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3、聘用后的跟进和背景调查工作有待进一步的完善。对于以上找出的问题,M公司可以对“人才”的定义做进一步的明确,同时制定详细的岗位说明书和工作分析,对招聘渠道做进一步的修正,同时要及时对招聘评估的跟进和加强关键岗位的背景调查。由于建筑施工企业都存在一定的共性,本研究中对M公司所做出的成果在一定的程度上对其他建筑施工企业的员工招聘工作具有一定的参考价值。关键词:人力资源;素质模型;招聘流程;员工招聘体系AbstractStaff recruitment as one of the key components of human resource management is not only an im

4、portant channel to add talents, but also an establish key to set up a scientific and effective human resource management system. Construction industry is Chinas national economy and social development of basic industries, has an important and special role in the urbanization process in China, our co

5、nstruction industry is in a stage of rapid development. Construction companies often use project organizational structure, with production of mobility, building great specificity, and high operating field more, poor working conditions, low wages and benefits, and payment is not timely, long working

6、hours, a serious lack of holidays characteristics, these factors have led to a construction enterprise recruitment difficult, and high employee turnover rate, thereby restricting the sustainable development of construction enterprises. Research staff recruitment system for construction enterprises t

7、o improve staff recruitment effect, timely access to human resources, promote the healthy development is of great significance. In this paper, we take M Company for example to analyze its recruitment problems, and to optimize the design of its recruitment system. This article first for M company to

8、do a brief introduction, and then analyze their existing human resources, focusing on M describes the status of staff recruitment and combined survey method, to analyze the current problems of staff recruitment, mainly in recruitment strategy, recruitment process, recruitment assess three aspects. I

9、n particular the lack of recruitment in the appropriate strategic direction, there is no clear talent is defined recruitment, recruitment process in the absence of detailed job descriptions guidance, improper use of recruitment channels, did not take effective selection methods, recruitment the degr

10、ee of specialization is not enough, there is no uniform standard interview, the lack of background checks for key positions, no problem recruiting a number of follow-up after the assessment work. To solve the above problem, M company should adopt clear of talent is defined to develop a detailed job

11、analysis and job descriptions, recruitment for existing channels to optimize the selection to take appropriate and effective methods to improve the degree of specialization of recruitment, to key positions and recruitment background checks and other measures to assess the follow-up work and methods.

12、 In this paper, M staff recruitment system has been optimized, while the other construction companies recruit employees have a positive reference .Keywords: human resources; competency models; recruitment process; recruitment system 目录1.绪论61.1研究背景及研究意义61.1.1研究背景61.1.2研究意义71.2研究内容71.3研究方法72.员工招聘相关理论综



15、提高招聘标准化和专业化程度444.5.1确定对人才的定义444.5.2采取合适有效的甄选方法444.5.3优化招聘队伍与提高招聘专业化程度494.5.4做好招聘后的相关跟进工作495员工招聘体系实施保障505.1加强建设人力资源管理的基础工作505.2引起公司高层对招聘工作的重视505.3重视招聘队伍管理515.4加强企业文化建设516结论与展望511.绪论1.1研究背景及研究意义1.1.1研究背景建筑施工业是我国国民经济和社会发展的基础行业,在我国的城镇化进程中具有特殊地位和重要作用,当前建筑施工业正处于快速发展阶段。建筑施工业主要包括城镇化建设、房屋建设市场、工业与能源建设市场、交通基础设施建设市场等四个领域的相关固定资产投资江西省四大地勘单位:江西省地质矿产勘查开发局、江西省核工业地质局、江西省煤田地质局、江西省有色地质勘查局。 M公司坐落在江西省省会城市南昌市,其上属单位是江西省煤田地质局,目前拥有员工650余人,作为全球最大国际工程承包商之一的M公司在2014年位居全球第一五4位,悄然已达到国际大型施工企业的规模。M公司在拥有房建、市政、桥梁、矿山、城市轨道交通、水利水电、机电设备安装、钢结构、园林绿化、试验检测、工程设计(市政、房建、公路)、工程监理等工程资质,同时


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