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1、如何撰写与发表高水平的学术论文,How to Write and Publish High Quality Scientific Paper,贺昱曜 教授,2007年11月13日,一、 学术论文的特征与意义 - Characteristic and Significance of Scientific Paper 二、 标题的创作 - Creating the title 三、 摘要的写作 - Writing the abstract 四、 引言的撰写 论文写作目的与创新点的导引 - Writing the Introduction 五、 正文与结果的撰写要点 - Writing the Ma

2、in Body and Results of a Paper 六、 结论的写作技巧 - Writing the Conclusion 七、 致谢 - Stating the Acknowledgements 八、 参考文献- 论文前沿性的有力支撑 - References Citing 九、 投稿从主编和评审人的角度考察论文 - Manuscript Submitting,主要包含以下九个方面,一、学术论文的特征与意义- Characteristic and Uniform Requirements for Scientific Paper Science (科学) Knowledge cov

3、ering general truths or the operation of general law. Natural Science (自然科学) A system or method reconciling practical ends with scientific law. Applied Science (应用科学) Search for practical uses of scientific knowledge. Study (研究) Critical and exhaustive investigation or experimentation aimed at the d

4、iscovery of new facts and their correct interpretation, or the revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws. Research Article (学术论文): Paper and Dissertation or Master Thesis for the degree of Ph.D or M.E,1.1 为什么要发表论

5、文与学术论文的意义: 硕士、博士毕业; 技术人员,教师评职称; 申报学科点,重点学科,重点实验室; 申报项目,申报奖励; 一个学校、学院的学术声誉; 一个人的学术成就须用论文的数量与水平来衡量,等。,你的题目有没有学术价值?有没有新东西? - 新观点、新模型:过去没有人这样看问题; - 新方法:过去没有人这样分析、解决问题; - 新结论:过去没有人得到这样的结果。,1.3 Journal, Transaction, Magazine, Letters Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University Journal of Changan Univ

6、ersity IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks Power Electronics Communications Computer; Circuits and Systems I Vision, Image and Signal Processing. IEEE Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Newsletter IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering IEEE Communications Mag

7、azine IEEE Communications Letter,1.4 Importance of Scientific Paper Writing Three functions of Scientific Paper: (1) Record and store information; (2) Communicate with others; (3) Help to creativeness. a. Accumulate the knowledge; b. Measure and become known by their publications; c. Refine the rese

8、arch results; 国外没有我们国内这么多的评奖,评价一个人的成就主要看高水平的论文。例如杨振宁的诺贝尔奖 The goal of scientific research is publicationScientists, starting as graduate students,are measured primarily not by their dexterity in laboratory manipulations, not by their innate knowledge of either broad or narrow scientific subjects, an

9、d certainly not by their wit or charm; they are measured, and become known (or remain unknown) by their publications.,1.5 Characteristics and Requirements for Scientific Paper Writing (1)Creativity 创新 Original manuscript which has not been published anywhere else. 科学论文所介绍的研究成果应该是前所未有的,即有所发现、有所创造。没 有

10、新的观点、见解、结果和结论,就不成其为科学论文。 创新程度可大,可小,总要对科技知识宝库有所贡献。“首先提出”、“首次 发现”具有重大意义的研究毕竟不多。就某一方面而言有新意、有发展,亦应属于 创新。 有些课题是引进消化国内外先进技术,只要对丰富理论,推动技术进步有 意义,也应视为有一定程度的创新。 (2)Clarity 简洁 (3)Clearness 明了 (4)Accuracy 精确 (5) Standardization 标准 Understandable,1.6 Classification of Scientific Papers (1) Theoretical analysis A

11、ssumption, Principle, Theorem, Lemma, Law and proof. (2) Application study Measurement, test, data processing. (3) Mathematical modeling and computer simulation (4) Review or survey, overview,1.7 Organization of a scientific paper,Title Authors Abstract Keywords Introduction Material and Method Resu

12、lts Conclusion and Discussion Acknowledgement References Appendixes,二、标题的创作 - Creating the title Procedure for writing a scientific paper (1) Body Results Conclusion (2) Introduction References Abstract Title,2.1 Functions and importance of the title Title for the paper is like the face for some bea

13、utiful girl. Outline the paper. Summarize research contents (new ideas) and results and be convenient to index 阅读习惯:先看标题,根据标题来考虑是否看摘要。 标题的功能是概括全文并便于检索索引。 TClifford Allbutt的话,不仅精辟地说明标题的重要性,也是写标题的指导思想: First Impressions are strong impressions;a title ought therefore to be well studied,and to give,so f

14、ar as its limits permit,a definite and concise indication of what is to come 第一印象是最重要的印象;因此标题应当仔细研究,在允许情况下,尽可能确切、简明地反映所要讲的内容。,2.2 Requirements for the title (1) Expressing the practical contents and characteristic of the paper. (2) Clarity and accuracy 10-12 words (3) Confirming with the common usag

15、e of title writing. Example 1. A singular perturbation finite element procedure for the analysis of edge effects in shell structures 奇异摄动有限元方法分析壳结构的边界效应 What method for what problem. Example 2. Shape design sensitivity analysis of a two dimensional heat transfer system using the boundary element method 用边界元方法分析二维传热系统的形状设计的灵敏度 (what) problem analysis using what method. Example 3. Numerical analysis of Large Deformation Rigid Plastic Problems in Dynamic Range by Quadratic Extremum Principles. 动力学范围内的大变形刚朔性问题的二次极值原理数值分析 一篇论文只能有一个主题,绝对不能有两个以上的主题。,三、摘要的写作-


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