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1、 概要写作分类(叙述类&论说类)讲解1. 叙述类文章【文本分析】叙述类文章主要叙事,即讲述一个故事,往往涵盖5WH(Who, What, When, Where, Why, How)等信息,根据故事的情节发展(Plot Development),文本基本可以分成五个部分:l 引入(Exposition):作为故事的开端,主要交代故事的背景(时间、地点、主要人物、矛盾冲突等);l 发展(Rising action):故事矛盾冲突不断变化发展的过程;l 高潮(Climax):故事矛盾冲突的转折点,故事最紧的部分;l 结局(Falling action):故事发展的结局,矛盾冲突的最终解决;l 尾声

2、(Resolution):故事结局的影响,以及作者的总结、思考。其中,“尾声”部分并不属于情节发展的必要部分,因此并非所有叙述类文章都具备。【概要写作步骤】1 根据情节发展的阶段,将文本分成四到五个部分。2 圈划符合该部分功能、推动情节发展的主要容,用一句话进行总结。3 用精炼的语言连接,润色每个部分的概述性句子。4 认真检查,自检标准:5WH【例题解析】Meet The Member Who Quit SugarWhen I was 15, I weighed 100 kg.I was a size 20+and hated the way I looked. I was a serial

3、big eater and quite depressed. I would sit in front of the fridge, eat something, move to the cupboard, eat a packet of chips, and move back to the fridge.It was a heartbreaking cycle of hate and food. I didnt feel confident, pretty, or worthwhile.Shopping made me cry, I avoided mirrors, and my soci

4、al life came to an end. I actually lost friends because they told me I was antisocial. It became so bad that I wanted to abuse myself; my skin and my mind became my enemy.1 引入部分概括句:Before quitting sugar, she was low-spirited about her overweightBut then, I turned my life around. I quit sugar.It star

5、ted with my mum. She staged anintervention(干预) that made me cry. I wanted to change -I needed to change - and she could see how unhappy I was.She put me onto a diet that mostly aimed to schedule meals, and - to my shock horror - cut out all processed sugar. It was so hard at first. I remember the sh

6、ame of sneaking chocolate and candies when the three oclock hunger hits.2 发展部分概括句:Then her mom stepped in and required her to follow a diet to quit sugar. But she didnt feel comfortable initially.But the weeks kept coming and it just got easier. I stopped eating sugar, and I stopped loving it; simpl

7、e as that.I substituted chips and biscuits for fruit and nuts, and had cup-of-soups after school when I was hit by the desire. I also had more energy, having a 20-minute walk with my dog into my everyday routine; I began to love that personal time.5 Cutting out sugar gave me so much more control ove

8、r my body, and my outlook on life improved. So many people are intimidated by the words “quit sugar”. Its not true. Fruit, honey, et cetera are natural sugars, and believe me, they fuel you better than chocolate bars ever could.3 高潮部分概括句:She was gradually used to eating and living healthily.Now Im 1

9、7, turning 18, and I weigh 70 kg. I still struggle with my weight, but this is where I sit naturally, and I am very proud of myself. I never thought I would be confident enough to wear dresses or skirts, and take leadership roles to put myself out there and develop my social skills.4 结局部分概括句:With he

10、r weight lost, she has felt better and regained confidence.I could never have done it without the support of my friends and family, and I urge everyone who wants to do right by themselves and change their diet - quitting sugar or otherwise - to share their decision with people. Develop a support net

11、work,online or offline, which can offer you advice or pick you up when youre down.And I can assure you, from my own personal experience, your body will thank you, and you will thank yourself too.5 尾声部分概括句:To do this right, we need to take action and seek support.Possible version of the summaryPassag

12、e ABefore quitting sugar, she was low-spirited about her overweight. Then her mom stepped in and required her to follow a diet to quit sugar. Despite initial discomfort, she was gradually used to eating and living healthily. With her weight lost, she felt better and regained confidence. To do this r

13、ight, we need to take action and seek support. (59 words)Passage BAfter experiencing a lot of heartbreaking moments due to her overweight, the author made up her mind to go diet by quitting sugar. She turned to her mother and healthy food. After struggling with her weight and sugar-eating habit, now

14、 she has lost 30 kg and feels much better than ever before. Her experience is to take action and support. (60 words)2. 论说类文章1)现象分析型【文本分析】该类型文章主要围绕某一现象进行分析、说明或评论,此类文章的典型结构及容要点见下表:文本结构容要点说明第一部分呈现现象的具体表现文本中的具体例子和数据不需要写入概要,但总结性的展开说明则需要第二部分分析或说明1. 主题句2. 展开说明的支持性细节,如方式、影响等第二部分评论及其他信息积极/负面/谨慎的评论1. 如与前文容重复,

15、可不写入概要2. 本部分可能不出现在文本中【概要写作步骤】1 根据此类文章的基本结构,将文本分为三个部分。2 圈划各个部分的容要点。3 撰写概要。概要由以下三个部分组成:l 第一部分:现象具体表现的关键信息。l 第二部分:现象的分析或说明等主题句及支持性细节的关键信息。l 第三部分(如有):文本所提供的影响、评论等其他信息。4 用精炼的语言连接、润色每个部分。5 认真检查。自检标准:现象的具体表现,以及围绕其进行分析、评论的主题句与支持性细节的关键词句。【例题解析】Gene Therapy“We used to think that our fate was in our stars, but now we know that, in large measure, our fate is in our genes,” said James Watson. Watson is a molecular (分子的)biologist and co-discoverer of DNA structure. Why? Scientists are seeing that gene therapy is revolutionizing the treatment of disease.1 现象具体表现的关键信



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