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1、 第1课 白鹭第一课时 同步练习基础百花园一、 看拼音,写生字。l xi白 镜 hu di 长 之一忽则嫌黑 二、换一换,给下列字换一个偏旁组成另外一个字,并组词。鹭( )( ) 嫌 ( ) ( )喙 ( )( ) 黛 ( )( ) 提升训练营三、连线 黛 鹤 朱 哨 sho zh di h四、加一加,变成新字。氵( ) 亻( ) 纟( )思维大练兵五、课外阅读。海鸥姑娘小海鸥十分漂亮,她特别爱美。早晨,小海鸥拍打着翅膀到大海上。大海是小海鸥的镜子,她每天都来这儿梳妆打扮。小海鸥对着镜子瞧啊,瞧啊,她觉得自己是天底下最美的姑娘。正在小海鸥十分得意的时候,几句刺耳的话传过来:“臭美!臭美!”造燕

2、窝的小雨燕七嘴八舌地议论,“不劳动,没人喜欢你!”“哼!你们忌妒我!”小海鸥不服地扭过身子,继续照镜子。中午,小海鸥飞到海边的礁石上,啄食岸边晾晒的鱼虾。突然,海燕跑过来说:“懒家伙,不许吃,那是我们捕的鱼虾!”小海鸥坐在岸边的礁石上哭了,哭得好伤心哟!镜子里她一点儿也不美。大海妈妈对她说:“劳动,是最高尚的美德。你为什么不和他们一起劳动呢?”听了大海妈妈的话,小海鸥点了点头。从此,劳动者的队伍里又多了一只美丽的海鸟。1.根据拼音,写汉字u jng:学*科*网Z*X*X*K海 子lo yn动 海 2.文中的海鸥姑娘美吗?说说你的理由。3.写出下列词语的近义词。漂亮 议论 第1课 白鹭第一课时

3、同步练习答案 一、根据拼音写汉字。白鹭 镜匣 长喙 黛之一忽则嫌黑 解析:主要考察学生对字形的掌握情况。白鹭的“鹭”不能写成“路”。二、换一换,给下列字换一个偏旁组成另外一个字,并组词。鹭( 露 )( 雨露 ) 嫌 (赚 ) (赚钱 )喙 ( 缘 )( 缘分 ) 黛 ( 袋 )( 衣袋 ) 三、连线黛 鹤 朱 哨 sho zh di h解析:主要考查学生的对字音的掌握。 四、加一加,变成新字。氵( 江 ) 亻(你 ) 纟(红 )解析:考查学生对一个偏旁加另一个偏旁,组成新字。五、课外阅读。1. 海鸥 镜子 劳动 海燕解析:主要考查学生的对字形的掌握。 2. 海鸥姑娘开始不美,后来就美了。因为开

4、始海鸥姑娘不劳动,后来,她听了大海妈妈的话,认识到劳动是最高尚的美德,也开始劳动。解析:主要考查学生的对课文内容的掌握。3. 漂亮美丽 议论 讨论解析:考查学生对近义词的掌握情况。 第1课 白鹭第二课时 同步练习基础百花园一、判断对错。1.“铿锵”的“锵”读作qng 。( )2.“白路”“清澄”“黄昏”三个词的书写都正确。( ) 二、用“”给加点的字选择正确的读音。 嫌太硬(xin xn) 嵌在玻璃框里的画面(qin qn) 三、照样子,填写。 例:干干净净 _ _提升训练营四、组词多多鹭( ) ( ) 匣( )( )五、连线 雪白的 脚 铁色的 长喙青色的 蓑毛 六、课内练习。白鹭是一首精巧



7、黄鹂”、“白鹭”的脍炙人口的诗句不少,请各写出一句。答:杜鹃:“其间旦暮闻何物,杜鹃啼血猿哀鸣”(白居易);黄鹂:“独怜幽草涧边生,上有黄鹂深树鸣”(韦应物);白鹭:“两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天”(杜甫)。 issue, linked using two wheels with a halving of the risk of cancer and heart disease. The five-year study of 250,000 UK commuters also showed walking had some benefits over sitting on public tr

8、ansport or taking the car.Pedalling to work is already popular in many cities across the world. Some forward-thinking authorities have built cycle lanes to make the commute safer, as well as providing secure places to lock them up. Some companies also provide facilities for their employees to get ch

9、anged and cleaned up when they arrive at work. It all makes good sense - according to people surveyed in this study, regular cycling cut the risk of death from any cause by 41%, the incidence of cancer by 45% and heart disease by 46%.For me, cycling to work is quicker and cheaper than using public t

10、ransport and its my only form of exercise. And whereas going to the gym to lose a few pounds takes effort and commitment, cycling has just become part of the work routine. Clare Hyde from Cancer Research UK says This study helps to highlight the potential benefits of building activity into your ever

11、yday life. Anything that gets you a bit hot and out of breath can help make a difference.But what exactly is it that is making cycling a much healthier option? The research, published in the British Medical Journal, found it wasnt the result of weight loss but it could be that cyclists are leaner an

12、d have lower levels of inflammation in the body.Of course, any exercise is good for you but its thought that cycling is better than walking because the activity is longer and more intense. Dr Jason Gill, from the University of Glasgow, told the BBC You need to get to work every day so if you built c

13、ycling into the day it essentially takes willpower out of the equation. For me, its the best and most enjoyable workout I can have and I dont need to wear skin-tight lycra clothes, as long as I wear the most important accessory, a helmet.1. What did the study find happened to the risk of cancer and heart diseases to those people who cycled regularly? The biggest study into the issue, found cycling halved the risk of cancer and heart disease.2. Why does t


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