2020年湘少版四年级上册英语Unit7Whoseisthis?单元检测题( 含答案)

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1、1 / 11 Unit7 单元测试卷 听力部分 一、听录音,选择所听到的单词。 ( ) l. A. wallet B. scarf C. flowers ( ) 2. A. who B. whose C. how ( ) 3. A. mobile phone B. key C. monkey ( ) 4. A. circle B. shorts C. hat ( ) 5. A. coat B. hat C. scarf 二、听录音,连线。 (1) Mingming A. (2) Dino B. (3) Anne C. (4) Miss Li D. (5) Mary E. 三、听录音,给图片排序

2、。 2 / 11 A B C D _ 四、听录音,选择正确的答语。 ( ) l. A. Yes, it isn t. B. No, it isn t. ( ) 2. A. Yes, it s my hat. B. No, it isn t my scarf. ( ) 3. A. It s Peter s key. B. It s a key. ( ) 4. A. This is Mingming s book. B. These are Mingming s books. ( ) 5. A. Yes, it is. B. I m Lingling. 五、听录音,选择正确的单词填空。 A. sc

3、arf B. bag C. wallet Whose D. Jane s (1) _ bag is this? It s my _. (2) Is this your _, Mr Wang? Yes, it is. (3) Is this your pencil-box? No, it isn t. It s _ pencil-box. (4) Is this your _? Yes, it is. 笔试部分 一、抄写练习。 scarf wallet key hat Whose is this? _ 二、读一读,再连线。 (1) This is Anne s scarf. A. (2) Is

4、this Tim s wallet?B. 3 / 11 No, it s my mother s wallet. (3) They re Tim s blue shorts. C. (4) The elephant has a banana. D. (5) Miss Liu likes her shirt. E. 三、单项选择。 ( ) 1. _ is this? It s Anne s. A. What B. Whose C. Who ( ) 2. Is this _ bag? A. your B. you C. he ( ) 3. It s _ dress. A. Lingling B.

5、Anne s C. Dino ( ) 4. Here you _. A. are B. is C. am ( ) 5. Tim has three _. A. scarf B. bag C. keys 四、选择正确的单词完成句子。 A. mother s B. Whose C. those D. your E. this What are _? Those are clothes. _ hat is this? Is this _ hat, Lingling? No, it s not my hat. It s my _ hat. 4 / 11 It s beautiful. Is _ you

6、r mother s dress, too? Yes, it is. 五、选择适当的答句并连线。 (1) What do you like? A. It s Linda s hook. (2) Whose book is this? B. There are five pens. (3) How many pens are there? C. I like the red hat. (4) Is this your orange? D. Yes, we are. (5) Are you soldiers? E. No, it isn t. 六、读对话,选择正确的答案回答文后问题。 Man: C

7、an I help you? Woman: I lost (丢失) my wallet. Man: What colour is your wallet? Woman: It s yellow. Man: How much money are there in the wallet? Woman: There are nineteen yuan in the wallet. Man: What about the wallet? Woman: It has many dots on it. Man: Is this your wallet? Woman: Yes, it is. Thank y

8、ou. (1) The woman s wallet is _. A. white B. blue C. yellow (2) How much money are there in the wallet? A. 18. B. 19. C. 17. (3) What about the woman s wallet? A. Yellow and dots. B. Yellow. C. Green. (4) Did the woman get her wallet at last (最后)? A. No, she didn t. B. Yes, she did. C. I don t know.

9、 (5) Whose wallet is this? A. The man s. B. Peter s. C. The woman s. 5 / 11 参考答案 听力部分 听力材料 一、 l. wallet 2. whose 3. mobile phone 4. hat 5. scarf 二、 l. Whose hat is this? It s Mingming s hat. 2. Is this your scarf, Anne? No, it s Dino s scarf. 3. Is this your purse, Ann? Yes, it is. 4. This is Miss L

10、i s mobile phone. 5. Whose bag is this? Is this your bag, Mary? Yes, it s my bag. 三、 l. Whose is this? 2. Is this your wallet, Lingling? No, it isn t. 3. Is this your wallet, Jane? Oh, yes! It s my wallet. 4. Here you are. Thank you, Miss Li. 四、 l. Is this your dress? 2. Is this your hat, Anne? 3. W

11、hose key is this? 4. Whose books are these? 5. Who are you? 6 / 11 五、 (1) Whose bag is this? It s my bag. (2) Is this your wallet, Mr Wang? Yes, it is. (3) Is this your pencil-box. No, it isn t. It s Jane s pencil-box. (4) Is this your scarf? Yes, it is. 听力答案 一、 1-5 ABACC 二、 (1)-(5) CDAEB 三、 DABC 四、

12、 1-5 BAABB 五、 (1) DB (2) C (3) E (4) A 笔试部分 一、 略 二、 (1)-(5) CADEB 三、 1-5 BABAC 四、 CBDAE 7 / 11 五、 (1)-(5) CABED 六、 (1)-(5) CBABC 8 / 11 1、读书破万卷,下笔如有神。 2、敏而好学,不耻下问。二二年七月十一日2020 年 7 月 11 日星期六 3、读书百遍,其义自见。07:027.11.202007:027.11.202007:0207:02:377.11.202007:027.1

13、1.2020 4、吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。7.11.20207.11.202007:0207:0207:02:3707:02:37 5、书籍是前人的经验。Saturday, July 11, 2020July 20Saturday, July 11, 20207 /11/2020 6、书籍是巨大的力量。7 时 2 分 7 时 2 分 11-Jul-207.11.2020 7、过去一切时代的精华尽在书中。20.7.1120.7.1120.7.11 。2020 年 7 月 11 日星期六二二年七月十一日 8、读书忌死读,死读钻牛角。07:0207:02:377.11.2020Saturday, J

14、uly 11, 2020 亲爱的读者: 春去燕归来,新桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在 这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你生活像春天一样阳光,心情像桃 花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。 9 / 11 1、盛年不重来,一日难再晨。及时宜自勉,岁月不待人。 2、千里之行,始于足下。2020 年 7 月 11 日星期六 3、少年易学老难成,一寸光阴不可轻。 07:027.11.202007:027.11.202007:0207:02:377.11.202007:027.11.2020 4、敏而好学,不耻下问。7.11.20207.11.2

15、02007:0207:0207:02:3707:02:37 5、海内存知已,天涯若比邻。Saturday, July 11, 2020July 20Saturday, July 11, 20207/11/2020 6 莫愁前路无知已,天下谁人不识君。7 时 2 分 7 时 2 分 11-Jul-207.11.2020 7、人生贵相知,何用金与钱。20.7.1120.7.1120.7.11 。 2020 年 7 月 11 日星期六二二年七月十一日 8、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。07:0207:02:377.11.2020Saturday, July 11, 2020 亲爱的读者: 春去春又回,新桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在 这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你生活像春天一样阳光,心情像桃 花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。 10 / 11 1、生活不相信眼泪,眼泪并不代表软弱。 2、世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。二



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