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1、英语书面表达指导,在迎战高考的日子里,我们同舟共济, 脚踏实地,全力以赴,持之以恒,勇攀高峰。,-Adonis,为理想,早起三更,读迎晨曦,磨枪挫剑,不惧兵临城下!,为目标,晚卧夜半,梦别星辰,敛神养气,以备全力以赴!,Beautify your Composition,高考作文的华丽变身,遇难心不慌,,遇易心更细。,命题特点,1.所选题材及体裁都非常贴近考生生活, 实际具有时代特点,紧扣与学生相关的 社会热点及学生的生活与学习。 2.词数要求从120提高到150,既要求表 达事实信息,又要陈述个人观点,对考 生思维和表达能力的要求提高了。 3.开头或/和结尾都已经给出,无文体要 求,主要考查

2、考生的表达能力。,1. 词数都符合试题要求。 2. 都覆盖了所有要点,并进行了分段表达,基本上是3段; 3.所用句型以简单句为主,但是使用了一定量的高级词汇,大量的短语和句型,丰富的句式结构增强了表达的效果。 4.都有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。,参考答案特点,高考评分标准,第五档(21-25) : 完全完成试题规定的任务,完全达到了预期的写作目的,覆盖所有的内容要点,用了丰富的语法结构,语法与高级词汇有少些错误,全篇流畅,连词使用较好。,第四档(16-20) : 完全完成试题规定的任务,达到了预期的写作目的,写漏了一两个要点,语法和词汇基本正确,有少些错误,主要是想使用高级词

3、汇与复杂句子所致。,第二档 (6-10) : 未适当完成试题规定的任务,有要点,但表达不清晰,只有一些句子可读。,第一档 (1-5) :未完成试题规定的任务,只是一些字词的堆积,不成句,让读者根本不明白写什么。,0分:空白,或者抄写一些无关的东西。,第三档(11-15) : 大错(时态、句子结构等)超过五六处,不能及格,写漏了一些内容,但覆盖了主要要点,基本上让人能够看懂,基本达到了预期目的。,高考阅卷特点: 1. 阅卷时间短; 2.阅卷的速度快; 3.阅卷老师的心理状态:给分中庸平均分 15 4. 高考卷其余部分是标准化计分 书面表达是提高分数最大的潜力股,15分的作文中规中矩,该对的都对,

4、包括内容要点的完整,语法与词形的正确,但句式简单,没有多少亮点。而20多分的作文句型词汇方面就做了很好的包装,它的句子如人穿的衣服,它已经不是普通校服,而是李宁、耐克等名牌,所以让人觉得很“拽”,而高考英语写作要的就是这种很“拽”的感觉.,小 结,15分和20多分的作文到底差在哪里?,高考作文评分原则,形式上胜人一筹,也就是文章结构,谴词造句 内容要点,发挥想象,适当拓展,书面表达在评阅时遵循三原则,语言第一位(语言高级),内容第二位(要点齐全),结构第三位(文章分段),一、高级词汇和句式,二、修辞手法,三、有效的连词,四、名人名言或谚语,语言第一位(语言高级),漂亮、地道,1.高级词汇短语,

5、词汇反映你知识贮存量的多少,也是衡量英语水平的一个重要标志。,词汇使用的原则人靠衣装,文靠词装,1、词组优先原则,2、地道原则。,3、避免重复原则,4、后、高、长原则 后学到、较高级、较长词汇。,四项原则,1、词组优先原则,原文A new railway is being built in my hometown. 修正A new railway is under construction in my hometown.,2、地道原则,原文Through traveling, I learned a lot of knowledge. 修正Through traveling, I gained

6、obtained a lot of knowledge.,4、后高长原则后学到、较高级、较长词汇。 原 词 替换词 hard diligently very rather extremely pay attention to attach importance to happy delighted enjoyable more and more the increasing number of,3、避免重复原则,原文I like reading while my brother likes watching television. 修正I like reading while my broth

7、er enjoys watching television.,Adj. 聪明的、脑筋好的 clever smart wise bright intelligent,电脑在我们生活中的作用是十分重要的。 1.Computers are very important in our life. 2.Computers play a very important role in our life. puters are of great importance in our life.,EX、运用高级词汇:,As a result, the plan failed. (一般),She went to A

8、ustria in order to study music. (一般),Suddenly I thought out a good idea. (一般),The plan turned out to be a failure. (高级),She went to Austria for the purpose of studying music. (高级),A good idea occurred to me. / A good idea suddenly struck me (高级),At the news of her death, he went. (高级),She has troubl

9、e in pronouncing the word. (高级),When he heard she had died, he went pale with sorrow. (一般),She cant correctly pronounce the word. (一般),运用高级词汇:,2,句式多样,文章增“靓,使用较丰富的句式:运用得当的句子结构可以给文章增色不少,从而使整篇文章因此而生辉,他昨天下午来的。 1.He came here yesterday afternoon. 2.He didnt come here until yesterday afternoon. 3.Not unti

10、l yesterday afternoon did he come here. 4.It was yesterday afternoon that he came here.,思考:什么样的作文会成为一篇好作文,无遗漏信息点(审题) 篇章条理清晰:分段和过渡词 句式多样 地道的高级词汇和恰当的词组,思考:你能想到的好句式有哪些?,强调句,倒装句,with复合结构,advanced sentences,定语从句,名词性从句,非谓语动词,常用谚语,被动句,化腐朽为神奇十 式,一、将两个简单句合并为并列句。 操作难度 写作效果,1. You can do it. I can do it. One o

11、f us must do it. you I must do it.,Either,or,If you go through the gate, youll find the entrance to Bear Country. (一般),Go through the gate, and youll find. (高级),I got up late this morning, otherwise I could have caught the early bus. (高级),I got up late this morning. I didnt catch the early bus. (一般)

12、,The more he spoke, the more excited he felt. (高级),When he spoke, he felt more and more excited. (一般),二、主动句与被动句的互换。 操作难度 写作效果,The government should take immediate measures to deal with the present financial crisis.,People suggest that the conference be put off. (一般),It is suggested that the conferen

13、ce be put off. (高级),Immediate measures should be taken to deal with the present financial crisis.,三、 将陈述句改为感叹句。 操作难度 写作效果,1. To prevent the pollution is very important How ! 2. She is a clever girl What ! How important it is to prevent the pollution! what a clever girl she is!,四、将陈述句改为倒装句。 操作难度 写作效果

14、,1. I could hardly understand the importance of English at that time. Hardly could I understand the importance of English at that time. 2. We did not realize our mistakes until at that time. Not until at that time did we realize our mistakes.,3.Though Im weak, I will make the effort. (一般),Weak as I

15、am, Ill make the effort. (高级),五、将简单句改为强调句。 操作难度 写作效果,1. Smoking did great harm to his health. 2. Our money is earned through hard work by our parents. It was smoking that did great harm to his health. It is through hard work that our money is earned by our parents.,六、将两个简单句合并为复合句。 操作难度写作效果,1. 同位语和同位

16、语从句(常用于描述人物、地点等介绍性文段) 1) Liu Xiang is an excellent athlete. He won the first prize in Mens 110 Hurdle Race in the 2004 Olympic Games. (用同位语改写) , , won the first prize in Mens 110 Hurdle Race in the 2004 Olympic Games. 2) The word is true. The president will give our school a speech. is true the president will give our school a speech.,2. 定语从句 (限制性/ 非限制性) 1) The 2008 Ol



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