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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。公共卫生服务英文简历模板英文简历就像一个人的封面,一份好的简历能帮助求职者敲开招聘单位的大门!以下是公共卫生服务英文简历模板,欢迎阅读!公共卫生服务英文简历模板.com•(+86) 13xxxxxxxxxEDUCATIONNorthwestern UniversityEvanston, IllinoisBachelor of Science in Education and Social PolicyExpected June 2020Major: Social Policy; Minor: Globa

2、l HealthUniversity of StellenboschSouth AfricaPublic Health Study Abroad ProgramMarch 2020 - June 2020EXPERIENCEAdvisor AssistantNorthwestern University Academic Services Evanston, ILSeptember 2020 - Present•Schedule tutors for 100 student athletes, facilitate student registration and assist ad

3、visors with grading.•Monitor and document first year student athlete study hours utilizing a Microsoft Excel database.•Represent media services department on community service visits with student-athletes.HIV/AIDS Services InternGlide FoundationSan Francisco, CASeptember 2020 - Present&bul

4、l;Trained and worked as a Medical Assistant in the fully licensed health clinic.•Assisted with HIV/AIDS testing and shadowed counseling sessions for a diverse, low income population.•Served as Community Health Outreach Worker in the Tenderloin neighborhood, handing out condoms, hygiene and

5、 bleach kits to homeless and low income residents.•Organized and promoted a free Blood Pressure Screening for 100 local residents.•Assisted in implementing a free retinopathy screening for 50 diabetic clients.Marketing AssistantGreat Lakes Marketing GroupPalatine, ILAugust 2020 - January 2

6、020•Conducted a media research study for 6-10 clients for an event marketing agency. Research included publicity tracking via the internet and other sources.•Coordinated 25 volunteers and performed crisis management while aiding the Event Producer for “;Kenosha Days of Discovery,”; a 4-day

7、 maritime festival attended by over 50,000.•Executed the VIP hospitality programs and on-site promotions at the festival for corporate sponsors, such as U.S. Cellular and Johnson Bank.Team ManagerNorthwestern University Women’s BasketballEvanston, ILOctober 2020 - March 2020•Organize

8、d ticket information and press releases.•Coordinated traveling procedures and video recordings for home and away games.•Managed all coach and player needs on the road.ACTIVITIES & COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENTSite LeaderNorthwestern Community Development Corps•Led a group of 25 students t

9、o volunteer weekly at the Vital Bridges HIV/AIDS Services site in Chicago.CoordinatorUsed Winter Coat Drive•Implemented an all-campus, community-wide coat drive for homeless residents in Evanston that resulted in the acquisition of 300+ donations.VolunteerAlternative Student Break at a Drug Reh

10、ab Ranch in Colorado•Participated in a week-long, service project and interacted with patients through work therapy programs.Peer AdvisorSchool of Education and Social Policy•Mentored freshmen students and provided them advice and support regarding college life.Team CaptainAmerican Cancer

11、Society Relay for Life•Raised $137,000 for the American Cancer Society in 2020.写好英文简历的8个方法引言: 职场如战场,往往为争夺一个仰慕已久的职位,有千里走单骑的斗志昂扬,有奋发图强的踌躇满志,却被万人争个独木桥的鱼死网破击碎梦想。去外企工作更是如此。据几位著名外企的HR经理透露,中国职员在应聘面试时,英文简历虽然是他们进入外企业的”;敲门砖”;,但是却很少有人能够在简历里出奇制胜。总结了一下大致出现以下情况:语句多为中国式英文,缺乏一定的语境。拐弯抹角的说法太多,不言简意赅。职位和薪资待遇情况,表达不

12、清楚。比较死板机械,缺乏有特点与让人记忆深刻的简历。针对以上的情况,英语职业顾问George Baily (UK) 教给大家8种制胜的英文简历写法。希望能给职场进阶人士一些参考:1:为什么要用英文写简历呢?主要是向招聘单位因为展示你的英文程度,而糟糕的英文只会给招聘单位留下不好的印象。这有一些需要注意的方面:A、单词大写B、句子标点C、空间比例D、语法时态E、动词用法F、单词选择G、单词拼写如果你不了解以上说法的意思,很可能你已经在以上方面做错了!2. 最简单的但是是最重要的一条是:不要依赖电脑翻译,及任何从中文翻译到英文的软件。这种杂混在一起的英文是非常恐怖的,会让你的简历直接放到公司的碎纸

13、机里。3. 即使你是一位英文水平很高的人,你也会不自觉的出错,毕竟你的母语不是英语。最好的办法就是让一位英语为母语的人士来帮助你修改简历。由英语为母语的人士给你的简历做个修改,你的简历的谴词造句会大有不同。4. 在书写你的英文简历时,请不要简单的翻译你的中文版本;比如在中文中我们的书写习惯是:”;2020/08-2020/06”;,但在英语人士看起来就很突兀,符合英文习惯的写法是:”;September 2020 – July 2020”;.5. 在申请工作时,请留心你选择的英文名。如果你潜在的雇主是从英语国家而来,那这一点就尤其重要。不要选择诸如”;Bobo”;, “;Fifi”

14、;, “;Lala”;的名字,除非你想设计这样卡通的形象。同样也不要创造一些名字,如”;Brinty”; “;Gindrom”; 最好使用在英语中存在的名字。也不要选择诸如”;Mountain”;”;Pencil”;”;Apple”;这在英语中听起来很傻。总之最好的方法还是从英语为母语的人士中获得建议; 这也是我想重复的。6. 在你的英文简历中,你可能会谈及你的英文程度。注意!比如”;fluent”;是个非常模糊的词语,往往暗示你的英文接近完美,而这是很难的!7. 格式规范。你必须规范你的简历,一份美观,容易阅读,突出重点的简历是很让人影响深刻的。空洞的语言很难解释怎样才能做好,上网查查”;简

15、历格式,范例”;或”;resume formatting examples”;可以给你很好的启示。记住,你的简历就是你的个人广告,你是否能从成堆的简历中脱颖而出就决定于此。8. 用英语写作要考虑英语的文化。在英语中直白的语言更能提供与人参考;你是否在你的简历中有如下的描述呢?”;I feel happy!”;”;I am the best! “;”;I will surprise you!”; “;I had a good relationship with everyone and never received criticism!”;以上的语言只能说明你很爱你自己,而不能留下职业的印象。诸如”;good, nice, useful, interesting”;这类表达很弱的词语是不需要出现在英语简历中的。



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