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1、The background of election of president in US.,Members:,The requirements,1.He/She must be born in America. 2.He/She must be a citizen of America. 3.He/She must be at least 35years old. 4.He/She should pay a mount of cash fund. The cash fund would not be paid back until he gets the legal votes.,The p

2、rocedure,Preliminary election Hold the national convention(全国党代表大会) The election campaign begin Beginning to vote,Preliminary election,Enter his name in the party Try to be nominated in the party. Then every party in every state choose the delegates to take part in the national convention.,back,Nati

3、onal convention,To confirm the candidates of the presidents and the vice-presidents Make the platform of each party,back,Use several ways promote their image,1.Electronic Media,2.Print Media,3.Activities,4.Fashion,appears in the famous talk program The Tonight Show With Jay Leno of (NBC), interviewe

4、d by the host- Jay Leno.,Michel Obama,TV:,Internet:,back,Newspaper:,magazine :,Outdoor advertising:,back,Lecture: In the lecture, the candidates often elaborate the current condition, and introduce their policies in order to attract more voters.,Debates : elaborate their policies show their advantag

5、es and find out the disadvantages of the adversarys policies as much as possible embarrass the adversary as possible as they can,back,U.S. presidential candidate Barack - Hussein - Obama also came to the arena game, a cordial conversation with the Hornets team photo.,Obama and the Hornets team(黄蜂队),

6、Participate in campus activities,Shoes& T-shirt,Candidate dolls,Food:,lollipop,bread,Where the money comes from,Apply to the central finance for most of the expense Raise money from the party they stand Collect money from the enterprise,back,Voting,representatives of the voters 选举人团投票,Electorate 全民投

7、票,The procedure of voting,Electorate,Vote in,President,representatives of the voters,the first Tuesday after the first week of the election in November,Vote in,The first Monday after the second Wednesday of the election in December.,Base on the population of each state,Example :,State A 1000 million

8、 eligible voters,Candidate A 501 million votes from Electorate,Candidate B 409 million votes from Electorate,Candidate A gains 20 electoral votes in state A,20 members in the Congress., Presidential candidate must reach to 270 electoral votes , or more than half of the voters nationwide. If both can

9、didates gain 269 votes ,or neither of them gain 270 votes , the president will be determined by the parliament., The results of the voting will be announced next year at 1p.m January 1st , and then the new president will inaugurate on January 20th.,The President of the United States inauguration pro

10、gram,Morning prayer ceremony(晨祷仪式): elected President to attend the church ceremony, it was put into effect since president Franklin Roosevelt inaugurated in 1933. Marched to the Capitol hill(列队前往国会山): departing President and the elected president went to Capitol hill to attend the inauguration cere

11、mony, accompanied by oath.,The vice President take the oath of office (副总统宣誓就职): the elected vice President sworn in elected President was sworn in before. Presidential oath(总统宣誓就职): swearing-in ceremony usually presided over by the Supreme Court chief justice. The new President for the first time a

12、 formal speech.,Inaugural luncheon(就职午餐会): President, vice President and invited guests attended by both houses of congress and congressional committee on inaugural ceremonies luncheon. The committee is responsible for organizing and processing the inauguration . Lunch normally with the new Presiden

13、t and vice President of hometown cuisine.,To celebrate the inauguration parade(庆祝总统就职游行): after the lunch, the Presidents motorcade along Pennsylvania avenue, a military honor guard, civil society groups, with a military band and floats . The President, vice President, and the guests in front of the

14、 White House on a balcony to watch the parade . March by the United States armed forces joint working groups inauguration preparatory committee.,Celebrate the presidential inaugural ball(庆祝总统就职舞会): that night, congressional committee on inaugural ceremonies have many party to congratulate the new President took office. In Washington held the ball is traditional activities since James Madison President took office in 1809.,



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