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1、 设计总说明设计总说明进入21世纪以来中国在经济制度不断改革的前提下取得了迅猛的发展,尤其是建筑行业更是取得了尤为显著的进步。在清单计价逐渐将取代定额计价的前提下,建筑行业显得更加的专业化、现代化。而作为社会主义四有新青年的我们更要与时俱进,跟上社会的发展,时刻学习自己专业最为先进、实用的技术,为自己将来能够在社会上立足打好坚实的基础,能为祖国伟大的复兴贡献自己的力量。以此为目的,在经过老师的指导帮助下本次毕业设计中我选择的课题是临沂实验中学一号教学楼招标文件的编制。课题中不仅包扩最为先进的清单计价模式,还包括对于招标文件编制认识、学习。本次课题主要遵循以下程序:大致认识工程概况,按照清单计价




5、工作都是为了招标做准备因此招标的介绍尤为重要。招标主要包含:资格审查、投标须知、投标方式、评标及后续工作等,在招标过程中投标方的资格审查是第一道关卡,而投标方的投标方式对是否中标或在招标过程中的优势显得尤为重要,他决定着在招标中的价格优势或其他方面的优势,因此投标方式的选择是重中之重。在开始评标之后对于评标所采用的方式方法由甲方事前选择,在评标过程中所要注意的一些事项例如保密等需相关人员进行监督,评标过程中要做到公正、公开、公平。 对于工程量以及清单计价文件编制是整个过程的重点,在此经过一系列计算后得出一下计算结果:招标控制价16067263.09元,其中建筑工程土建10164126.33,装

6、饰装修工程5300225.3元。相应费率取费标准为:企业管理费费率(建筑工程)10%利润费率(建筑工程)6%,企业管理费费率(装饰工程)160%,利润率(装饰工程)100%规费(土建):633993.8元,规费(装饰):330604.91元,税金(土建)341816.39元,税金(装饰) 178244.92元,税金费率3.48%具体计算过程见附表。附表中包括:工程量计算书、综合单价分析表、招标控制价。关键词:工程量清单计价模式、招标控制价、招标文件编制IIIDesign General InformationDesign General InformationSince the 21st ce

7、ntury Chinas economic system under the premise of continuous reform has obtained the swift and violent development, especially the construction industry is made particularly significant progress. In under the premise of list valuation will gradually replace the quota valuation, appear more specializ

8、ation, modernization of construction industry. As socialist four new youth we must keep pace with The Times, keep up with the development of the society, time to learn their professional the most advanced and practical technology, for their future to lay a solid foundation, based in society for the

9、revival of the great motherland contribute their own strength. In order for the purpose, after this graduation design under the guidance and help of the teacher the topic I choose is in linyi experimental middle school no. 1 teaching building of the bidding documents preparation. Topics included not

10、 only in the most advanced list valuation mode, including preparation of knowledge, learning for the tender documents. This topic mainly follow the following procedures: general knowledge engineering general situation, first determine according to requirements of the list valuation mode of each divi

11、sion subdivisional work engineering quantity, secondly determine the comprehensive unit price of the sectional works and then calculating the project cost according to the requirements of listing (during this period to complete the calculation, the comprehensive unit price analysis table of quantiti

12、es and to determine Yang middle school of linyi no.1 teaching building engineering cost of the listing file), the establishment of the project bidding documents, writing graduation design instruction to summarize the whole project. In the process of the calculation of quantities of each division sub

13、divisional work is very important, is the core content of list valuation mode. Next to the requirements of the bidding process, methods, content, the following advanced social direction, has certain IVrepresentativeness. This project name is linyi experimental middle school no. 1 teaching building,

14、a total construction area of 9364 , six floors on the ground, construction control height of 23.65 m (outdoor flooring to main roof surface), 81.9 m width and 18.0 m deep, frame structure, the main structure design of use fixed number of year for secondary construction (general), 50 years building c

15、ategory for level 2, refractory grade level 2, building seismic fortification intensity for bearing, according to the octave fortification in order to increase security. Other information related to the engineering, design requirements and other relevant information will be detailed in the process o

16、f calculation of quantities, no longer to detail here.In the introduction to design total content of the first chapter mainly describes the related information of this project, the project of the relevant background information and the purpose and significance of the study design, detailed introduction to this topic design contains content, etc. Combined with drawings of the specific information in the second chapter focuses on the count of each divisi


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