五年级英语上册 Module 5 Unit 14(Dialogue)教案 广州版.doc

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1、 广州市小学英语五年级上册Module 5 Zoo animalsUnit 14 They are going to the zoo (Dialogue)一 、教学内容分析本课是M5 Zoo Animal 中Unit 14的第一个课时,本节的学习内容是Dialogue ,主要话题是参观动物园,由于有Unit 13的动物园参观计划做铺垫,所以本节可由谈论参观计划入手,导入课文对话,学习本课有关描述动物的句型:Its from Africa .Its strong and dangerous .Theyre funny . 和劝告用语:Dont give them your banana . Do

2、nt go too near . 二 、教学目标1. 语言知识目标(1)能听、说、读、写本节课的词语:Why not? , rule, kill(2)能听、说、读本节课的单词:Africa(3)进一步巩固Dont 引导的劝告语句型。2. 语言技能目标(1)能用所学的知识描述不同动物的外貌特征。(2)学生通过学习,能流利朗读和背诵课文。3. 学习策略目标通过猜谜语、猜动物和小组合作等方式,来完成本节课的学习。4. 情感态度目标在英语学习活动中形成主动开口说英语的习惯,体验在现实生活中运用英语的乐趣。三 、教学重点1. 本节的词语和句型2 .课文对话的理解与背诵四 、教学难点描述动物的外貌和生活习

3、性时,时态和人称的变化五、 教学媒体教学软件,图片等六、 教学过程1 .Sing a song2. Free talk What day is it today?What date is it today?Lets look at the picture of the forest .What animals can you see? (课件)Lets look at the riddles and guess .(课件)Do you like animals?Whats your favorite animal? Why?Im going to visit the zoo this week

4、end; would you like to go with me?Can you say some zoo rule?3. Present(1)Present dialogue 1 .(猜动物引出对话1)What animals are these? They can climb trees .They like running and jumping. They are funny and lovely .They like eating bananas .But doesnt give them your banana in the zoo .What animals are they?

5、让学生与老师对话,引出Why not ? Its the zoo rule .学习:Why not? ,rule(2) Present dialogue 2(猜动物引出对话2)What animal is it? Its beautiful .Its from Africa. Its strong and dangerous .Maybe it can kill a tiger. So dont go too near in the zoo .What animal is it?让学生与教师对话,引出Where is the lion from ? Its from Africa. Can a

6、 lion kill a tiger? Who knows? 学习:Africa ,kill 四 、巩固发展1. 看课件整体呈现课文,听录音带,跟带读课文2 .学生分角色读课文和表演课文3. Practice : 手册P56 ex. 6(1) talk about the picture in groups(2) write the sentences (3) check the answers 五、 Homework1.听、读、背unit 142. 抄unit 14单词,并听写3. 用5个句子描述你最喜爱的动物反思:这节课学生能按照我设计的教学流程学习课文,基本达到教学目标。但是如果能注意以下几点,教学效果会更加好一些:1.在单词教学时,应提前出现元音音标,加深学生对单词读音的记忆,为以后学音标做好铺垫;同时,加强新旧知识的联系,让学生通过旧单词记忆新单词。2.在教学过程中应注重引导学生进行小组合作学习,发挥学生的主体作用,充分调动学生的学习积极性。3.教学中加强机械操练,让每个学生都有练习的机会,老师也可以及时纠正学生的发音。3


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