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1、脊柱结核手术指征再认识,杭州市红十字会医院骨科 费骏,随着抗结核药物的发现、外科技术的进步、围手术期处理的完善、内植物的快速发展,脊柱结核的疗效获得极大进步(治愈率95%),中国结核病数仅次于印度,是27个M/XDR-TB高负担国家之一1 耐药结核的流行加剧了结核病的全球疫情,1WHO report 2012: Global tuberculosis control.World Health Organization, 2012.,脊柱结核发病率增高,其诊治尚面临诸多挑战,脊柱结核治疗策略,英国医学研究会(BMRC)曾开展两个多中心前瞻性临床对照研究,拟解决该通过化疗联合手术还是单纯化疗治疗脊

2、柱结核的分歧,Anonymous. A controlled trial of debridement and ambulatory treatment in the management of tuberculosis of the spine in patients on standard chemotherapy. A study in Bulawayo, Rhodesia J. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygeine 1974, 77(4): 72-92. MRC. A controlled trial of anterior spinal f

3、usion and debridement in the surgical management of tuberculosis of the spine in patients on standard chemotherapy: a study in Hong Kong J. Br J Surg 1974, 61: 853-66. MRC. 5 year assessments of controlled trials of ambulatory treatment, debridement and anterior spinal fusion in the management of tu

4、berculosis of the spine. Studies in Bulawayo (Rhodesia) and in Hong Kong. Sixth report of the Medical Research Council Working Party on Tuberculosis of the Spine J. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1978, 60B (2): 163-177. MRC. A ten-year assessment of a controlled trial comparing debridement and anterior spinal

5、 fusion in the management of tuberculosis of the spine in patients on standard chemotherapy in Hong Kong J. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1982, 64-B: 393-8. ICMR/MRC. A controlled trial of short-course regimens of chemotherapy in patients receiving ambulatory treatment or undergoing radical surgery for tuber

6、culosis of the spine J.Ind J Tub 1989, 36: Suppl 1-21.,结论:脊柱结核更倾向于内科疾病,基本治疗手段应为化疗、休息及制动;对不伴严重并发症的患者,单行化疗即能取得良好疗效;香港术式只用于获得早期骨融合或防止后凸畸形,学 术 共 识,营养支持治疗是基础 抗结核药物治疗是治疗的根本 手术只是预防、治疗严重并发症的辅助手段 界定其手术指征并制定个体化手术方案非常重要,许建中. 脊柱结核的治疗方案存在仁智之争.中华骨科杂志.2011.4:394-399. 许建中.规范脊柱结核治疗,为我国结核病防治做出更大贡献.中华骨科杂志, 2014, 34(2)

7、: 97-101 许建中.脊柱结核治疗中面临的几个问题.第三军医大学学报. 2009, 20(3):1923-1925.,手 术 指 征,死骨、脓肿和窦道形成 结核病灶压迫脊髓出现神经症状 晚期结核引起迟发型瘫痪,*陈孝平. 外科学 (8 年制及 7 年制临床专业用)J. 2010.,邱贵兴,手 术 指 征,穿刺活检不能确诊,不能除外肿瘤者 一线药物治疗失败后,耐药者特别耐多药者 较大的寒性脓肿、经久不愈的窦道及较大的死骨或空洞存在者 脊髓或马尾神经,神经根受压,椎管内,硬膜内外有结核肉芽肿者 严重的椎体破坏或塌陷 严重的骨破坏致腰背痛 脊柱畸形或不稳 脊柱结核未治愈或复发,*张光铂,吴启秋,

8、关骅,等.脊柱结核病学M.北京:人民军医出版社, 2007:223.,王自立,手 术 指 征,严重的或渐进加重的后凸畸形 椎体破坏继发脊柱不稳 脊柱结核合并截瘫Frankel分级A或B级 不全截瘫Frankel分级C或D级,致压物为死骨或 椎间盘,尽早手术;致压物为脓肿,抗结核治疗1月无效,手术治疗 局部疼痛剧烈,不能下地行走,常规止痛药物无效 脓肿不作为手术绝对指征,绝大多数脓肿可通过抗结核药物治疗吸收,除非引起剧烈疼痛或髋关节屈曲,可CT引导下置管引流 抗结核治疗效果差,需手术切除病灶,或通过手术获取标本辅助诊断,*马远征,王自立,金大地等.脊柱结核M. 人民卫生出版社, 2013.,La

9、rge cervical abscesses in a patient in whom respiratory obstruction has developed Markedneurologicdeficit related to severekyphosis, retropulsed bone orretropulseddisc Progression ofkyphosisor instability despite adequate chemotherapy Progression ofneurologicdeficit despite adequate chemotherapy,Abs

10、olute indications,WattsHG,LifesoRM Current Concepts Review; TB of Bones and Joints. JBJS 78-A No 2 288-295. Feb 1996,Inability to obtain material for culture by other means Neurologicdeficits in patients for whom prolonged bed rest may give rise to other problems Persistent pain orspasticity Pain re

11、lated to spinal instability where spontaneous fusion has not occurred,Relative indications,KC Mak , KM Cheung. Surgical treatment of acute TB spondylitis: indications and outcomes. Eur Spine J (2013) 22 (Suppl 4):S603S611.,达成的共识,重要脏器受压 神经功能障碍,绝对手术指征,脊柱后凸畸形 脊柱明显不稳,典型病例,男,4岁, 颈1、2、3椎体结核伴咽后脓肿,指征1 重要脏器受

12、压,术前正侧位片、MR,术前CT,前方入路病灶清除术,术后12月随访,男,2岁,T12L1结核伴椎旁冷脓肿形成 ASIA分级 B级,术前X正侧位、3D-CT维重建,指征2 神经功能障碍,术后X正侧位,术后1个月,术后3个月,术后半年,术前正侧位,术后1年,女,48岁,胸椎结核伴后凸畸形, 行2次病灶清除术,指征3 脊柱后凸畸形,行病灶清除、后路截骨植骨融合,根据药敏试验调整化疗方案,术后18月,40,28岁女性,诊断T7-9结核伴椎旁脓肿,平片、MRI示T7-9椎体骨质破坏,椎旁脓肿,脊髓受压,指征4 脊柱明显不稳,CT示T7-9椎体骨质破坏,脊柱失稳,术后12月CT示融合节段有连续性骨痂生长

13、,骨性融合,存在的争议,相对手术指征,较大的死骨、较大的脓肿、经久不愈的窦道 诊断不明确、标准化疗效果欠佳,Li L,Xu J,Ma Y,Tang D,Chen Y,Luo F,Li D,Hou T,Zhou Q,Dai F,He Q,Zhang Z.Surgical Strategy and Management Outcomes for Adjacent Multisegmental Spinal Tuberculosis: A Retrospective Study of Forty-eight Patients.Spine.2014.39(1):40-48. Pu X, Zhou Q,

14、 He Q, Dai F, Xu J, Zhang Z, Branko K. A posterior versus anterior surgical approach in combination with debridement, interbody autografting and instrumentation for thoracic and lumbar tuberculosis. International Orthopaedics.2012.36(2):307-313 Qingyi He, Xu J.Comparison between the antero-posterior

15、 and anterior approacher for treating L5-S1 vertebral tuberculosis. International Orthopaedics.2012.36:345-351. HeQ,XuJ.Transpedicularclosingwedgeosteotomyin thetreatmentofthoracicandlumbarkyphoticdeformitywithdifferentetiologies.Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol.2012.,C7T1,5岁女性,颈、腰、背痛活动受限10月,全身乏力1月余,血沉 8

16、4mm/h,CRP 41.3mg/L,胸8-10、腰4椎结核伴椎旁脓肿,右侧髂骨、粗隆间结核,ECT:上述部位骨代谢异常活跃伴减低 CT介导穿刺活检:确诊多发性结核,保守治疗?手术治疗?,3 年 随 访,女,57岁,腰1、2椎体结核,慢性腰痛,相对手术指征 1 椎体破坏,抗结核治疗18月,腰部症状缓解,男,34岁,腰骶椎结核伴骶前脓肿,2005年,严格标准化疗18月,相对手术指征 2 脓肿形成,5年随访,CT引导下穿刺置管引流、局部化疗的微创治疗脊柱结核脓肿(N=67),适合脓肿为主的脊柱结核,不伴严重并发症者 如骨质破坏不明显,以冷脓肿为主的腰大肌脓肿、韧带下型脊柱结核,1g 利福霉素钠或0.6g异烟肼加入500ml生理盐水,24h维持灌注,张西峰,王岩,刘郑生,等. 局部持续化疗和持续引流治疗脊柱结核,中国脊柱脊髓杂志,2003,13:656659.,早期获得标本,及时行耐药检测 提高了病灶内药物浓度 特别适用于对低浓度耐药、高浓度敏 单独应用或作为后路手术的补充,一定程度可代替 病灶



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