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1、语篇分级演练完形篇- Passage 1 - A lot of English people have 1 names: a 2 name, a middle name and a 3 name. Their family names come4 . For example (例如), my full name is Bill Alan Green. 5 is my family name. My first name is 6 , and my middle name is 7 .People dont use their middle names very much.In China, t

2、he first name is the family name, and the last name is the given name.( )1. A. two B. threeC. four D. many( )2. A. first B. fullC. boys D. girls( )3. A. full B. familyC. boys D. girls( )4. A. first B. lastC. three D. grandpa( )5. A. Bill B. AlanC. Green D. first( )6. A. Bill B. AlanC. Green D. full(

3、 )7. A. Bill B. AlanC. Green D. last- Passage 2 -Mrs. Brown is going to 1 a birthday party for Betty. Betty is 2 daughter. She is going to 3 eleven years old. A lot of Bettys friends 4 going to come to the party. There are going to be fifteen girls at the party.Mrs. Brown is getting ready for the pa

4、rty. Mrs. Green is 5 her.“Thank you very much.”Mrs. Brown is going 6 now. Shes buying 7 for the party, too.She buys a lot of oranges, apples and bananas. 8 she goes home.Its three oclock in the afternoon. 9 is ready. Now the 10 girl is arriving. The party is going to start.( )1. A. has B. holdC. hel

5、p D. open( )2. A. his B. sheC. her D. hers( )3. A. be B. areC. is D. am( )4. A. is B. amC. are D. be( )5. A. telling B. helpingC. giving D. bringing( )6. A. shopping B. workingC. dancing D. singing( )7. A. vegetable B. sandwichC. chocolate D. fruit( )8. A. vegetable B. ThenC. And D. But( )9. A. Noth

6、ing B. SomethingC. Everything D. Anything( )10. A. tall B. otherC. first D. last- Passage 1 -I love music a lot. And I really like the famous singer Zhu Xiaoyun. Many young people today may not know her. But I know she is more well-known than twenty years1 . She was a dancer at first. But one day sh

7、e thought that she could also sing 2 . So she went to visit a music teacher. The teacher 3 her to sing a few songs and then said that she would not be successful in singing, 4 she didnt have a good voice.5 Zhu Xiaoyun didnt give up. She spent a lot of time 6 to music lessons. She had7 time to rest.

8、She didnt have much money to buy 8 delicious food. Life was really hard for her at that time. But she didnt complain about anything. Instead, she felt happy because she proved that she could be a good singer at last 9 she practiced singing for many years.If you want to do something, just10 . You wil

9、l be successful in the end!( )1. A. before B. agoC. after D. later( )2. A. better B. goodC. well D. best( )3. A. asks B. askingC. to ask D. asked( )4. A. but B. soC. why D. because( )5. A. And B. SoC. But D. When( )6. A. going B. to goC. went D. gone( )7. A. little B. a fewC. few D. a little( )8. A.

10、 hers B. sheC. the teacher D. herself( )9. A. before B. afterC. and D. so( )10. A. have music lessonsB. try your bestC. find a teacherD. spend little money- Passage 2 -New York, London, Paris and other big1 are exciting (令人兴奋的) places to live2 . There are many 3 things to see and 4 . You can go to t

11、he different kinds of museums, plays and films. You can also 5 things from all over the world.But there are 6 problems in big cities, too. It is 7 to live there, and there are too8 people in some places of big cities. Every year many people 9 to the cities to find jobs (工作), to study at 10 schools a

12、nd receive good medical (医疗的) care. 11 sometimes12 people can not find work or good places to live in, also it is 13 to 14 the cities safe and clean.Some people enjoy 15 in big cities, others do not. Before people move to a big city, they should think about the problems of living there.( )1. A. town

13、 B. villagesC. cities D. places( )2. A. in B. onC. inside D. into( )3. A. important B. interestingC. beautiful D. useful( )4. A. to find B. to makeC. to think D. to do( )5. A. find B. seeC. buy D. look for( )6. A. useful B. importantC. serious D. beautiful( )7. A. cheap B. expensiveC. easy D. happy(

14、 )8. A. many B. muchC. few D. fewer( )9. A. walk B. travelC. fly D. move( )10. A. good B. newC. big D. modern( )11. A. But B. AndC. Also D. Else( )12. A. few B. fewerC. these D. those( )13. A. easy B. hardC. interesting D. important( )14. A. make B. keepC. let D. try( )15. A. live B. to liveC. lived

15、 D. living- Passage 1 -I will never forget an accident that happened in my own childhood. When I was a boy of twelve, something happened to me that made me never 1 any birds in a cage.We lived on the edge of a 2 in South Carolina, and every evening many mocking-birds would come and rest in the trees and sing. There isnt any sound that can be 3 than the song of the mocking-bird.I decided to catch a young bird and keep it in a cage, 4 in that way, I could have my own musician.I finally caught one and put it in a cage. The bird was 5 and flu



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