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1、UNGER FABRIK, LLC1515 E. 15TH STREET, LOS ANGELES, CA, 90021FAX: 213-2221011FORM (H) HUMAN RIGHTS EVALUATIONAs a condition of doing business with UNGER FABRIK,LLC, each and every factory must comply with this Code of Vendor Conduct. UNGER FABRIK,LLC. will continue to develop monitoring systems to as

2、sess and ensure compliance. If UNGER FABRIK, LLC. determines that any factory has violated this Code, UNGER FABRIK,LLC. may either terminate its business relationship or require the factory to implement a corrective action plan. If corrective action is advised but not taken, UNGER FABRIK,LLC. will s

3、uspend placement of future orders and may terminate current production.與 UNGER FABRIK,LLC 有限公司建立商業交往必須符合 UNGER FABRIK,LLC有限公司所訂立之人權守則。UNGER FABRIK,LLC 有限公司將持修訂有關人權守則及改良監管方法。若發現供應商違反人權承諾。 UNGER FABRIK,LLC 有限公司會終止與供應商之業務交並要求該供應商進行善及修訂。 但若該供應商並沒依指示作出修正,UNGER FABRIK,LLC 有限公司即停止與此供應商之商業活動及可能終止在製訂單。Factor

4、ies that produce goods for UNGER FABRIK,LLC. shall operate in full compliance with the laws of their respective countries and with all other applicable laws, rules and regulations.為UNGER FABRIK,LLC 有限公司提供應商,必需嚴格遵守該國政府的有關法律、條例及規章。Please take a few moments to go though this statement carefully, and ma

5、ke sure you will fully comply with this Code.請詳細閱讀下列條並確保願意嚴格遵守。Manufacturer_供應商UNGER FABRIK, LLCThe factory operates in full compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including those relating to labor, worker health, safety and the environment.工廠嚴格遵守當地政府所訂定之僱傭條例,勞工健康及工業安全。The facto

6、ry will allow UNGER FABRIK, LLC. and/or any of its representatives or agents unrestricted access to its facilities and to all relevant records at all times, whether or not notice is provided in advance.工廠無條件允許 UNGER FABRIK,LLC. 有限公司與/及其代理之代表人於任何時間無需事前通知而探訪其工廠、檢查其設施及翻查其記錄。The factory should have an e

7、nvironmental system or plan.工廠有保護環境的設施。The factory has procedures for notifying local community authorities in case of accidental discharge or release or any other environmental emergency.遇有意外洩漏或錯誤排放化學品污染環境有適當的程序佑會本地的環璄保護委員會。The factory should employ workers without regards to race, color, gender, n

8、ationality, religion, age, maternity or marital status.工廠所僱用的員工無分種族、膚色、性別、國籍、宗教、年齡、已婚或未婚。 The factory should pay workers wages and provide benefits without regards to race, color, gender, nationality, religion, age, maternity or marital status.工廠無分種族、膚色、性別、國籍、宗教、年齡、已婚或未婚付予相同的工資及褔利。The factory doesnt

9、 use involuntary labor of any kind, including prison labor, debt bondage or forced labor by governments.工廠不僱用囚犯、負債或政治犯。The factory employs every worker at least 16 years of age and they meet the applicable minimum legal age requirement.工廠不僱用 16 歲以下的青少年為員工。 They factory complies with all applicable c

10、hild labor laws, including those related to hiring, wages, hours worked, overtime and working conditions. 工廠嚴格遵從不僱用童工,工作時間、工資規定及工作環境。 The factory encourages and allows eligible workers, especially younger workers; to attend night classes, participate in work-study programs and other government-spons

11、ored educational programs.工廠容許並鼓勵年青員工參與工餘進修課程以增進其智識。 The factory maintains official documentation for every worker that verifies the workers date of birth. In those countries where official documents are not available to confirm exact date of birth the factory confirm age using an appropriate and re

12、liable assessment method.工廠有法定文件以證明其聘請之員工之真實年齡。 若没有法定文件以資證實其真實年齡,則必需有合理之文件以資証明。Workers are paid at least the minimum legal wage or the local industry standard wage, which is greater.工廠按當地政府所訂定或商會所訂定之最低工資支付員工薪酬,以較高者為準。The factory pay overtime and incentive (or piece) rates that meet all legal require

13、ments or the local industry standard, whichever is greater.工廠按當地政府所訂定之加班工資計算法支付加班工資,以較高者為準。Hourly wage rates for overtime are higher than the rates for the regular work shift.加班之工資較正常班之工資為高。The factory cannot require on a regular scheduled basis, a workweek in excess of 60 hours.工廠不能長期持續性加班使每週之總工時超愈

14、六十小時。Workers may refuse overtime without any threat of penalty, punishment or dismissal.工人可自由參與加班工作。Workers have at least one day off in seven.工人於七天內有一休息日。The factory provides paid annual leave and holidays to workers as required by law or which meet the local industry standard, whichever is greater

15、.工廠按當地政府所訂定或所訂定給予員工有薪年假或休假,以高者為準。For each pay period, the factory provide workers an understandable wage statement which includes days worked, wage or piece rate earned per day, hours of overtime at each specified rate, bonuses, allowances and legal or contractual deductions.於發薪時工提供清晰糧單,使員工能清楚知道其每日所賺取之單價、數量金額、加班奬勵金及應扣除款項。The factory does not engage in or permit physical acts to punish or coerce workers.工廠不允許使用暴力以懲罰或威逼其員工。The factory does not engage in or permit psychological coercion or any other fo



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