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1、考研英语写作句式拓展模拟操2010年考研英语写作句式拓展模拟操练(一)1.A healthy and better-educated new generation is a guarantee for sustainable economic and social development of our country。2.The victory of Chinese womens volleyball team at the Olympic Games was a great inspiration to all Chinese people。3.The ability to take par

2、t in space exploration represents the level of a nations scientific and economic development。4.Many students find giving an effective oral presentation difficult and stressful。5.Juvenile delinquency, one of the most controversial issues throughout the world, has attracted a lot of attention from bot

3、h the social scientists and the general public。6.In the past three decades, many countries have formulated laws and regulations to protect animals from being abused or killed, and many have set up reservation areas to protect endangered animals。7.Without proper rewards, those who have done good deed

4、s may sometimes feel disappointed and many others will simply shy away from doing good deeds。8.Some people may be addicted to netsurfing, which impairs their physical and mental health。9.Lakes and rivers are becoming seriously polluted, which aggravates (worsens) the shortage of fresh water。10.Wheth

5、er you plan to stay for a week or for a year in a new place, you will benefit from learning about the place before you go。1。健康的、受过良好教育的一代新人是我国经济、社会可持续发展的保障。2。中国女排在奥运会上所取得的胜利极大地鼓舞了中国人民。3。参与太空探索的能力代表了一个国家的科技和经济发展的水平。4。很多学生觉得有效的口头表达困难而紧张。5。青少年犯罪是当今世界颇有争议的问题之一,吸引了社会学者和普通公众的广泛注意。6。过去的三十年中,许多国家都制定了法律和法规,保

6、护动物免遭虐待或屠杀,还有许多国家建立了保护地,保护濒临灭绝的动物。7。没有适当的回报,那些做了好事的人有时会觉得失望,而许多其他的人则干脆不愿做好事。8。有些人沉迷于网上冲浪,这对他们的身心健康有害。9。湖泊河流正在被严重污染,这使淡水的短缺变得愈加严重。10。在一个新地方无论是呆一周还是呆一年,去之前了解一些当地的情况肯定有益。2010年考研英语写作句式拓展模拟操练(二)1.Money, whatever form it takes, is essential for buying goods and services。2.People from different countries s

7、peak different languages, keep different value systems, and have different ways of looking at things。3.Technology is making life more convenient and enjoyable but is also affecting the environment in harmful ways。4.Smoking is dangerous not only to the smokers themselves but also to the non-smokers a

8、round them。5.A growing number of adults find themselves not only parenting their children, but providing care for their parents as well。6.People, not realizing that water resources on the earth are limited, waste a great amount of water every day。7.Citizens have the right to know the truth and super

9、vise the celebrity, thus forming a kind of public opinion。8.Having placed great expectations on their son, they couldnt hold back huge disappointment and anger when they learnt their sons failure to pass the test。9.With the improvement of living standards, more and more people begin to buy cars to m

10、eet the needs of work and life, thereby worsening the traffic problems。10.To learn a foreign language well, a good memory is a must。1。钱,不管什么形式,都是购买商品和服务所不可缺少的。2。不同国家的人们说不同的语言,有不同的价值体系,和看待事情不同的方式。3。技术使生活变得更便捷和美好,但也对环境产生了破坏。4。吸烟不仅对吸烟者自身有害,而且对周围的非吸烟者也有害。5。越来越多的成年人发现自己不仅要照顾好孩子,而且还要关照好自己的父母。6。由于意识不到地球水资源

11、的有限性,人们每天都浪费很多水。7。公民有权了解事实,监督名人,从而形成公众舆论。8。他们对儿子期望甚高,所以听说儿子考试不及格,不禁大失所望,很是气愤。9。随着生活水平的提高,越来越多的人开始买车来满足工作生活的需要,因而使得交通问题更加糟糕。来源:考试大网10。学好一门外语,好的记忆力很有必要2010年考研英语写作句式拓展模拟操练(三)1.White people settling down in the North America were actually not the first immigrants to the New World。2.Americans teaching in

12、 Third World countries find the lack of competition in a classroom situation equally distressing。3.Many left-handed people have to learn to develop skills to live in a world dominated by right-handed people。4.Located at the west end of Bai Causeway, this cement terrace bounded by water on three side

13、s is one of the traditional places to view the West Lake, especially on an autumn night with a full moon。5.You may find the value placed on competition disagreeable, especially if you come from a society that promotes cooperation rather than competition among individuals。6.In spite of what has been

14、achieved in controlling the birthrate, there is much to be desired。7.Despite fierce opposition, the government is pressing on with its campaign to eliminate corruption。8.Despite all those material benefits brought by wealth, it may not bring us real happiness。9.Despite the fact that you have done al

15、l that you can do, I still believe that you could have done a better job。10.For all the scandals, Maradona is remembered for his skills and is loved by soccer fans around the world。1。在北美定居下来的白人实际上并不是第一个来到新大陆的移民。2。在第三世界教书的美国人发现,课堂里面缺乏竞争同样令人烦恼。3。许多左撇子不得不培养自己在一个由右撇子们所主导的世界里生活的技能。4。这块水泥台地位于白堤的西端,三面环水,是传

16、统的观赏西湖的地点之一,尤其在满月的秋夜。5。你会觉得强调竞争令人不悦,尤其当你来自一个重视个体合作而非竞争的社会时。6。尽管在人口控制上取得了成就,然而,还有许多工作要做。7。尽管遭到了强烈的反对,政府还是在推动消灭腐败的运动。8。尽管金钱会给我们带来许多物质方面的好处,但它不一定能给我们带来真正的幸福。9。尽管你已经做了所能做的一切,我还是觉得你本可以做得更好。10。尽管有那么多丑闻,Maradona仍然因为球技而被人们记住,并受到世界各地足球迷们的喜爱。1.Some young people may have picked up smoking because of peer pressure。2.Owing to the absence of some important delegat



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