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1、高考英语描述类书面表达题导写一、文体概述描述性作文是以叙述和描写为主要表达方式,以写人物经历及写事物的发展变化等为主要内容的文体。此类文体常用第一人称写自己的经历,用第三人称写他人的经历和事迹。谓语动词一般以过去时态为主,其他时态为辅。但有时可根据行文的需要灵活选用时态。二、常用短语1. in ones spare/free time 在某人空闲时间内2. live a . life过着生活3. get along well with 和关系融洽4. take interest in /be interest in 对感兴趣5. make up ones mind to do sth./be

2、determined to do sth 决心做某事6. . is my favourite 是我最喜欢的7. take up a job as /work as 从事一份的工作8. to ones +(情感)抽象名词 使某人感到的是9. cannot help doing sth 情不自禁做某事10. be very fond of /be keen on /be crazy about 酷爱三、常用句式1. be about to do sth./be doing sth. when . 就要/正在做某事时那时2. It occurred to me that. /It struck me

3、 that.我突然想起3. With time going on /As time went on随着时间的推移,4. What makes sb.+形容词+is that . 使某人的是5. It turned out that . 结果是四、习作修改 下列习作中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。Joey was traveling in a train for his parents. All the time he is glancing with joy at his new shoe that his father had bought f

4、or him. After some time, he removed his shoes to take him a nap. After waking up, he found one of his shoes missing. He started crying unhappy. His parents tried to comfort him. His father told him it was no use crying but promised that after reaching home, he would buy him a new pair of shoes.Victo

5、r got very excited on hearing his fathers words that he threw other shoe out of the train. Reached the destination, he suddenly found his losing shoe in a basket.How he regretted it!五、课堂练习一家英语报社向中学生征文,主题是“未来工作畅想”,请根据下列要点和你的畅想完成短文。1. 你梦想的工作。2. 你的兴趣或特长。3. 该工作的重要性。注意:1. 词数100左右。2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3. 开头语

6、已为你写好。As a senior three student, I often imagine what I will be doing in the future._六、课外作业某中学生英文报正举办“The Season I Like Best”的征文活动。请用英文写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:1. 你最喜欢的季节;2. 你喜欢该季节的两条理由(如:气候、景色、活动)。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 题目已为你写好;3. 行文?B贯,语篇完整;4. 文中不得透露个人真实信息。_参考答案与解析习作修改本文描述的是Joey在旅途中,坐火车时丢失鞋子的故事。1. forwith 与某人同游,用介词

7、with。2. iswas 描述过去发生的事情,谓语动词应相应地用过去式。3. shoe shoes 鞋子一般是一双,用复数形式。4. 去掉take后的him 这里指take a nap(小睡一会),固定搭配,不能加him。5. unhappyunhappily 修饰动词应用副词。6. butand 两句话之间没有转折关系,爸爸告诉Joey哭是没有用的,然后承诺到家后给他买一双新的,顺承关系,用and。7. veryso 后面出现that,构成so . that . 的句式。8. 在threw和other中间加上the 特指两只鞋中另外一只,需要用定冠词。9. ReachedReaching

8、句子逻辑主语是he,是动词的发出者,分词应用ing形式。10. losinglost 丢失的,用lost而不用losing。课堂练习As a senior three student, I often imagine what I will be doing in the future. Talking of my dream job, I expect to be an English teacher for the following reasons.First, Im an energetic outgoing girl/boy with great patience. Thats wh

9、at makes a qualified teacher, in my opinion. Besides, I am crazy about the English language, and I am doing quite well. Above all, teachers are generally respected and well-paid. With two vacations each year, I may enjoy more relaxing time. As a responsible girl/boy, I hope to take up a job which is

10、 beneficial to society. Being a good teacher may influence more students to shoulder their responsibilities and contribute to their country.In short, Ill work even harder to become a popular English teacher.课外作业Among the four seasons in a year, summer is my favorite, which makes me free, excited and

11、 energetic.When summer vacation for us students comes every year, we can do all that we cant do during our school time, going shopping with friends, swimming in warm water and even hiking and camping in the deep valleys, all of which, I think, lead me to full freedom. We can find us in an exciting world every day, with the sun shining brightly, trees growing greenly and flowers coming out with all kinds of colors. Summer makes me full of energy and I feel I have the strength to do the most difficult things in my life.?任编辑 蒋小青


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