九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colour Vocaburay精品学案 牛津译林版.doc

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1、九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colour Vocaburay精品学案 牛津译林版课 题9A unit2 color Vocaburay 学习目标知识目标理解什么是同义词能力目标学习和掌握一些新词:Satisfied influence realize require unhappiness 和它们的同义词情感目标学习重点掌握一些形容词的同义词。学习难点能够准确的运用形容词的同义词。课前自学6. 复习Reading 部分的相关内容,用自己的话来描述每种颜色并说明他们所代表的意义。7. 写出以前所学过的同义词,看谁写的又多又好。(可以借助词典) 如:unhappy 与 sad8. 把下列句子变成

2、它的同义句。 1.)He is very kind to us all. (同义句)He is very _ to us all . 2.)Thank you for asking me to your birthday party.( 同义句)Thank you for _ me to your birthday party. 4.把A栏与B栏中意思相同的用线进行连接。A B big quick small cheerful fast inexpensive happy rarely seldom large cheap little wrong incorrect calm faultmi

3、stake relaxed课堂交流展示1. 检查阅读部分的内容(小组之间进行比赛,看哪组复习的最好,教师给予适当的奖励。)2. 把预习中的同义词写在本组的小黑板上,邻组之间相互订正,看哪组写的多。3.让学生写出预习题中同意句的答案。 (1 .good / friendly ; 2. inviting . “kind /good /friendly”的意思相近; “ask/invite意思相近 。也就是说它们是同义词。)3.核对预习四的答案。对于能力较强的学生可以直接把同义词默写在黑板上。4.游戏。把全班分成四组,第一组的学生说出一个单词,第二组的学生说出它的同义词,说的越多越好,如果说不出来就

4、是失败。最后由老师公布获胜组,并给予一定奖励。5.解释书中30页A部分内容,并让学生完成A部分的单词。找一个学生朗读答案,其余学生帮助订正答案以及读音。6.师生合作完成B部分的练习。学生先完成答案。老师读一个单词,学生读出它的同义词,注意正确的读音。7.学生回忆并总结本课学习的同义词。课堂达标检测一、 写出下列词的同义词。(12)1. mood _ 2. characteristics _ 3. wish _4. know _ 5. influence _ 6. need _7. sadness _ 8. happiness _ 9. calm _10. energetic _ 11. con

5、tented _ 12. strong _二、根据所给词的适当形式填空(8)1.If you were born on 21st, October, you like to be a _ (power) person.2. John looks _ (happy), because he couldnt pass the exam.3. Jim is _ (energy) and active. He often takes part in activities.4. I often share my _ (happy) and sadness with my sister.5. Are yo

6、u _ (satisfy) with his performance last Sunday?6. Yellow is the colour of _(wise). Some people like _(use) it when they study for exams.7. Wearing red can help when you are having difficulty _(make) a _(decide).三、 找出与划线词意思相似的单词(4)1. Jims father was ill in hospital. He looks sad. A. unhappy B. unusua

7、l C. impolite2.I like the light colour because it can make me relaxed. A. stressed B. excited C. calm3.Air pollution can affect peoples health. A. effect B. influence C. make4. If you need help, please call me at any time. A. have B. solve C. requireVocaburay一、写出下列词的同义词。1.feelings 2.qualities 3.hope 4.realize 5.affect 6. require 7.unhappiness 8.joy 9.relaxed 10.lively 11.satisfied powerful 二、根据所给词的适当形式填空1.powerful 2.unhappy 3.energetic 4.happiness 5.satisfied 6.wide using 7.making decision三、 找出与划线词意思相似的单词 1.a 2. c 3. b 4. c3


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