二年级英语下册 Unit7 Is it a pear教案 北师大版.doc

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1、Unit7 Is it a pear?Lesson 1教学目标 知识目标:Whats this / that? Its a / an . Is it a / an ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 能力目标:Listen and talk. 情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,培养学生的自信心。 教学重难点:Asking and answering question about single objects 教学过程: 1.Review and learn.Review some of the English expressions in Units 2 and 3.A:

2、 What do we say when we want someone to come with us? B: What do we say when we are surprised or frightened or worried?C: What is Ken feeling when Mocky falls down in the story of Page 27 of Book One? Elicit similar expressions in Chinese for the Questions A-C and have Ss say“Come on!” “Oh no!” “Oh!

3、 Poor Mocky.” with appropriate gestures or expressions as you do so.2. Model and learn the dialog.Ask Ss what they say when they see something exciting or amazing.Tell them, “In English, we can say Wow!” Have Ss repeat the word a few times with expression their faces.Ask Ss what they say when they t

4、aste something very really delicious.Tell them, “In English, we can say Oooh, yum!” Have Ss repeat the words a few times with expression their faces.Ask Ss what they say when they taste something very unpleasant.Tell them, “In English, we can say Yuk!” Allow Ss repeat the word a few times with expre

5、ssion their faces. Practice the expressions Oooh, yum! Yuk! Wow! By asking some questions.3. Talk about the story.Have Ss open their books at pages 2 and 3. Ask these questions about the pictures:Picture 1: Where are Mocky and Lulu?Picture 2: Who has a stall there? What does she sell?Picture 3: What

6、 does Lulu taste first? Does she like it?Picture 4: What does she taste next?Picture 5: What is the little fruit?Picture 6/7: What does Lulu try now?Picture 8: Does she like it?4. Listen and repeat the story.Play the tape once without stopping.Play the again, pausing after each picture. Have Ss repe

7、at each sentence after hearing it on the page.Divide the class into two groups. One group will be Mocky, the other group will be Lulu.Play the tape again. Stop the tape after each sentence. Have each group repeat the dialog for their character. Then the groups change roles.5. Set homework.Remind the

8、 Ss to practice the new English expressions at home.“ Oooh, yum! Yuk! Wow!”6. 教学后记: Lesson 2教学目标 知识目标:Whats this/that? Its a . Is it a ? 能力目标:Listen, say and sing. 情感目标:在歌曲中激发学生学习的兴趣,寓学于乐。 教学重难点:Asking and answering question about single objects 教学过程:1.Warm-upGuessing game.Choose any six or more fla

9、shcards from previous Units. Hold up the first card so that the children cannot see the picture. Give one or two clues about the object on the card. Then have Ss try to guess what it is. Model the question “Is it a / an ?” Have them repeat the question with different English words. Answer, “Yes, it

10、is.” or “No, it isnt.”Make the clues less clear for each card. Ss then have to ask more “Is it a / an ?” questions. 2. Learn these words.Have Ss open their books at page 4. Draw their attention to the “Words to learn” exercise at the top of the page. Play the tape. Stop the tape after each new vocab

11、ulary word. Ask Ss to repeat it. Do this a second time. Play the tape straight through. While it is playing, hold up your copy of the page and point to each fruit as it is named. Hold up your copy of the page. Point to each fruit in turn. Ask “What is it?” If Ss cannot answer, ask, “Is it a / an ?”S

12、s should answer, “Yes, it is.” or “No, it isnt.”Then repeat, “What is it?” Elicit, “Its a / an ” Play the guessing game outlined in the first part of the period. This time, use only the words for fruit in “Words to learn”.2. Listen to this.Display your copy of the page and point to the bottom half.

13、Tell Ss, “Mocky says, What is it?” Point to the picture of a banana. Elicit the answer, “Its a banana.”Repeat for the other two pictures.Point to each answer and read the words as you point to each one.Have Ss repeat the sentences and touch each word.Play the tape. Have Ss put checks () beside the a

14、nswer in their books that matches the answer on the page.Play the tape again. Check that Ss have chosen the correct sentences.3. Play the game.Have the class open their books at “Play the game”.When the teacher says the number of an object in Chinese, Ss say its name together in English. If Ss are u

15、ncertain of the English name for some objects, the teacher could say the word and have Ss repeat.Put Ss into pairs to play the game by using the question “Whats this?” and its answer “Its a / an .”4. Set homework.Ask Ss to practice structures:Whats this / that? Its a / an .Is it a / an ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.5. 教学后记:



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