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1、五年级(下)英语第二单元测试卷(含答案)日期 姓名 分数 一、 听句子,选出句子所含的信息,把答案的字母编号写在相应的括号内(10分,每小题1分)( )1. A. middle School B. international school C. primary school( )2. A. much better B. much brighter C. much bigger( )3. A. two thousand and eighty B. two thousand and forty C. two thousand fifty( )4. A. Japanese and English B

2、. English and Chinese C. English and French( )5. A. clean bright and tidy B. tidy, bright and old C. clean, light and tidy( )6. A. quarter to nine B. quarter to seven C. quarter to eight( )7. A. the biggest B. the longest C. strongest( )8. A. five tons of food B. four tons of fish C. four tons of fo

3、od( )9. A. hard working B. work hard C. hard work( )10. A. seven countries B. one country C. eleven countries二、听短文,比较TOM的新学校和旧学校,仿照例子完成下表(5分,每格0.5分)The new schoolcleanertallerbiggerlargerbrighternearerBuildingsSwimming poolLibraryClinictoiletPlaygroundclassroom三、听文句,选择相应的答句,把大写字母编号写在相应答句的括号内(8分,每小题1

4、分)1 Elephants. ( )2 Im going to Hong Kong tomorrow. ( )3 Id like to travel by plane. ( )4 No, we do not. ( )5 There are forty-five. ( )6 I like English better. ( )7 At about five in the afternoon. ( )8 I dont feel good. ( )四、 听句子,把所缺单词补充完整(15分,每空1分)1. Your ruler is _ longer than _.2. There are two c

5、lassrooms here. One is _. The other is _.3. _ Mr. White and Miss Green are _ Canada.4. What _ do the children speak? They speak English and French.5. My parents have a _ job than _.6. This is my bedroom. Is it clean and _?7. I study hard to do _ in class.8. _ _ are the biggest animals in the _.9. A

6、cheetah can run more than 95 _ an hour.五、按要求写出以下单词的各种形式(16分,每空1分)1,复数形式: library_ mouse _ fish_ monkey_2,反义词: big_ short_ late_ old _3,比较级和最高级: Easy _ _ thin _ _ Good _ _ beautiful _ _六、单项选择(13分,每题1分)( )1. How many _ are there in your school?A. girl B. pupils C. classroom( )2. The hotel is very near

7、. You _ go there by bus.A. should B. need C. neednt( )3. You _ take some exercise every day.A. better B. had better C. best( )4. My eyes are bigger than _.A. you B. your C. yours( )5. We often help _.A. me B. our C. each other( )6. Ben is _ than Mike.A. thin B. thinner C. fat( )7. Janet is the _ pup

8、il in her class.A. best B. better C. good( )8. My book is _ than theirs.A. new B. newer C. newest( )9. David _ from South America.A. come B. is C. lives( )10. My mother often plays _ piano and my father often plays _ basketball.A. the, the B. the, / C. /./( )11.I think my mother is _ beautiful than

9、his.A. much B. more much C. much more( )12, Tomorrow will be _ colder than today.A. more B. much C. most D. many( )13, The two buildings are _. But building A is _ than building B.A. tall, tall B. tall, taller C. taller, tallest七、根据中文提示,把句子补充完整(15分,每空1分)1. 我姐姐的英文说得比我好。 My sister _ English _ than me.

10、2. 我比他高很多。 Im _ _ than _.3. 谁更早到学校,小明还是小华? Who _ to school _, Xiaoming _ Xiaohua?4. 我的头发比我妈妈的长 My hair is _ _ my mothers.5. 她很漂亮,Lily 比她漂亮;Carmen是三个当中最漂亮的。 She is beautiful, Lily is _ _ than _; Carmen is the _ _ of three八、阅读理解,判断句子是否符合文章内容,如符合请写T;否则写F(5分,每题1分)Ben: Whats your favourite animal, Jack?J

11、ack: Rabbits. What about you, Ben?Ben: Horses. Horses can run faster than rabbits.Jack: Yes. But rabbits can run faster than turtles. There is a rabbit in my new house.Ben: Really? Is your new house much bigger than the old one?Jack: Yes, its bigger. And m new house is nearer than the old one. There are more rooms in the new house.



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