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1、,Kunshan Newport Hotel 昆山新港湾酒店 Food & Beverage Hostess Training 餐饮部 迎宾培训,Training subject 培训主题,Hostess Duties 迎宾的基本职责 Warm Welcome & Bid Farewell 对客人的迎来送往 Explain F&B Concept 为客人介绍餐饮部各分部概念 Telephone Etiquette 虹桥希尔顿电话礼仪 Breakfast “Done Right Check List 早餐检查表,Hostess Training- Hostess Duties 迎宾培训-迎宾的基

2、本职责,Hostess Duties 迎宾的基本职责 Daily Routine 每日基本任务 Preparation for meal period 餐前准备工作 Double-check & reconfirm all reservations, check with outlet manager on duty for any inquiries. 再次检查和确定所有预定,有任何疑问可以找餐厅经理帮忙。 Ensure that all function sheets, requisitions and billing instructions for that day have been

3、 issued and distributed by and to the responsible department. 确保当日所有宴会清单,仓库领货单和遗留账单等各式信息已经被批准和传达分配到相应部门和员工。 Follow up and check the task / check lists of your particular outlet. 察看部门留言和任务清单,采取行动并加以跟进和落实,Hostess Training- Hostess Duties 迎宾培训-迎宾的基本职责,Hostess Duties 迎宾的基本职责 Daily Routine 每日基本任务 Prepara

4、tions for Outlet Manager 给餐厅经理做准备工作 Before start operation, hostesses will prepare the daily lists for the Outlet Manager as follows: 开始营业前,作为迎宾应该准备如下内容的每日清单给餐厅经理 Daily repeated / regular guest list with names and preferences. 每日回头客和常客名单和其喜好 Handover from late shift of the day before 上个班次交接过来的未完成任务

5、Outlet Function sheets 餐厅当日的宴会清单 Outlet duty roster(hostess leader) 餐厅员工班次表(前台负责人),Hostess Training- Hostess Duties 迎宾培训-迎宾的基本职责,Hostess Duties 迎宾的基本职责 The list will be compiled on a clipboard and keep at the managers desk / hostess desk for review. The manager will take the information to the group

6、 briefing. 所有清单放在同一个文件夹并送到经理办公桌上,部门经理将携带这些信息参加集团会议。 When the manager returns from the group briefing the following lists have to be published on the staff notice board for everybodys information: 当部门经理从会议回来后,所有的信息应贴在员工告示板上给所有员工知道: Daily outlet report 每日部门报告 Daily summary report 每日汇总报告 Up-selling rec

7、ord 促销纪录 Outlet function sheet 当日宴会清单 Important matters discussed in the briefing 当日会议要点,Guests are led to their table with verbal cue by the most direct route. Staff should not pace more than 3 steps ahead of guest, warning of obstacles. eye contact & polite service phraseology always used. 在带客人的过程

8、中,要选择最短到达客人桌子的路线,要走在客人的前面约一米(3步)的位置,速度不能太快,注意障碍物。眼神接触和礼貌的服务用语贯穿全程。,Hostess Training- Warm Welcome & Bid Farewell迎宾培训-对客人的迎来送往,Keep the following basic rules in mind:紧记以下基本原则: Smile 微笑始终贯穿整个服务 Check the booking details 确认预定细节 Do not keep guests with a confirmed reservation waiting at the hostess desk

9、 不要让有预定的客人在领位台等候 Check the dress code 确认客人的着装 Check the guests age if you are not sure(for children) 确认客人的年龄如果你不确定的情况下(小孩) Use the guests name appropriately and in a natural manner 以自然的状态合理的使用客人的名字,Restaurant hostess will take care of guest coats, hats, umbrellas, shopping bags or guest personal bel

10、ongings if needed. 餐厅迎宾需要帮助客人妥善保管外套,帽子雨伞及购物袋等 个人物品。如果在客人需要的情况下。,Hostess Training- Warm Welcome & Bid Farewell迎宾培训-对客人的迎来送往,Hostess Training- Warm Welcome & Bid Farewell迎宾培训-对客人的迎来送往,How to seat guest 怎样为客人让座 Chairs are pulled for guests, napkin will be placed in triangle shape (single folded) on the

11、 guests lap, do not touch the guests body, lady first ). 为客人拉椅让座,为客人铺好餐巾,餐巾折成单层的三角形,铺在客人膝盖上,不要碰到客人身体,女士优先. Table must be spotless and fully set before guest is seated. Beverage will be offered immediately. 餐桌在客人坐下之前应已经准备好,干净整齐无破损。酒水在客人入座后马上提供。,Hostess Training- Warm Welcome & Bid Farewell迎宾培训-对客人的迎来

12、送往,How to present menu 怎样服务菜单给客人 Obtain appropriate number of menus from Hostess stand (one per guest) Hold the menu with left front arm, with menu cover facing upward. Use your palm to maintain the stability and balance. During service, carry all the menus by left hand and left front arm. use your

13、right hand to take one menu and open the first page. Put your right hand in the middle on the top of menu and present to the guest, 40cm away from guests chest. 从领位台拿取适量的菜单(每人一本),菜单正面封面向上放 在左手小臂上,用手掌固定好并保持平衡,在服务给客人时左 手和左小臂持全部菜单,右手拿其中一本,打开第一页,右手 放在菜单顶部中间位置,递到客人胸前40公分处。,Hostess Training- Warm Welcome

14、& Bid Farewell迎宾培训-对客人的迎来送往,How to bid guest farewell 怎样给客人温暖的送别 Thank the guest, bid a friendly and warm farewell and invite the guest to return. 感谢客人的光临,给与客人温暖的道别并盛情邀请客人再次光临。 Thank you for your coming , Mr/Ms guest name, Hope to see you again soon! 感谢您的光临, 客人姓名先生/女士,欢迎您下次再来!,Thank you for coming ,

15、 Mr/Ms guest name, Have a nice evening! 感谢您的光临, 客人姓名先生/女士,祝您晚上愉快!/祝您入住愉快 Never Only Farewell guest with “bye bye!” 永远不要在欢送客人时只说“再见”,Hostess Training- Warm Welcome & Bid Farewell迎宾培训-对客人的迎来送往,Hostess Service Sequence 领位的整个次序和过程,Good evening, Mr. Ms Guest name welcome to outlet name, Do you have any r

16、eservation with us ?,YES,NO,May have your name please? I have a nice table for you today. (find guest name in reservation book),I apologize ,at the moment we are fully booked. Would you like to wait for _minutes, Mr./Ms*? (after get guests name use the name) How many person you have, shall I help you make a reservation now?,Available Table,Not Available Table,May I show you the table? This way please!,Hostess Training- Warm Welco



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