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1、 文件控制印章如此印章并非红色,代表此文件并非合法版式本,并不会受到控制及更新,请使用受控制之文件。江西蓝海光盘有限公司 - B级产品外观标准名 称:B级(含B+)产品外观检验标准编 号:WI-QAD-013版 本:V01生效日期:2008-10-01页 码:第 6 页,共6页1.0 目的: 规范A级产品(含出口CD-ROM)光碟外观检验标准,确保成品符合产品质量要求。2.0 适用范围:本公司生产的所有光碟产品之生产及检验各环节。3.0 检验环境及人员要求:3.1 温湿度:按生产车间环境要求。(252,70以下)3.2 检验人员要求:无色盲、色弱,经上岗考核合格;3.3 亮度:在一般日光灯照明

2、下,避免强光反射;3.4 角度:受检面与检验者视线成45度角;3.5 距离:将产品放置于距离检验者眼睛30cm处,使光线均匀从光盘面反射到眼睛;3.6 检查方法:产品从左到右仔细目测一次。4.0 缺陷分类:4.1轻微(Minor):不影响使用,轻微影响外观或客户能够接受的缺陷4.2重要(Major):非致命缺陷,不会影响使用功能,但客户难以接受的缺陷5.0 检验工具:目测 6.0 检验标准:Visual Criteria for Disc/光盘外观(目测)标准Label Printing Defect印刷不良正常标准Normal standard limit特殊标准(B+)Special st

3、andard limitD1分类 Classification1Smear化墨正面检测,轻微发现该缺陷 - 图案, 字体Not easy to see the defect from front view - picutres, words碟边 - 阔度 0.8mmdisc edge - width 0.8mm轻微 (Minor)2Ink spot, splash漏墨(穿网), 碟边渍墨正面检测,轻微发现该缺陷 - 图案, 字体Not easy to see the defect from front view - picutres, words阔度 0.5mmwidth 0.5轻微 (Min

4、or)3Ink in middle ring中圈墨渍正面检测,轻微发现该缺陷 Not easy to see the defect from front view正面观看墨渍不显眼及放于白纸上墨渍少于1/3圆周Not easy to see the defect from front view, ink shorter than 1/3 of centre diameter轻微 (Minor)4 Registration走位 / 套字正面检测,轻微发现该缺陷 - 图案, 字体Not easy to see the defect from front view - picutres, words

5、阔度 0.3mmwidth 0.3mm轻微 (Minor)5Wordings字体清晰度不可令图案、字体不能辨认pictures and words must clearly recognize不可令字样不清 - 阔度 0.3 mmpictures and words must clearly recognize - width 0.3 mm轻微 (Minor)6 Printing eccentricity印刷偏心两边印刷与碟边之相差 的平均值0.8mmThe average of the two distance differences between the image edge and d

6、isc edge 0.8 mm两边印刷与碟边之相差 的平均值0.8mmThe average of the two distance differences between the image edge and disc edge 0.8 mm轻微 (Minor) Visual Criteria for Disc/光盘外观(目测)标准Label Printing Defect印刷不良正常标准Normal standard limit特殊标准(B+)Special standard limitD1分类 Classification7Incomplete printing, missing ink

7、塞网(缺划, 露银)正面检测,没有明显发现该缺陷 不可令字体不能辨认Not easy to see the defect from front view, words must clearly recognize直径 0.5 mm 及少于 5 点 及不可令字体不能辨认Not easy to see the defect from front view, words must clearly recognize轻微 (Minor)8Stain渍正面检测,没有明显发现该缺陷 不可令字体不能辨认Not easy to see the defect from front view, words mus

8、t clearly recognize直径 0.5 mm 及 少于 5 点 及长度 4 mmdiameter 0.5 mm, less than 5 points, length 4 mm轻微 (Minor)9 Dust尘N/AN/A阔度 0.5 mm, 长度2mm, 少于 5点width 0.5mm, length 2mm轻微 (Minor)10 Color uneven 颜色不平均正面检测,两碟相并颜色差别不明显color deviation not easy to recognize from the front viewX-Rite色差仪, DE 15X-Rite( color che

9、cking device) will be used, DE should be less than 15重要 (Major)111.1 Color variation compare with pantone颜色与pantone 不符正面检测,两碟相并颜色差别不明显color deviation not easy to recognize from the front viewX-Rite色差仪, DE 15X-Rite( color checking device) will be used, DE should be less than 15重要 (Major)12 Water spla

10、sh水渍正面检测,轻微发现该缺陷Not easy to see the defect from front view正面不明显, 阔度 4 cm, 长度4cmNot easy to see the defect from front view, width 4cm, length 4cm轻微 (Minor)Visual Criteria for Disc/光盘外观(目测)标准Label Printing Defect印刷不良正常标准Normal standard limit特殊标准(B+)Special standard limitD1分类 Classification13Water spla

11、sh (line)水印 (线痕)正面检测,轻微发现该缺陷 - 图案Not easy to see the defect from front view - picture正面看不明显, 长度0.8cm, 少于5条 Not easy to see the defect from front view, length 0.8cm, less than 5 lines轻微 (Minor)14 Moire Effect线纹正面检测,轻微发现该缺陷 - 图案Not easy to see the defect from front view - picture正面不明显, 阔度 0.5 mm,长度2cm

12、, 少于 5条Not easy to see the defect from front view, width 0.2mm, length 2cm, less than 5 lines轻微 (Minor)15 Printing scratch印刷刮花正面检测,轻微发现该缺陷功能测试为合格Not easy to see the defect from front viewFunctional test PASS正面不明显及长度 2mm及少于 5条 及 功能测试为合格Not easy to see the defect from the front view, length 2mm, less

13、than 5 lines, Functional test PASS重要 (Major)16 Scratch on the information side碟面刮花正面检测,轻微发现该缺陷功能测试为合格Not easy to see the defect from front viewFunctional test PASS正面不明显及长度 2mm及少于 5条 及 功能测试为合格Not easy to see the defect from the front view, length 2mm, less than 5 lines, Functional test PASS重要 (Major)

14、17Missing print漏印绝对不接受Not acceptable绝对不接受Not acceptable重要 (Major)Lacquer Defect沥架不良正常标准Normal standard limit特殊标准(B+)Special standard limit分类 Classification1 Lacquer spot沥架点不明显影响光碟图案外观Not affect the picture visually直径 0.5 mm, 少于 5 点diameter 0.3mm, less than 2 points轻微 (Minor)2 Radial vein太阳纹不明显影响光碟图案外观Not affect the picture visually不明显影响光碟图案外观Not affect the picture visually轻微 (Minor)Visual Criteria for Disc/光盘外观(目测)标准Lacq



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