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1、1.欣赏文学 2.古典文学 3.文学世界的遗产 4.很受欢迎 5.杰出的文风 与智慧典范 6.遗忘在书架上积尘 7.与今天的生活 无关 8.占有一席之地 9.获奖影片 10.被改编成电影 现代改写本,1.appreciate literature 2.classic literature 3.the antiques of the literary world 4.be well received 5.examples of great writing and wisdom 6.be left to gather dust on shelves 7.have nothing to do wit

2、h life today 8. have a place 9.the award-winning film 10.be made into films a modern adaptation,11.一次 12.在舞台上表演 13.肥皂剧 14.以英国为背景 15.没有什么 善言好语可说 16.宁愿.也不愿意 17.在薄雾笼罩的坟场上 18.危险不确定的象征 19.增添紧张气氛 和更深层含义 20.使更清晰,11.at a time 12.be performed on stage 13.the soap operas 14.be set in England 15.seldom have a

3、kind word to say 16.would ratherthan 17.in a misty field of tombs 18.a symbol of danger and uncertainty 19.add tension and deeper meaning 20.make it clearer,21.使他不用为 经济问题担忧 22.做了一个突然决定 23.不停地使他想到自己 的贫寒出身 24.因而兴奋 25.迫不及待地 26.不久 27.养成浅薄有偏见的缺点 28.对有刻板的观念 29.一心想要 30.华而不实的教育 31.人物的性格发展,21.set him free fr

4、om financial worries 22.make an abrupt decision 23.be a constant reminder of his shabby beginnings 24.excited by 25.can hardly wait to 26.Before long 27.develop the shortcomings of being shallow and having prejudice 28.have rigid ideas of 29.be bent on doing 30.a fancy education 31.character develop

5、ment,1.文学巨匠 2.是的典型 3.以闻名 4.一夜间全国闻名 5.最大的城市中心 6.靠种田维持生计 7.艰难的生活 8.虚弱的体质 9.哀悼某人的逝世 10.捐钱资助 11.的纪念碑 12.对公众展出 13.属于,a supreme literary hero be typical of have a reputation for become famous nationwide overnight 5. the largest urban centre 6.earn ones living by farming 7.a hard life 8.a weak constitution

6、 9.mourn ones death 10.donate money to support 11.a monument to sb 12.be publicly exhibited 13.belong to,1.witness the first of eight performances 2.in the Forbidden City 3.star sb. 4.sb be cast 5.towards the end of ones life 6.avoid marriage 7.any potential husband 8.There couldnt be a better setti

7、ng. 8.be perfect for 10.announce the start of an opera 11.shortly afterwards 12.For the first time,1.看八场演出的首场 2.在紫禁城 3.由担当主演 4.某人被选派扮演角色 5.到生命的最后时期 6.逃避出嫁/婚姻 7.任何可能的丈夫 8.不可能有比这 更好的场景了 9.对来说是绝佳的 10.宣告了歌剧的开场 11.过后不久 12.第一次,13.fall in love with 14.solve the riddles 16.express ones love for 17.take on a

8、 classic love triangle 18.be drunk with power 19.dare to do 20. exercise control over sb 21.find the deaths of so many men disturbing 22.break ones promise 23.recite the answer to 23.be greatly upset by 24.by sunrise,13.爱上某人 14.揭开迷底 15.倾诉了对某人的爱 16.演绎了一段经典的 三角恋情 17.醉心于权力 18.敢于做- 19.控制某人 20.感到杀了这么多人 很

9、不安 21.食言 22.一一说中了的答案 23.因非常苦恼 24.在日出前,25.be desperate to do 26.threathen and terrify sb 27.win ones affection 28.leave ones future in ones hands 29.finish with a beautifully-sung final duet 30.fall silent 31.stage the opera 32.one of his former students 33.internationally famous conductor 34.a heart

10、breaking love story 35.the key components,25.不顾一切的做- 26.威胁恐吓某人 27.赢得某人的爱情 28.把未来托付于之手 29.在一段美妙的终曲 二重唱中结束 30.陷入了沉默 31.上演歌剧 32.他以前的一名学生 33.国际有名的指挥家 34.令人心碎的爱情故事 35.关键要素,1.talented artists 1.be amazed to do 2.develop different styles of painting 4.fly to 5.my favourite part 7.creat this masterpiece 7.a

11、 lady with dark hair and a mysterious smile 8.share with the world 9.in the field of astronomy 10.range from-to-,phrases,1.有才华的艺术家 2.惊讶地做- 2.创造了不同风格 的绘画 4.乘飞机去 5.我最喜欢的部分 7.创作了这幅杰作 7.一位留着黑发带着 神秘微笑的夫人 8.与世界共享 9.在天文学领域 10.从-到-,11.love to paint lotus flowers 12. float on the surface of a pond 13. It fee

12、ls peaceful to do 14.fly over a thunderstorm 15. beneath the plane 16.see a beautiful rainbow in the clouds 17.create more abstract artwork 18.devote ones whole self to doing 19.distribute to 20.negotiate a successful sale 21. be off to ,11.喜爱画莲花 12.浮在池塘的 水面上 13.做感到很宁静 14.飞越了雷雨区 15.在飞机下面 16.看到云层中 美丽

13、的彩虹 17.创作了更为抽 象的艺术作品 18.全身心地投入 19.向散布/推销 20.谈成一笔买卖 21.动身去,1.由烘成不同颜色的 面包片制成的 2.用作 3.把用作头发 4.切碎 5. 半片西红柿 6.用做 一个笑脸 7.当地的食品店里,be made out of slices of bread baked to different colours 2.serve as 3. use as hair 4.cut up 5.half a tomato slice 6.make a smile from 7. at the local grocery,8.给拍照片 9.永远保存 10.被粘在卡片上 11.对来说听起来恶心 12.被浸到里 浏览一本书 13.尝试 14.玩得开心 15. 试验;试用,8.take a photo of 9.keepforever 10.be stuck onto the card 11.sound disgusting to sb. 12.be dipped into dip into a book 13.have a go at/doing 14.have fun 15. try out,



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