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1、Unit 2,After school,Introduce,Its time for,subject,playground,Words,go u 作动词,意为“去”。 常用短语:go home 回家 go on继续 go well 进展顺利 go to school 上学 小练习:选词填空。 Lets _ now. A. go there B. to go there C. go to there,A,Words,match mt 作名词,意为“比赛”;也作名词,意为“火柴”; 作动词,意为“匹配”、“比赛”。 常用搭配:football match 足球赛 boxing match 拳赛 e

2、g: The football match is great. 足球比赛棒极了 小练习:选词填空。 Theres a running _ on Wednesday. A. match B. watch C. games,A,Expressions,What a pity! 真遗憾! pity意为“遗憾”,“What a pity!”常用来表达因不能做某事而表示遗憾的一种常用语。 eg: I missed the bus,what a pity! 好遗憾啊我错过了那班车! 小练习: My key is lost. _ A. Great B. Nice to see you. C. What a

3、pity,C,Dialogue,Hi, Mike. Lets go and play table tennis. 你好,迈克。让我们去打乒乓球吧。 What day is it today? 今天是星期几。 Its Wednesday. 今天是星期三。 Sorry, I have a football match today. 对不起,我今天有一场足球赛。,Hi, Su Hai. Come and play table tennis. 你好,苏海。来打乒乓球吧。 Sorry, I have a swimming lesson. 对不起,我有一节游泳课。,Dialogue,What about

4、Su Yang? 苏阳呢? She has a swimming lesson too. 她也有一节游泳课。 What a pity! 真遗憾! What about Saturday? We dont have any lessons on Saturday. 星期六怎么样?我们在星期六没有任何课。,All right. 好的。,Expand,match 与competition, game, race, contest的区别,(1)match:常指体育代表团之间的较重大的公开赛。 (2)competition:可指各种形式上的竞赛。 (3)game:通常指有一定规则, 可指连续的游戏或比赛

5、活动中的一局。 (4)race:通常指一种跑的竞赛, 一般不指短距离赛跑 。 (5)contest:多指在音乐、书法、演讲等方面所进行的比赛或竞争。,Summary,go,match,What a pity!,Exercise,1. What day is it today? Its _.,看图填单词。,2. Do you like _? Yes, I do.,3. Is it _ today? Yes, it is.,Sunday,Music,Thursday,4. How many lessons do we have this morning? _. What are they? The

6、yre _, _, _and _.,5. What day is it today? _. Do we have PE this morning? _.,Maths,Four,Chinese,Science,English,Wednesday,No,Exercise,Exercise,选出下列单词中不同类的一项。,( ) 1. A. run B. swim C. football D. skate ( ) 2. A. Mike B.I C. you D. she ( ) 3. A. Tuesday B. Monday C. Sunday D. Today ( ) 4. A. in B. on C. the D. under ( ) 5. A. what B. that C. where D. how,C,C,A,D,B,Homework,Share your after-school activities with others.,


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