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1、【双语话职场】跳出职业选择的六大“雷区”【引导语】职业选择是每个人都要面临的,特别是对应届毕业生来说,难免会有一些迷茫。其实职业选择很简单,了解自己和各种职业后,就能做出明智选择了。1. Choosing a career is simple职业选择很简单Career planning is a multi-step process that involves learning enough about yourself and the occupations which you are considering in order to make an informed decision。职业规

2、划是一个多步骤的过程,如果你想做出明智的选择,就必须充分了解你自己和各种职业。2. A career counselor can tell me what occupation to pick职业顾问能告诉我应该选什么职业A career counselor, or any other career development professional, cant tell you what career is best for you. He or she can provide you with guidance in choosing a career and can help facili

3、tate your decision。职业顾问并不能告诉你什么职业最适合你,他们只能给你提供指导性的建议,让你的选择变得容易。3. I should choose a career from a Best Careers list我应该从“最佳职业”清单上选择职业While the lists are often based on valid data, sometimes things change. In addition, you need to take into account your interests, values, and skills when choosing a ca

4、reer。虽然那些清单通常基于数据,但事情总是变化的。另外,选择职业时你还应该考虑自己的兴趣、价值观和技能。4. Once I choose a career Ill be stuck in it forever一旦我选定了职业就得从一而终If you are unsatisfied in your career for any reason, you can always change it. Many people change careers several times over the course of their lifetimes。如果你对自己的职业有任何不满意,你可以改变它。很

5、多人都在一生当中多次改变了职业。5. If I change careers my skills will go to waste换职业我的技能会作废Your skills are yours to keep. You can take them from one job to another. You may not use them in the exact same way, but they wont go to waste。你的技能永远是你的。你可以将它带到新工作中。或许你不能完全像过去那样使用,但是它绝不会作废。6. Theres very little I can do to l

6、earn about an occupation without actually working in it除非真的去做了,我无法了解一个职业You can read about it either in print resources or online. You can also interview those working in that field。你可以阅读网上或者线下的有关资料。你还可以和做某一行的人面对面交流。走进职场,五步养成好习惯俗话说:习惯成自然,只要坚持,好的习惯能在生活中自然的养成,并将会让你终身受益。1. First of all, you will need t

7、o be clear on your intentions. Do you really want to play the violin? or was this wish merely conceived when your best friend showed you his instrument.首先,你需要确定自己的意向。你是真的想拉小提琴吗?还是因为你最好的朋友向你炫耀了他的琴?2. It helps if you can identify your why. Why do you want to play the violin, lose weight, run a maratho

8、n, etc. The bigger your conviction, the easier it will be for you to make the transition.如果你能知道“为什么”会很有帮助。你为什么想拉小提琴,为什么想减肥,为什么想跑马拉松等等。你的信念越是强烈,你转变的过程就会越容易。3. Once you are absolutely certain you want to follow through with this, here is what you do. First write down your intentions. It is important y

9、ou use positive affirmations to write these goals.一旦你确定了你真的想要,写下你的意愿。用积极的语言写下你的目标很重要。4. Celebrate each step, regardless how tiny it is. You need all the help you can get to keep motivated. It also helps to enlist the support of friends or family members.为迈出的每一步喝彩,不论它看上去多么微不足道。你需要用一切手段来激励自己。从朋友或者家人那里

10、得到支持也是很重要的。5. Stay clear of negativity. There will be those who try to sabotage you. This doesnt even have to be intentional. It could evolve from a negative statement aimed at you, or even a deep rooted belief you had since you can remember. Any trigger that could bring this out should be avoided.远

11、离消极。总有那么些人试图妨碍你。有时候他们甚至是无意的。一个指向你的消极言论,或者一种从你有记忆以来就根深蒂固的信念。要避免任何可能触发消极的因素的“导火索”。提升工作幸福感的五个秘诀1. People Need You. Theres always someone who relies on you, no matter what type of work you do.大家需要你:不论你的工作是什么,总有人需要你。The public rely on the toilet cleaners to keep the toilets fresh. The public rely on the

12、trash-men to remove their unwanted garbage. The public rely on the fast-food trainee to provide them with easy, stress-free food. So recognize that there are those who need you to do a good job. Please dont let them down. 大家需要卫生间清洁工来保持卫生间的干净,需要垃圾处理工来清理不需要的垃圾,需要快餐工来提供方便、减压的食物。要知道,总有那么一些人需要你做好自己的工作。不要

13、让他们失望。2. Plan Out Your Day. Often, well find a day disappears as quickly as it arrived because we got bogged down with minor chores and emergencies that kept appearing. These minor fires mean we dont get to tackle the much bigger fires, which would give us a lot more satisfaction.好好规划每一天:我们经常深陷于层出不穷

14、的琐事和突发情况之中,然后一天就溜过去了。忙于扑灭这些“小火”,我们就没工夫去应对那些让我们更有成就感的“大火”了。Whats the best way to deal with this? Plan out your day. At the end of your shift, decide what major fires need putting out tomorrow. Plan out when youll tackle these major issues, and then stick to that plan no matter what little embers may

15、pop up.该怎么办好呢?好好规划你的每一天。在一天要结束的时候,搞清楚明天有哪些“需要扑灭的大火”。规划好你来处理这些重要事务的时间,然后坚持执行计划,不论有什么样的“小火苗”窜出来。3. Do something different. Consistency is a good thing to have at work. But what isnt good to have is the same routine, day after day after day. It drags you down, it makes you tired early in the day, and it kills any motivation you have for the job.做点不一样的事:工作上的一致性是好的。但是如果日复一日的重复同样的轨迹就不好了。它会让你情绪低落、疲惫不堪,并且丧失对工作的激情。Do something different! Step out of your routine and take a fresh look at things. Inject some variety into your days, even if its something as simple as taking a different route



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