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1、,第23讲:紧固件和结构连接件 Lesson 23: Fasteners and Framing Connectors,1,木产品的连接 Connecting wood products,三种基本的连接: Three basic categories of connections: 木材和木材连接Wood-to-wood 木材和混凝土连接Wood-to-concrete or masonry 木材和钢材连接Wood-to-steel,3,木产品的连接 Connecting wood products,结构构件、覆面板同其它木产品或混凝土或砌体的连接有多种方法: Several methods

2、can be used to connect or reinforce joints betweenframing members, sheathing and other wood products or concrete or masonry: 紧固件(例如 钉子、码钉、螺丝和螺栓) Fasteners (e.g. nails, staples, screws and bolts) 轻型金属结构连接件 Light metal framing connectors 结构用胶 Construction adhesives,4,木产品的连接 Connecting wood products,现代

3、梁柱式结构和传统重木结构有其他的连接方法: Other methods are used for connections in modern post and beam and traditional timber frame construction 梁柱式结构上一般使用特殊的重型金属连接件,可以快速、经济地实现高强度的连接Post and beam typically uses special heavy metal connectors for speed,economy and strength 传统重木结构采用榫卯和木钉连接Traditional timber frame uses

4、joint geometry and wooden pegs 在这两种建筑中,连接件大多暴露在外作为建筑的一部分For both forms of construction, connections are often exposed as an architectural feature,5,重型金属连接件 Heavy metal connectors,现代梁柱式建筑的隐形连接 Example of concealed connections for modern post and beam construction,6,木柱子和梁的连接Wood post to wood beam conn

5、ection,木柱子和混凝土的连接 Wood post to concrete connection,重型金属连接件 Heavy metal connectors,现代梁柱式建筑中暴露在外的连接 Example of exposed connection for modern post and beam construction,7,传统细木工 Traditional joinery,传统重木结构建筑的接头样式 Examples of joints for traditional timber frame construction,8,木钉用于紧固连接部位Wood pegs used to s

6、ecure joint,传统细木工 Traditional joinery,传统重木结构建筑的接头样式 Examples of joints for traditional timber frame construction,9,钉子 Nails,钉连接是现代木结构施工中最常见的连接方式 Nailing is most common method to join members in modern wood frame construction 钉子就像是削尖的螺栓被压到木材中Nails are sharpened metal pins driven into wood 木质纤维和钉子表面之间

7、的摩擦力形成了钉子握钉力Pressure of the wood fibers against the surface of the nail give it its holding power 常见的钉子具有光滑的钉径,也有扭曲的或者带圈的钉子,握钉力更强 Nails usually have smooth shanks but can be twisted or ringed for greater holding power,10,光滑的钉径(常规的握钉力)Smooth shank (normal holding power),麻花或者螺纹钉径(增加的握钉力)Twisted or spi

8、ral shank (increased holding power),带圈的钉径(最大的握钉力)Ringed shank (most holding power),钉子 Nails,钉子种类 Types of nails 普通钉是木结构建筑中最常用的钉子Common nails are used most often in wood frame construction 箱钉与普通钉外观类似,但钉径较细,钉头偏小,不易使木材开裂Box nails are similar in appearance to common nails but have thinner shanks and sma

9、ller heads making them less likely to split wood 双头钉有两个钉头,用于临时性建筑或构件(比如支撑,模板或脚手架等),便于拆除Duplex nails have a double head for easily removal in temporary construction (e.g. braces, formwork or scaffolding),11,钉子 Nails,钉子的钉尖形状决定其劈裂木材的力度 Shape of a nails point affects its tendency to split the wood 钉尖越尖,

10、钉子越容易钉入Sharper point makes the nail act more like a wedge than a punch 钉尖越尖,越易钉入,握钉力越强,同时也越容易造成木材开裂Easier to drive and results in higher holding power but is more likely to split the wood,12,钝菱形钉尖: 连接较硬木材,减少劈裂Blunt diamond (for harder wood to reduce splitting),长菱形钉尖:更易钉入Long diamond (for easier driv

11、ing),锥形钉尖:连接木材和砌砖Conical (to attach wood to masonry),菱形钉尖:最常见的钉尖形状Diamond (most common shape),钉子 Nails,钉子尺寸 Sizes of nails 钉子长度尺寸范围为13mm至150mm Nails are specified by their length and range from 13 mm to 150 mm 美制用“便士尺寸”(penny)表示普通钉子尺寸,表示为字母“d”,例如 8d = 64 mm, 10d = 76mm, 16d = 89 mmU.S. system of mea

12、surement for common nails is the “penny” abbreviated d(e.g. 8d = 64 mm, 10d = 76mm, 16d = 89 mm) 长钉长度大的钉子称作长钉,其长度为100 mm 到 350 mm Large nails are called spikes and rangefrom 100 mm to 350 mm in length,13,长钉Spike,钉子Nails,钉子 Nails,三种基本钉钉方法: Three basic methods of nailing: 水平钉钉:三种方法中连接强度最大Face nailing:

13、 strongest of three methods 垂直钉钉:力度偏弱,主要用于连接并对齐结构构件,再依靠重力作用和覆面板作用力来加强垂直钉钉的连接强度End nailing: much weaker and used primarily to hold framing members in alignment until gravity forces and sheathing is applied to strengthen the connection 斜向钉钉:正确操作下,连接强度几乎与水平钉钉一样强Toe nailing: Correctly done, can be almos

14、t as strong as face nailing,14,水平钉钉Face nailing,斜向钉钉Toe nailing,垂直钉钉 End nailing,钉子 Nails,钉枪的使用可以有效地提高施工效率 Using a framing nailer significantly improves productivity 绝大多数是钉枪都是气动的 Most framing nailers are pneumatic 两种类型:排钉枪和卷钉枪 Two types: Stick-style and coil-style,15,卷钉枪Coil-style framing nailer,排钉枪

15、Stick-style framing nailer,钉子 Nails,避免钉子钉入连接件过深或未完全钉入,尤其是钉接覆面板时 Avoid overdriving or underdriving fasteners,especially for sheathing 钉枪使用不当会造成钉子钉入过深 Improperly adjusted framing nailer can overdrive fasteners 钉子钉入不当会减弱连接强度,同时也会减少覆面板的剪力强度Improperly driven nails weaken the connection andreduce shear st

16、rength provided by sheathing 连接墙体和屋面覆面板时,紧固件钉入覆面板过深,过深长度不能多于3mmFor wall and roof sheathing, limit overdrivingof fasteners to a maximum of 3 mm 如果超过20%的紧固件件钉入过深且过深长度超过3mm时,必须增加坚固件的数量If more than 20% of fasteners are overdrivenmore than 3 mm, additional fasteners must be added,16,钉子应与覆面板表面平齐Nails should be driven flush to the face of a sheathing panel,钉子 Nails,17,钉子与连接件表面平齐Nails are flush,钉子钉入过深Nails are overdriven,部分钉子未完全钉入Some nails are underdriven,钉接连接件时务必留意,切勿钉入



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