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1、输出文档格式要求:在按照IPD模板内容执行IPD活动中,当输出文档时,请作者务必套用IPD输出文档格式,以保证文档格式的规范性。Requirements for format of output documents: when you output documents while following IPD template to execute activities, Format of IPD Output Document must be followed to ensure that the format of documents are consistent and standard

2、ized. R&D-Template -Testability Requirements Guideline概念阶段确定可测试性需求指南-03.00.00活动号:TE-15 Activity ID: TE-15 Control Section 文档控制Version 版本Date日期Change and reason更改及其理由By责任人Project Manager: _ Project: _ 项目经理: _ 项目: _Project Phase / Decision Checkpoint:项目阶段/决策检查点: XConcept概念 Develop开发 Launch发布 Interim临时

3、 Plan 计划 Qualify验证 Life Cycle生命周期该模板仅作为确定可测性需求的指南,实际需求文档模板参照IPD端到端产品包需求模板。1、概述 OVERVIEW目前可测性需求一般有以下几方面的考虑:1、面向产品的可测性需求,是为了提高产品的故障检测定位和隔离能力而考虑的可测性需求,直接影响产品问题故障检测定位和隔离的难易程度。面向产品的可测性需求在评审通过后将作为产品本身的规格特性。2、面向软件验证测试的可测性需求,是为了方便软件验证测试而提出的可测性需求,直接影响测试开发和测试执行的难易程度。3、面向硬件验证测试的可测性需求,是为了方便硬件验证测试而提出的可测性需求,直接影响测


5、问题和困难,提出相应的可测性需求。3、参考相关产品的可测性方面的经验案例,提出相应的可测性需求。4、分析参考业界同类产品的可测性设计特点,提出相应的可测性需求。下面的指南主要针对上述24点的需求分析收集给出指导,最后的需求输出格式参照IPD端到端产品包需求模板。对于需求基线的需求剪裁参照可测性需求基线实施规定。1. summarizeTestability requirements could be consider as following aspects:1. Product-oriented testability requirements are proposed to improve

6、 the ability of detecting and isolating defect, in which would affect the ease of detecting and isolating defects during testing. The reviewed product-oriented testability requirements will be treated as a part of the offering requirements of the product under construction. 2. Software-oriented test

7、ability requirements are proposed to ease the test development and execution when verifying the software of a product.3. Hardware-oriented testability requirements are proposed to ease the test development and execution when verifying the hardware of a product.4. Production-oriented testability requ

8、irements are proposed to ease the testing and improve efficiency during the production of a product. Please refer to for production-oriented testability requirements. The testability requirement baselines for all products are released in our company(part of the engineering feature requirement baseli

9、ne). The baselined requirements are summarized from the long term past project experience in our company, and its also being optimize and consumate. Therefore the baselined requirements can cover most testability requirements of most products, and testability requirements could be proposed by the fo

10、llowing steps:1.The testability requirement of a particular product could be obtained by tailoring the baselined testability requirements to a particular need. For more detail, please refer to the 2. Accompany with the characteristic of the product, think over the problems and difficulties that migh

11、t be encountered during each phase of testing, testability requirements could be proposed for them.3. Referring the past experience of proposed testability requirements from relevant products.4. Analysis and reference to the similar product in the industry, consider their design for testability.The

12、following guide is served for the 24 shown above, and the final requirement output is in conformity with the IPD. To tailoring the baselined testability requirement, please refer to .2、产品测试需求和策略初步考虑Product testing requirements and strategy overview初步考虑产品进行哪些测试,可以根据相应测试规范标准、类似产品或前一版本的测试经验而来。 初步考虑产品如何

13、进行这些测试,要说明如下问题:哪些测试是手动测试、哪些是自动测试?测试数据源是内置在系统中,还是外部提供?测试数据的采集和处理是内置,还是外置?测试数据采集装置的控制是内置,还是外置?测试数据源的控制是内置,还是外置?测试数据的处理是内置,还是外置?Summarize what tests are to be conducted. This can be summarized from testing requirements. Describe in general how these testing are conducted, the following should be explai

14、ned:What are manual testing and what are automated testing?Is testing data source embedded in the system or provided from outside?Is the collection and processing of testing data achieved from inside or outside?Is the control of testing data collection device achieved from inside or outside?Is the control of testing data source achieved from inside or outside?Is the processing of testing data achieved from inside or outside?3、产品测试各阶段的可测试性需求根据测试需求和策略(如具有内置要求的测试),通过对具体产品特点的分析、内部访谈、参考公司内部经验案例并分


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