七年级英语上册 Unit2《Is this your pencil》同步练习1 人教新目标版[1].doc

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1、Unit 2 Is this your pencil?Section A. 词汇() 将下列词汇正确归类。Green, pencil, book, red, ruler, backpack, white, quilt, dictionary, pencil case, key, jacket, Nick Hand, eraser, green, Alan, orange1. 生活用品2. 学习用品3. 颜色4. 姓名() 在物品的下面写上英文单词的正确拼写形式。() 在下面表格的空格中填上一个字母,使之成为表示学习用品的英语单词。. 回答问题根据问题, 选择合适的答语。A. Yes, it i

2、s. B. No, it isnt. C. Its a pencil case. D. Hi, Im Gina. E. Im fine. Thanks. F. Its white. G. Spell it, please!1. Whats this in English? _. 2. Is this Janes Jacket? _. 3. Is that your pencil? _. Its my pencil. 4. What color is the jacket? _. 5. _. B-O-O-K. 6. How are you? _. 7. Hi, Im Linda. _. . 选择

3、正确的答案( ) 1. Whats this in English? Its _ backpack. A. aB. anC. theD. 不填( ) 2. Is this his pen? _. Its her pen. A. Yes, it is B. No, it isntC. No, it isD. Yes, it isnt( ) 3. _ that a ruler?A. IsB. AreC. AmD. 不填( ) 4. _, is this your eraser?A. OKB. Good morningC. HelloD. Excuse me( ) 5. Jane, is this

4、_ pencil sharpener? Yes, it is my ruler. A. herB. hisC. myD. your( ) 6. Whats that in English? _ a dictionary. A. Its B. ThatsC. This isD. Hes( ) 7. Sonia has (有) a book. And this is _ book. A. hisB. herC. myD. your( ) 8. How _ you spell it? P-E-N. A. areB. amC. isD. do( ) 9. How are you? _A. Good m

5、orning!B. How are you?C. Im OK. D. Whats that?( )10. Whats your last name? _. A. JackB. SmithC. TonyD. Linda( )11. _ comes after (在后) seven. A. SixB. ZeroC. SevenD. Five( )12. Whats your _? Jenny Brown. A. first nameB. last nameC. nameD. family name. 使用方框中所给的词语完成句子my your her his it1. Linda, is this

6、 _ ruler? Yes, it is. Thank you. 2. This is my sister (妹妹). _ name is Gina. 3. Tim is worried (着急). _ ID is lost (丢失). 4. Whats that? _ is a map of China. 5. Im Li Weijun. _ last name is Li. . 将下列句子重新排序,使之成为一个对话( ) R-U-L-E-R. ( ) Whats it in English?( ) Hello, Mary. Is this your “尺子”?( ) How do you

7、spell ruler?( ) Yes, it is. ( ) Its a ruler. ( ) Thank you. ( ) Here you are (给你). . 组句1. in English, this, whats ?2. my, it, is, pencil .3. that, is, pen, your ?4. you, how, spell, do, it ?5. telephone, what, is, number, her ?Section A答案. () 1. quilt, key, jacket 2. pencil, book, ruler, backpack, d

8、ictionary, pencil case, eraser 3. red, white, green, orange 4. Green, Nick, Hand, Alan () 1. clock 2. book 3. dictionary 4. ruler 5. jacket 6. backpack 7. keys 8. pencil case 9. eraser 10. sharpener 11. map 12. orange (). 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. F 5. G 6. E 7. D . ABADD ABDCB AC . 1. your 2. Her 3. His 4. It 5. My . 6-3-1-5-2-4-8-7 . 1. Whats this in English? 2. It is my pencil. 3. Is that your pen? 4. How do you spell it? 5. Whats her telephone number? - 5 -用心 爱心 专心


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