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1、项目简介客户:常州华中集团指纹产品事业部,九五年成立,公司坐落于常州大苍路。是国内一家以设计、制造、生产指纹设备为主的合资企业。公司生产的AM系列分体式牙指纹锁产品项目:AM2060B指纹锁产品设计周期:40 天1. 企业原始产品 The Black Hole of Capital Flight 明确设计内容:当我们跟客户确定设计合作后,我们会由我们的市场人员及设计人员跟客户沟通,了解设计的内容及工业设计所应实现的目标。 Make sure of the details: After fixing the cooperation on design with the client, we wi

2、ll communicate with the client, which done by our market personnel and designer to understand the details and the aim which should be realized during the process of industry design . 2. 确定产品主要内部模块 Confirm the main inside module of products 根据客户提供的原始产品或产品功能模型,分析产品的功能实现原理,结构的变化幅度,确定产品的限制条件和设计重点。 Accor

3、ding to the primitive product or the functional modeling that offered by the client ,we analys the function-realize-principle of the product and the range of structure changing to confirm the limiting condition and the key point . 3. 竞争对手产品市场调研 The Black Hole of Capital Flight 设计调研是设计师设计展开中的必备步骤,此过程

4、使工业设计师必须了解产品的销售状况,所处生命周期的阶段,产品的竞争者的状况、使用者和销售商对产品的意见 。这些都是设计定位和设计创造的依据。对于像指纹锁这类产品,设计难度主要集中于外观的悦目性和形态定位的准确性上,如何缩短设计周期来抓住变幻莫测的大众消费市场。 Design research is essential while designer developing the design work. This course makes industry designer know the sales condition of the product, product lifecycle st

5、age , state of the competitors , users and sellers suggestion . All these are the basis of orientation & creation. As to the product like fingerprint lock, the difficulty of design mainly concentrates on the pleasing appearance and the styling accuracy , how to shorten the design cycle to hold chang

6、eable masses market. 4. 与客户商定产品粗略结构排布 The Black Hole of Capital Flight 在对产品的概念进行定位后,与客户确定产品的粗略结构排布,分析技术的可行性,成本预算和商业运作的可行性。了解客户对产品的基本构思。 After orientating the concept of the product, we confirm the rough-structure and the arrangement of the product, with the client, analys the feasibility of the tech

7、nology, cost budget and the commerce operation. Understand clients basic idea of the product . 5. 构思产品草图 Draw sketch of the product 构思草图阶段的工作将决定产品设计70%的成本和产品设计的效果。所以这一阶段是整个产品设计最为重要的阶段。通过思考形成创意,并加以快速的记录。这一设计初期阶段的想法常表现为一种即时闪现的灵感,缺少精确尺寸信息和几何信息。基于设计人员的构思,通过草图勾画方式记录,绘制各种形态或者标注记录下设计信息,确定三至四个方向,再由设计师进行深入设计

8、。 Work of the sketch conceive stage determines the 70% cost of the product design and the design result . So this stage is the most important one of the whole process. Originality be created through deep thinking , and recorded quickly . This idea of initial stage of design is often shown as a kind

9、of inspiration flashing immediately, which is lack of accurate size information and geometry information. Base to the idea of designer, record all results by sketching ,draw many types or mark design information in graphic format, confirm three or four orientation, then designer develops the detail

10、design. 6. 完成产品平面效果图 2D rendering of the product design 2D效果图将草图中模糊的设计结果确定化,精确化。这个过程可以通过CAD软件来完成。通过这个环节生成精确的产品外观平面设计图。既可以清晰 地向客户展示产品的尺寸和大致的体量感,表达产品的材质和光影关系,是设计草图后的更加直观和完善的表达。 2D-rendering make the design result in the sketch accurate. This course can be finished by CAD software. Produce the accurate

11、 picture of the product appearance through this link .It can show the size and dimension sense, express roughly material and shadow relationship of the product to client clearly. It is a more ocular and perfect presentation than sketching.7. 产品3D设计图 Perspective rendering of the products 三维建模即用3d的语言来

12、描述产品形态和结构的过程,它的最大的优点是设计的直观性和真实性,在三维的空间内多角度的观察调整产品的形态,可以省去原来的部分的样机试制过程,可以更为精确直观的构思出产品的结构,从而更具体表达产品构思,提高产品设计质量 。3D图有精确的形态比例关系,和精致的细节设计,可以直观的用于与客户的沟通交流。 3D modeling is the process to describe the form and structure of the products with 3d language , its greatest advantage is the reality and authenticity , adjust the form of the products in observation of much angles in three-dimensional space, can save the trial-manufacture course of the original part , can form the structure of the products in accurate and ocular way , thus express the products mo



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