闽教版六年级上册 Unit7 Thanksgiving PartA课件

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《闽教版六年级上册 Unit7 Thanksgiving PartA课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《闽教版六年级上册 Unit7 Thanksgiving PartA课件(33页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、闽教版第七册Unit 7 Thanksgiving Part A,Lets sing a song.,Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,week,January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December,November,March,September,May,October,July,January,New Years Day,Its on _.,1,January 1st,date 日期,May D

2、ay,Its on _.,May 1st,Childrens Day,Its on_.,1,June 1st,Army Day,Its on_.,August 1st,TeachersDay,Its on_.,1,September 10th,Christmas Day,Its on_.,1,December 25th,Ask and answer 01.swf,最后的,Whats the date today? Its November 27. Its the last Thursday of November. Its Thanksgiving.,Thanksgiving,Thanks感谢

3、 give 给予 Thanksgiving 感恩,What is Thanksgiving?,Its an American holiday.,When is it ?,The last Thursday of November.,Listen and follow.,American 美国的,America 美国,Australian 澳大利亚的,Australia 澳大利亚,What is Thanksgiving?,Its an American holiday.,When is it ?,The last Thursday of November.,have a big family

4、dinner,make dumplings,get pocket money,say Happy New Year,-How do you usually spend Spring Festival?,-We usually,watch New Year programs,go to the fair,包饺子,说新年好,得到红包,吃一顿丰盛的家庭大餐,看春节晚会,逛庙会,How do they spend Thanksgiving?,They have a big family dinner.,Thanksgiving is coming.,They also invite friends t

5、o join them.,invite 邀请,join 参加;加入,invite friends,邀请朋友,join them,加入他们,join us,加入我们,The last Thursday of November.,The last Thursday of November.,记忆大王,How do you spend it?,How do you spend it?,记忆大王,记忆大王,We have a big family dinner.,记忆大王,We invite friends to join us.,So clever !,Sing a song,Thanksgivin

6、g is an holiday. Its on the last of . They have a big and they friends to them .,Learn to write.,Thursday,November,family dinner,invite,join,Learn to write.,Listen and follow.,American,Thanks for our parents!,Thanks for our teachers!,Thanks for our friends!,Thanks for everything around us !,Thanks for our food!,summary,Words:Thanksgiving, American invite, join Sentences: Whats the date today? How do you spend Thanksgiving? We have a big family dinner. We also invite friends to join us.,Homework:,1 熟读本课课文 2 完成活动手册Unit7 Part A 3 制作感谢卡,送给想送的人。,Thank you !,


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