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1、英语阅读理解专题讲座,简阳市阳安中学 唐亨禄,目录,第一讲:句子(sentence)(一)-句子的种类、整体性、连贯性、句式变换 第二讲 句子(sentence)(二)-句子的意义的准确理解 第三讲 段落(paragraph)(一)-主题句和辅助句 第四讲 段落(paragraph)(二)-段落的整体性、连贯性和组织 第五讲 篇章(composition)(一)-文章的一般结构 第六讲 篇章(composition)(二)-记叙文的一般结构 第七讲 篇章(composition)(三)-说明文的一般结构 第八讲 篇章(composition)(四)-议论文的一般结构,第一讲:句子(senten

2、ce)(一)-句子的种类、整体性、连贯性、句式变换,1、句子是相对完整而独立语言单位,是一定的语法结构、语音结构和词汇意义的统一体。它是语言的基本单位,同时是表达思想感情、传递信息的最小单位。所谓独立,指的是结构独立;完整指的是语义完整。,2、句子的种类及功能(Types of Sentence),1)按照交际功能,句子可以分为陈述句(Declarative Sentence)、疑问句(Interrogative Sentence)、祈使句(Imperative Sentence)和感叹句(Exclamatory Sentence)四类。,Eg: 1.I came to bury Caesar

3、 not to praise him. 2.Did you ever see us before ? 3.What have you done? 3.Its unfair, isnt it? 4.Is Tom wrong or right? 5.Be quiet, everyone! 6.What a clever boy he is!,2)按照结构,句子可分为简单句(Simple Sentence)、并列句(Compound Sentence)和复合句(Complex Sentence)。,句子,简单句,并列句,复合句,形容词性从句(定从),名词性从句,副词性从句(状语从句),(一)、简单句

4、,1.The water is boiling. 2.He has a sister. 3.They wanted to have a rest. 4.She brought me a shirt. 5.We elected him our monitor. 6.The news made me happy. 7.The machine is in good condition. 8.The garden smells pleasant. 9.Tom and Mike are good students. 10.I took a bus and got there at last.,(二)、并

5、列句,1 Everything in the world is outside you but health belongs to yourself. 2Ive got a meeting to attend, so I have to go now. 3 She came to my house yesterday evening, and I went to hers. 4Either you tell him the truth, or I do it.,(三)、复合句,1 Quiet student as he may be, he talks a lot about his favo

6、rite singers after class. 2 She is the girl who lives next door. 3 This is the house ,the window of which broke last week.,3、句式变换-简单句、并列句和复合句之间的转化,1 Use your head and you will find a way out.( 并列句) 2Using your head ,you will find a way out.( 简单句) 3 If you use your head, you will find a way out. 4The

7、 girl standing over there is Toms younger sister.( 简单句) 5The girl who is standing over there is Toms younger sister.(定语从句) 6The room whose windows are open is Toms. 7The room with the windows open is Toms.,4、各种时态的谓语结构(以write为例),第二讲 句子(sentence)(二)-句子的意义的准确理解,在进行英语阅读时,准确理解一个句子的意思是很重要的。很多的学生在阅读时总是感到自己

8、读懂了、理解准确了一个句子的意思,但是当老师在讲评时却发现自己没有真正理解准确或完全理解错误,因此准确理解句子的意思对于我们正确理解文章有重要的作用。在我们平时的阅读中我们要特别注意以下一些句子的理解。,一、more than 系列结构,1There is room for no more than three cars. 这地方只能停放三俩车。(only) 2 Signing the forms is little more than a formality. 在那些表格上签名只是一种形式。(only) 3 I had no complaints and no more did Tom. 我

9、没什么怨言,汤姆也没有。(neither) 4 Im more than happy to take you there in my car. 我非常乐意用我的车带你去那儿。(extremely) 5 She was more than a little shaken by the experience. 这次经历对她产生极大的震动。(extremely),6 He is no more a farmer than a worker. 他既不是农民,也不是工人。(=He is neither a farmer nor a worker.) 7 She is no more able to to

10、 read Spanish than I am. Neither she nor I am able to read Spanish. 8.Im not more busy than you. 我没有你那么忙。 9.I dont know any French people other than you. 除了你,我不认识别的法国人。 10. I have never known him to behave other than selfishly. 我从没见过他不自私。(different or differently from),二、虚拟结构的句子的理解。,1 If I had time

11、, I would attend the meeting. 2 If I were you, I should seize the opportunity to go abroad. 3 If you had taken my advice , you would not have failed in the exams. 4 If it were to rain tomorrow, the sports meeting would be put off. 5 I was ill that day. Otherwise, I would have taken part in the sport

12、s meet. 6 I would have given you some help, but I was too busy at that time. 7 I wish I were a bird and could fly freely in the sky. 8 If only I had seen the film! 9 He looks as if he were an artist. 10 She speaks English so fluently as if she had studied English in America.,三、倍数和形容词副词的比较级的句子的理解,1、I

13、t is generally believed that teaching is as much an art as it is a science. 2、She is taller than I by three inches. 3、Ann is more shy than unfriendly. 4、I will work as/so long as I live. 只要活着,我就要工作。 5、As far as I know , he is a reliable person.,人们普遍认为,教学是一门科学,也是一门艺术。,她比我高三英寸。,与其说安不友好,不如说她害羞。,就我所知,他是

14、一个可靠的人。,6、He as good as called me a coward. 他无异于说我是懦夫。 as good as=very nearly 与几乎一样 7、China is larger than any other country in Asia. 中国比亚洲的其它任何国家都大。 8、- -What do you think of the film? -I have never seen a better one. -你认为这部电影如何? -它是我看过的最好的电影。 9、Toms composition, if not better than, is at least as

15、good as Jacks.,汤姆的文章至少和杰克的文章一样好。,10、The output of this year is 3 times that of 2008. 今年的产量是2008年的产量的三倍。 11、The road is 4 times as long as that one. 12、The road is 3 times longer than that one. 这条路的长度比那条路长3倍,这条路的长度是那条路的4倍。,四、双重否定句子的理解,1、You cant make something out of nothing . 巧妇难做无米之炊。(否定词+否定词) 2、Wh

16、ats done cannot be undone. 覆水难收。(否定词+前、后缀否定词) 3、The songs never fail to make the children smile and to raise their spirits. 这些歌 一向都能使孩子们微笑,让他们振作精神。(否定词+否定意义的实词) (avoid,deny,doubt,escape,fail,ignore,lack,miss,refuse,absent,little,short),4、He failed no students this term. 这学期他没有让一个学生不及格。 (否定词+否定意义的实词) 5、There is no rule but his exception. 凡规则都有例外。 (否定词+否定虚词)(without, except, but, unless, until) 6、We cannot live without water. 没有水


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