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1、第十三讲 八年级(下) Units 56,复习目标导航,考点完全攻略,同步训练,1. against(反)prep.支持;拥护 for 2injuredv.受伤 injure 3explainn.解释 explanation 4collectn.搜集 collectionn.搜集者 collector 5skaten.溜冰者 skaterv.溜冰 skate 6Europeann.欧洲 Europe,7Russiann.俄罗斯 Russia 8Australiann.澳大利亚 Australia 9foreigneradj.外国的 foreign 10quite(同义词)adv.很;非常 ve

2、ry 11certainadv.确定地 certainly 12missadj.丢失的 missing,1If you become a professional athlete,youll be able to make a living doing something you love.如果你成为一名职业运动员,你就可以做你喜爱做的事来谋生。(Unit 5) make a living (by)意为“(以)谋生”,介词by后面可接名词、代词、动词ing形式,有时by也可以省略。如: The young woman makes a living by singing.,2How long h

3、ave you been skating? Ive been skating since nine oclock. 从九点钟起我一直在滑冰。 Ive been skating for five hours. 我已经滑了五个小时了。(Unit 6) 【辨析】 since与for,【辨析】 since与for since意为“自以来”,所表示的是一个时间点,既可作介词,后接时间名词或短语;也可作连词,引导时间状语从句,前面的谓语动词或主句的谓语动词必须是延续性的且句子用完成时态,从句用一般过去时态。如: Mr. Brown has worked in that factory since 1998

4、. 自1998年以来,布朗先生就在那家工厂工作了。,I have been collecting stamps since I was five years old. 我自五岁起就一。直在收集邮票 for作介词,后面接时间段,多用于完成时态,句中的谓语动词用延续性动词。如: They have waited for the moment for many years.,【拓展】 对since短语或从句及for短语提问用how long。如: Lucy has been swimming since she was 10.(对划线部分提问) How long has Lucy been swim

5、ming?,3.students are skating to raise money for charity. (Unit 6) raise意为“筹集;筹募”。另外还有“举起;抬高;养育”之意。,【辨析】 raise与rise 这两个词都有“举起;上升”的意思,但用法不同: raise是及物动词,后面一定要有宾语。说明主语发出的动作是要作用于其他事物的。 rise是不及物动词,后面不能跟宾语。说明主语自身移向较高的位置。,On Monday morning,we were watching the children raising the national flag,and we saw i

6、t rising slowly in the wind. 星期一早上,我们在观看孩子们升国旗,我们看到国旗在风中徐徐升起。,(2)room在本句中是不可数名词,意为“空间”,此外,它还可作可数名词,意为“房间”。如: The table takes up too much room in this room. 这张桌子占去了这个房间太多的空间。 5In fact,the first Jews probably came to Kaifeng more than a thousand years ago.实际上,第一批犹太人大约在一千多年前就来到了开封(Unit 6),thousand的用法:

7、thousand是基数词,意为“千”,在表示确切的数字时,不能使用复数形式,且后面不能加of。如: There are two thousand students in our school. 我校有两千名学生。 thousand作基数词表示不确定的数字时,意为“成千上万的”,这时要用复数形式,且后面还要加of。如:,Thousands of trees must be planted every year. 每年必须种植成千上万棵树。 some,several,many等可以用来修饰thousands of,与thousand用法相同的词还有:hundred,million,billion等

8、。 口诀:具体数字用单数;模糊数字用复数,后面还要跟of。,6For a foreigner like me,the more I learn about Chinese history,the more I enjoy living in China. 对于像我这样的一个外国人来说,对中国的历史了解越多,我就越喜欢住在中国。(Unit 6) “the比较级,the比较级”这种结构,表示“越,就越”。如:,“the比较级,the比较级”这种结构,表示“越,就越”。如: The busier he is,the happier he feels.他越忙,越感到高兴。 The more,the b

9、etter.越多越好。 【拓展】 比较级的用法: 主语谓语(系动词)比较级than比较对象。 “比较级and比较级”结构,表示“越来越”。,比较级前可用much,a lot,still,a little,even等修饰,来加强比较的语气。 Lilys room is bigger than mine.莉莉的房间比我的大。 Its getting warmer and warmer in spring. 春天天气变得越来越暖和。 It is much colder today than yesterday. 今天比昨天冷得多。,八年级下(56单元) (训练时间:60分钟分值:100分),基础知识

10、过关 一、根据所给的汉语提示及句意写出单词(4分) 1There were some beautiful _ (鲜花) in a glass of water on the table. 2We had great difficulty in _(筹集) the money. 3I wrote him _(几个) letters but he didnt answer. 4Are you for it or _(反对) it? 5My gloves are worn out, Im going to buy a new _(双),flowers,raising,several,against,

11、pair,6You must put a _(邮票) on the envelope before you post it. 7Ive _(收集) over three hundred Chinese stamps. 8We are very happy to have the _(机会) to take part in the sports meet. 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分) 1Jack is _ in the _ (interest) computer games. 2The football player got _ (injure) in the match.,stam

12、p,collected,chance,interesting,injured,interested,3There are two _ (thousand) students in our school. 4The _ (foreign) speaks English. 5I _ (miss) my parents very much when I studied in Australia. 三、根据汉语提示完成句子(16分) 1他辞去了办公室的工作,改以务农为生。 He left his office job to try to _ on the land. 2我想带走你昨天给我看的那本书。,

13、thousand,foreigner,missed,make a living,I want to _the book which you showed me yesterday. 3我养了一只猫和一只狗,但它们老是打架。 I have a dog and a cat, but they fight _. 4我对音乐不太感兴趣。 Im not very much _ music. 5成千上万的人到车站给他们送行。 _ people went to see them off at the station. 6我们可以用电话和住在远处的人说话。 We can talk to those who l

14、ive _ by telephone.,take away,all the time,interested in,Thousands of,far away,7顺便问一下,我给你的那些钱呢? _, what happened to all the money I gave you? 8假设你的钱用完了呢?你将怎么办呢? What if you were to _money? What would you do? 综合能力提高 一、单项选择(10分) 1(2011淄博)Look!There is a big river. Lets swim in it! No,I think its _ dan

15、gerous. Amuch too Btoo much Ctoo many Dmuch more,By the way,run out of,【解析】考查副词区别。much too“太”,用作副词修饰形容词;too much“太多”,修饰不可数名词;too many“太多”,修饰可数名词;much more“更多”。 【答案】A 2Ill go to the West Lake this weekend. What about you? _. Lets go together. ANo, I wont BI wont go CMe, too DSorry, Im busy 【解析】考查一般将来时的答语。由答语“让我们一起去。”可知,回答是肯定的,直接排除A、B、D项,选C。 【答案】C,3It is said that a new zoo will be built in our town. Im _ it. Zoos are terrible for animals. Athrough Bbesides Cagainst Dexcept 【解析】考查介词的用法。through“通过”;besides“除了还有”;against“反对”;except“不包括在内,除没有”;根据句意选C。 【答案】C,4(2011邵阳)We did



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