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1、一课经济学中英文对照此一课经济学中英文对照版是在德赛公园开放式校译本v20090305基础上编辑而成的。主要参照此前出版的5个中译本。网友寻正对前六章做了新的校译。希望有一天Henry Hazlitt这本一课经济学,跟物理、化学并列科学教材,作为中学生的必修课。在此利用blog作一个开放的平台,欢迎有兴趣的朋友都来添砖加瓦。德赛公园主站http:/www.de-sci.org/blogs/dingdong/category/economics-in-one-lesson/Mises.org博客存档http:/mises.org/Community/blogs/dp/default.aspx“一

2、课”说来很简单,也就是经济学的首要教训。教训是一句话就说完了。对于不守教训的政府干预经济的政策,要一条条批下去,这样才能让人醒豁。Preface to the New Edition4新版序4Preface to the First Edition5第一版序5PART ONE: THE LESSON9The Lesson9第一编 主旨 第1章 关于这堂课9The Lesson Applied The Broken Window15第二编 课程的应用15第2章 破橱窗15The Blessings of Destruction 第3章 战祸之福17Public Works Mean Taxes2

3、4第4章 公共工程意味着增税24Taxes Discourage Production32第5章 税负抑制生产32Credit Diverts Production35第6章 政府信贷扭曲生产35The Curse of Machinery46第7章 诅咒机器46Spread-the-Work Schemes62第8章 分散工作机会的方案62Disbanding Troops and Bureaucrats68第9章 遣散军队和裁减公务员68The Fetish of Full Employment72第10章 盲目崇拜充分就业72Whos “Protected” by Tariffs?75第

4、11章 关税“保护”了哪些人?75The Drive for Exports88第12章 拉动出口88“Parity” Prices95第13章 “平准价格”95Saving the X Industry104第14章 救救X产业104How the Price System Works111第15章 价格体系如何运作?111“Stabilizing” Commodities119第16章 “稳定”物价119Government Price-Fixing128第17章 政府管制价格12818. What Rent Control Does140第18章 房租管制的后果140Minimum Wa

5、ge Laws148第19章 最低工资法令148Do Unions Really Raise Wages156第20章 工会真正提高了工资吗?156“Enough to Buy Back the Product” 第21章 “足以买回产品”171The Function of Profits 第22章 利润的功能180The Mirage of Inflation 第23章 通货膨胀的幻景185The Assault on Saving 第24章 抨击储蓄202The Lesson Restated 第25章 课后温习218The Lesson after Thirty Years230第三篇

6、 三十年后的这堂课 第26章 三十年后的这堂课230A Note on Books 后记与参考书目243Preface to the New Edition新版序The first edition of this book appeared in 1946. Eight translations were made of it, and there were numerous paperback editions. In a paperback of 1961, a new chapter was added on rent control, which had not been specif

7、ically considered in the first edition apart from government price-fixing in general. A few statistics and illustrative references were brought up to date.本书第一版于1946年面市,该版曾被译成八种文字,并出过好些平装版本。在1961年版的平装本中,我加写了新的一章,探讨租金管制的问题,这个课题在第一版中并没有从一般的政府定价中拿出来单独讨论。1961年版还更新了部分统计数据和用作说明例证的参考资料。Otherwise no changes

8、 were made until now. The chief reason was that they were not thought necessary. My book was written to emphasize general economic principles, and the penalties of ignoring them-not the harm done by any specific piece of legislation. While my illustrations were based mainly on American experience, t

9、he kind of government interventions I deplored had become so internationalized that I seemed to many foreign readers to be particularly describing the economic policies of their own countries.此外,本书内容在此新版前再无其他改动,主要是我认为没有大改的必要。本书是为了强调一般性的经济科学原理,强调忽视这些原理会受到的惩罚,而不是去探讨特定政策法规对经济可能造成的危害。书中的例证虽然主要取材于美国经验,但作

10、者所责难的政府干预行为在各个国家是如此普遍,以至于在许多外国读者看来,作者就像特地在描述他们自己国家的经济政策。Nevertheless, the passage of thirty-two years now seems to me to call for extensive revision. In addition to bringing all illustrations and statistics up to date, I have written an entirely new chapter on rent control; the 1961 discussion now s

11、eems inadequate. And I have added a new final chapter, “The Lesson After Thirty Years,” to show why that lesson is today more desperately needed than ever.H.H.Wilton, Conn.June 1978时隔32年,该对此书作一个全面修订了。我对例证资料和统计资料做了全面更新,并彻底重写了租金管制那一章,因为1961年版的讨论现在看来还不够充分。另外,我加写了最后一章“三十年后的这堂课”,以说明今天我们上这堂课比以往更为迫切的原因。亨利黑

12、兹利特于康涅狄格州,威尔顿镇1978年6月Preface to the First Edition第一版序This book is an analysis of economic fallacies that are at last so prevalent that they have almost become a new orthodoxy. The one thing that has prevented this has been their own self-contradictions, which have scattered those who accept the same

13、 premises into a hundred different “schools,” for the simple reason that it is impossible in matters touching practical life to be consistently wrong. But the difference between one new school and another is merely that one group wakes up earlier than another to the absurdities to which its false pr

14、emises are driving it, and becomes at that moment inconsistent by either unwittingly abandoning its false premises or accepting conclusions from them less disturbing or fantastic than those that logic would demand.本书在于分析那些盛行到几乎成为新的正统学说的经济学谬误。阻碍它们成为正统学说的一个因素,在于这些谬误本身自相矛盾,让接受同样前提的学者各执一端形成百家争鸣的“学派”。道理很

15、简单,跟现实相联系的问题,是不可能一直错下去的。一个新兴学派与另一个的区别无非就是一群人比另一群人更早地认识到基于错误前提所进行的推导多么荒谬,那一刻,由于是无意间放弃了错误的前提,或是由于接受了相对于其内在逻辑所推导出的不那么诡异与令人难以接受的结论,那种区别又会化为矛盾。There is not a major government in the world at this moment, however, whose economic policies are not influenced if they are not almost wholly determined by acceptance of some of these fallacies. Perhaps the shortest and surest way to an understanding of economics is through a dissection of such errors, and particularly of the central error from which they stem. That is the assumption of this volume and of it


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