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1、2007级函授会计专科货币银行学模拟试题A名词解释(每个名词4分,共20分) 商业信用 基础货币 资本充足率 公开市场业务 投资基金二、简答题(每小题10分,共50分)1、 请比较股票与债券的异同。2、 股票价格指数是怎么计算出来的?为什么经常被人们当作一国宏观经济运行状况的晴雨表?3、 商业银行为什么要开展中间业务?4、 简述中央银行的职能和特点。5、 决定和影响利率的一般因素有哪些?三、论述题(每小题15分,共30分)1、举例说明存款货币的创造原理。2、试述商业银行开展金融创新的原因及后果。货币银行学模拟试题B名词解释(每个名词4分,共20分)贴现 金融市场 法定利率 存款准备金率商业信用

2、二、简答题(每小题10分,共50分)1、简述信用工具的特征。2、影响基础货币的因素有哪些?3、提高利率将对国民经济将产生什么影响?4、影响和决定证券价格变化的因素有哪些?5、商业银行为什么要开展金融创新?三、论述题(每小题15分,共30分)1、如何治理需求拉上型的通货膨胀?2、我国为什么要开放金融市场?货币银行学模拟试题C名词解释(每个名词4分,共20分)市场利率 资本充足率 通货膨胀 金融工具 消费信用二、简答题(每小题10分,共50分)1、简述金融市场的功能。2、商业银行的投资业务与放款业务有什么不同? 3、影响利率变化的因素有哪些? 4、简述中央银行的职能和特点。5、证券价格为什么会经常

3、变化?三、论述题(每小题15分,共30分)1、论述一般性货币政策工具以及它们如何对宏观经济目标产生影响。2、影响货币供应量的因素有哪些?经济法模拟试题一一、 名词解释(每个4分,共32分)有限责任公司 商业秘密 上市公司收购 背书 增值税 国有资产 中外合作经营企业 垄断二、 问答题(68分)1、简述我国公司法的原则。(6分)2、请阐述票据上的法律关系。(8分)3、消费者权益争议的解决途径有哪些?(5分)4、简述社会保险与商业保险的区别。(8分)5、简述合伙企业的特点。(7分)6、经济法渊源的种类有哪些?(10分)7、简述货币政策的含义、货币政策目标的概念和内容。(10分)8、请列举法律所禁止

4、的证券交易行为,并加以解释说明。(9分)9、税收法律关系有哪些特点。(5分)经济法模拟试题二一、 名词解释(每个4分,共32分)垄断 个人独资企业 社会保险 公司债券 票据行为 国有资产中外合资经营企业 证券投资基金二、 问答题(共68分)1、有限责任公司的特征是什么?(6分)2、侵犯商业秘密的行为有哪些?(7分)3、我国上市公司收购的主要制度有哪些?(9分)4、简述票据的法律特征。(8分)5、简述中国人民银行的主要职能。(6分)6、经济法渊源的种类有哪些?(10分)7、简述金融监管的原则。(6分)8、简述社会保障的基本特征。(5分)9、经济法律关系的构成要素是什么?(6分)10、简述计划编制

5、的程序。(5分)经济法模拟试题三一、 名词解释(每个4分,共32分)经济法律关系 上市公司收购 商业贿赂 本票 垄断经济法的实施 财政 合伙企业二、 问答题(共68分)1、股份有限公司的特征是什么?(7分)2、简述消费者的权利。(10分)3、简述票据行为的特征。(6分)4、简述我国自然资源法的原则。(6分)5、简述货币政策的含义、货币政策目标的概念和内容。(10分)6、简述社会保障法的原则。(7分)7、税收法律关系有哪些特点?(7分)8、请列举法律所禁止的证券交易行为。并加以说明。(9分)9、简述金融监管的原则。(6分)会计学专科英语模拟试题I. Vocabulary and Structur

6、e (30%) There are 30 questions in this part. For each question there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the One that best answers the question.1. True love cannot be , and it is priceless.A. broughtB. caughtC. boughtD. broad2. Finally the crowd broke (up) _ _ several groups. A. withinB. inC

7、. atD. into3. Being afraid of the dark, she always slept the light on. A. withB. byC. besideD. of4. John is not whether Eddie likes the picture of him and his family. A. ensureB. assureC. sureD. surely5. When he got the train, he didnt know where he was. A. onB. upC. offD. at6. She went into the str

8、eet and a taxi home. A. tookB. takingC. takenD. had taken7. Why should we find some to the problems brought by TV? A. meansB. wayC. solutionD. method8. This region at an average of 4,000 meters above sea level. A. laysB. liesC. locatesD. places9. I was _ _ _ to find his article on such an _ _ _ topi

9、c so _ _ . A. surprised, excited, bored B. surprising, exciting, boringC. surprised, exciting, boring D. surprising, excited, bored10. He _ _ his book on the desk last night. A. lie B. laid C. lay D. lain11. Although they are brothers, they are entirely _ _ each other . A. get along well with B. dif

10、ferent fromC. satisfied with D. ashamed of12. Hardly _ _ the classroom when the class began.A. he had entered B. he entered C. had he entered D. he was entered13. Come here and give me a _ _. A. help B. hands C. support D. hand14. This post card is sent by _ _. A. a friend of father B. a friend of m

11、y fathers C. my father friend D. my father friends 15. Its foolish to your time. A. waste B. leave over C. spend D. damage16. With a school record like a young woman, why didnt you try for a university scholarship? A. Im shocked B. Im amazed C. Im puzzled D. I feel pity17. Many companies are going b

12、ecause of high interest rates. A. bankruptB. bankruptcyC. to a bankD. to banking18. It is only a of time before the rebels surrender. A. problemB. meansC. thingD. matter19. An important quality of a mystery shopper is that he should be good observation. A. atB. inC. forD. to20. wed arrived there we

13、had a wonderful time. A. onlyB. onceC. one timeD. one more21. For him, it would be a to be able to have a day off work. A. importanceB. matterC. goodD. luxury22. a mystery shopper will typically work several stores, taking mental notes while inside, . A. things to be remembered B. things concerning the mind C. things fixed in the mind D. things done in the mind23. If a secret shopper will be sent in, , the candidate must have a particular prof



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