten almost every day.,1. The compass was invented by Chinese long ago. 很久以前,中国人发明了指南针。 2. The solution to the problem was finally found. 这个问题的解决办法终于找到了。 3. That question neednt be brought in. 不必把这个问题牵扯进来。 4. Those who died for the country will be remembered forever by the p

3、eople. 那些为国捐躯的人们将被人民永久缅怀。 5. He was very naughty and would be beaten almost every day. 他很顽皮,几乎天天挨揍。,6. The pop song is being taught over the radio. 7. Rivers are controlled by dams. 8. All those who work hard should be encouraged. 9. These products are made in our country. 10. 昨晚我盖了两条被子。,6. The pop

4、song is being taught over the radio. 广播里正在教唱这首流行歌曲。 7. Rivers are controlled by dams. 拦河坝把河流控制住了。 8. All those who work hard should be encouraged. 所有努力工作的人都应得到鼓励。 9. These products are made in our country. 这些产品是我国制造的。 10. 昨晚我盖了两条被子。 Last night I was covered up with two quilts.,英语中被动语态使用范围很广。凡说不出施动者、

5、不必说出施动者、不愿说出施动者或为了便于上下文连贯等,往往都用被动语态。 大量使用被动句是科技英语的一大特点。据统计,在科技文体中,被动句的使用频率比其他文体要大四倍。,汉语中虽也有被动语态,但使用的频率远不如英语高,范围也不如英语广。 汉语被动式用得比较少,这是汉语的一个特点。据统计,在水浒中,一回中只发现“被”字二三处;而在红楼梦中,则二三十回中,才见一处。,“五四” 运动前,“被” 往往与对动作承受者有不利影响的动词连用,如 “被迫害” ,“被腐蚀” 等。 但由于外来语的影响,汉语中 “被” 字的使用才趋向增加。,吕叔湘在现代汉语语法讲话中说“被”字句主要是说明主语有所遭受,不是自愿的,

6、因此常表示不愉快,不幸,不愿意一类的行为。 例如:“花被他们拿走了。” 其含义有“不情愿” 的意思。 而 “花他们拿走了。” 含义有 “本来就让他们来拿” 的意思。,试比较: I am painting a flower. 我在画花。() The flower is being painted by me. 花正在被我画。() The flower is painted badly by me. 花被我画坏了。() The flower is painted well by me. 花被我画好了。(?),其实,与英语不同的是,汉语的被动意义并不一定非要借助被受遭等助词来表达,也就是说汉语的被动

7、在形式和内容上并不完全一致。作为“意会”语言,汉语所表达的被动意义我们不难理解。 Will the question be discussed tomorrow morning? 这个问题明天上午讨论吗? The book was first published in 1980. 这本书在1980年首次出版。,Quirk曾指出,英语中有的被动句没有把施动者表现出来。而汉语则相反。 吕叔湘曾指出,汉语“非真正有需要的时候不用无施动者的被动式。”,英语中有无施动者都是很自然的, 而汉语中无施动者用“被”字就显得不自然, 干脆把“被”字去掉, 倒显得更简洁, 更符合汉语的表达习惯。 其实,汉语有一种

8、倾向,就是尽量避免使用“被”字,在行文中尽量选择能从主动角度恰当表达其被动含义的词语。 所以,汉译时,在“被”字可用可不用时要大胆删去。,例如: The difficulties have been overcome. 困难(被)克服了。 The problem has been solved. 问题(被)解决了。 Has the fish been caught? 鱼(被)捉住了吗? The president was assasinated in a theatre last night. 总统昨晚在一家剧院遇刺。 The speed of the molecules is increas

9、ed when they are heated. 当分子受热时,分子的速度就加快。,Let me try: 1. The difficulties have been overcome, the work has been finished and the problem solved. 困难克服了,工作完成了,问题也解决了。 2. Mercury freezes if it is cooled to too low a temperature (below about -40) . 如果水银 (被) 冷却到太低的温度(约低于华氏-40度) 它就冻结。,3. While I admit tha

10、t there are problems, I dont agree that they cannot be solved. 我承认问题是有的,但我不同意说问题不能解决。 4. The building is scheduled to be completed and turned over for use by the end of this year. 这栋大楼定于今年年底竣工并交付使用。,可见,由于两种语言中被动语态的使用频率和使用方式不同,故在英译汉时译文里的语态并不一定完全遵循原文里的语态,要根据情况作适当的选择。,英语中那些用了被动语态的句子在翻译成汉语时, 我们可以根据汉语的语言

11、习惯把被动语态转换成主动语态; 汉语中用主动语态的一些句子在翻译成英语时, 我们也可以根据具体情况把主动语态转换成被动语态。这就是所谓的转态译法/语态转换法(the change of voices)。,一)译成被动句:,1)当英语被动句的意思是不愉快,有所遭受,特别是在句中出现施动者,就与汉语被动句的使用范围相吻合。这时可译成汉语的被动句。句中用介词或助词“被”等引进施动者。 The woman was abandoned by her husband. 这个妇女被她丈夫抛弃了。,一)译成被动句:,Sometimes the communication would be seriously

12、disturbed by solar spots. 有时通讯会被日斑严重干扰。 They are being interrogated by the police. 他们正在被警察盘问。 He was being looked after by his sister. 他正由他妹妹照顾着。,一)译成被动句:,试译: We remember how many countries far from Europe, including China, have been drawn during this century into wars which had their origin in disa

13、greements within Europe. 我们还记得,在本世纪内,有多少远离欧洲的国家,包括中国,曾经被卷入起源于欧洲内部分歧的战争。,一)译成被动句:,2)英语被动句中虽无施动者,如果意思是有所遭受,也可译成被动句。 If the DNA is destroyed, the cell can not divide, and will die. 如果DNA被破坏,细胞就不能分裂,就会死去。 The words “work” and “power” are often confused or interchanged in colloquial use. 在日常口语中,“功”和“功率”这

14、两个词常被混淆或误用。,一)译成被动句:,3)英语被动句不表示不愉快的意思,也无施动者,照例应译成主动句。但是当句中有保留宾语或主语补足语,也可译成被动句。 The method is thought necessary. 这种方法被认为是必要的。,一)译成被动句:,再如: Radio waves are also known as radiant energy. 无线电波也被认为是辐射能。 Heat is regarded as a form of energy. 热被看作是能的一种形式。,一)译成被动句:,4)由于现代汉语中被动句的使用范围,受到外来语的影响而扩大,所以有些表示愉快意思或中

15、性意思的英语被动句有时也可译成被动句。 He was elected chairman. 他被选为主席。 She was made a model worker. 她被选为劳模。,一)译成被动句:,再如: I didnt expect that I would be asked to speak. 我没料到会被要求发言。,一)译成被动句:,5)根据汉语的表达习惯, 译成“遭/受/挨/给/为所”字句: They are good at us and we are never beaten. 他们对我们很好, 我们从来没有挨过打。 His suggestion was opposed by mos

16、t of the present company. 他的建议遭到在场多数人的反对。,一)译成被动句:,再如: To prevent the Old Beijing from being destroyed, Mao Zedong was determined to liberate it peacefully. 为避免北京古城遭到破坏,毛泽东极力主张和平解放北京。 He cant write anything, for his pen and paper had been taken away. 他已无法写任何东西,因为纸和笔已给拿走了。,一)译成被动句:,再如: Our foreign policy is supported by the Third World Countries. 我们的外交政策得到第三世界国家的支持。 He who runs against history will be finally cast away by it. 逆历史潮流而动的人终将为历史所抛弃。 He was loved by all. 他受到大家的爱戴。,二)译成主动句:,1)没有动作的发出者,译



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