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1、,By May,A cuckoo in the nest,Unit 17,鸟窝中的布谷鸟,birdwatcher,engineer ,endini 工程师,n.观鸟者,enthusiastic in,ju:zistik adj.狂热的,满腔热情的;很感兴趣的,enthusiastically in,ju:zistikli adv. 很感兴趣地;满腔热情地,install v.安装 inst:l,1.The workers areinstalling an air-conditioner (kndin)空调. 工人们正在安装空调。 2.Sheinstalleda webcam. 她安装了摄像头。

2、,easily,i:zli: adv.容易地; 1.Weeasilyto the top of the mountain. 我们很容易地爬上了山。 2.We crossed that roadeasily. 我们很容易地穿过马路。,easy,appear-disappear消失,appear vi.出现;出版;显得;好像 1.A shipappearedon the sea. 船出现在海上。 2.Youappearunhappy. 你看起来好像不高兴。 appear as 作为 . 出现 appear in出现在 . appear to看来像是 appear to be好象是,invite v

3、t.邀请;请求;招致;招待 Invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 1.We invited all the friends to the party. 我们邀请了所有的朋友来参加聚会。 2.He is inviting his friend to dinner. 他正在招待朋友吃饭。,pentladv.耐心地 1.He answered my questionspatiently. 他耐心地回答我的问题。 2.He was angry, but he listened to mepatiently. 他很生气,但他还是耐心听我讲。 n.病人,患者-patient,pati

4、ently,enormous in:ms adj.巨大的;庞大的 1.Long agoenormousanimals lived on the earth(地球). 很久以前,地球上生活着巨大的动物。 2.She stood alone on theenormousstage. 她孤零零地站在巨大的舞台上。,in a moment,片刻;立即; 马上; 转瞬 I really must go homein a moment. 我真的得马上回家了。,New Words and Expressions:,杜鹃,布谷鸟 鸟窝,巢 工程师 很感兴趣的 观鸟者 出现 安装 网络摄像机 邀请 登录 很感兴

5、趣地 耐心地 蛋 突然地,chance n. dart v. second n. hatch v. excitedly adv. easily adv. push v. out of prep. enormous adj. wing n. in a moment adv. show n. be over v. + adv.,机会 急冲 时间的)秒 破壳而出,孵出 激动地,兴奋地 容易地 推,推动 外 巨大的,极大 翅膀,翼 片刻,瞬间 演出 结束,cuckoo n. nest n. engineer n. enthusiastic adj. birdwatcher n. appear v. i

6、nstall v. webcam n. invite v. log on v. + adv. enthusiasticallyadv. patiently adv. egg n. suddenly adv.,engineer,webcam,appear,install,Whats missing?,egg,enthusiastic,Chance,dart,suddenly,excitedly,Which is missing?,easily,patiently,enomous,wing,Which is missing?,push,Out of,show,Log on,Be over,Whic

7、h is missing?,In a moment,Who are all enthusiastic birdwatchers? What appeared in his garden last spring? How many eggs were there in the nest? When did the cuckoo open its wings?,Questions:,1.,Pauls father, Ken Bruce is an engineer.Hes also an enthusiastic birdwatcher.,Last spring, two little birds

8、 appeared in his garden. Ken installed a webcam, and invited his neighbours to log on.Everyone watched enthusiastically.Soon, there was a little nest. Then, another bird arrived. It was a cuckoo. The cuckoo watched patiently.Three little eggs appeared in the nest.,invite sb. to do sth.,2.,The cuckoo

9、 waited. Suddenly, she had her chance. The mother wasnt there.The cuckoo darted to the nest. In two seconds, there was a fourth egg beside the other three.,她的机会来了。,3.,冲向.,4.,After twelve days, the young cuckoo hatched .The little birds hurried to get food for the baby cuckoo.,“get”+名词/代词,表“得到”,5.,fi

10、nished,Kens neighbours watched excitedly.The baby cuckoo picked up the other eggs easily with its back, and pushed them out of the nest. The birds returned and pushed food into its mouth. After twenty days, the cuckoo was enormous!On 6th May, it opened its wings. In a moment, the nest was empty. The

11、 show was over.,6.,Kens neighbours are all enthusiastic birdwatchers now, of course!,用在动词后修饰主语,Word Puzzle,Neighbours Invited Enormous Badly Wings Clean Hate Count Pushed Nest Careful birdwatcher,Pronunciation,darted invited recommended visited waited counted,/ Id /,New Words and Expressions,robber

12、n.盗贼 badly adv.不好地,差地 count v.数 weight n.重物 quickly adv.迅速地 knock v.敲击 dance n.社交舞会 loudly adv. 大声地 politely adv.有礼貌地 piano n.钢琴 police n.警方、警察 the whole 所有的 carefully adv.小心地 between prep.在之间 quietly adv.安静地,帮我变身吧,帮我变身吧!,bad,easy,polite,patient,careful,enthusiastic,excited,Did you enjoyed yourself

13、at the party last night?,大家来找茬,enjoy,Karen looked at the picture careful.,大家来找茬,carefully,Mary walks to school this morning.,大家来找茬,walked,Who When What Did 一般问句,The robbers counted the money quickly last night. 这些盗贼昨晚飞快的数了钱。 The police went to the dance last night. 警察昨晚去了舞会。 He invited me to a dance

14、 poliely last week. 他上周有礼貌地邀请我去舞会。 The baby is sleeping quietly. 那婴儿一直安静地睡着。 He passedquietlyout of the room. 他悄悄地走出房间。 The factory didbadlylast year. 工厂去年生意不好。,1. A: What did the robbers do late last night? B: They counted the money. 2. A: Who counted the money late last night? B: The robbers did.

15、3. A: Did the robbers count the money late last night? B: Yes, they did. They counted the money quickly. 4.(Not with picture 505) A: When did the robbers count the money? B: Late last night. A: And did they count the money quickly? B: Yes, they did. 5. A: The robbers counted the money late last nigh

16、t. B: Yes, I know. They counted the money quickly.,1. A: What did Paul do yesterday? B: He invited Claire to a dance. 2. A: Who invited Claire to a dance yesterday? B: Paul did. 3. A: Did Paul invite Claire to a dance yesterday? B: Yes, he did. He invited Claire to a dance politely. 4. A: When did Paul in


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