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1、国际贷款合同适用贷款人本协议由ABC公司(简称为“借款人”或“借款方”),国公司,与信贷银行(简称为“银行”),国家银行机构,于日订立。This ACREEMENT entered into as Of_,_, betweenABCcompany,aNameOfCountrycompany(the Borrower)andBANK,NA.,anationslbanking aSSoCia“On Of the Un“ed StateS Of(the“Bank”)此证:WITNESSETH:鉴于借款人已向银行要求基于本协议规定的条件和款项,向借款人提供一笔本金为美元(US$)的定期贷款;WHERE

2、AS,the Borrower has requested the Banktoextend to 1the Borrower a term 10an in theprincipalamount OfUnited States Dollars(US$)upon the terms and subject to theConditiohS Of this Agreement;and鉴于银行已准备基于本协议规定的条件和款项,向借款人提供此项定期贷款;WHEREAS,theBankispreparedtomakeSUChaloan aVailabletotheBorrowerupontheterms

3、andsubjecttothe conditions Of this Agreement;据此,以双方相互承诺为对价,就下述内容达成一致:NOW,THEREFORE,incOnSidera“onofthe mutual promises Contained therein,the par“es agree as f0110ws:第一条定义Article 1DefinitonS11基于本协议之目的,下列词语可定义为:Section11FOrthePurposesOfthisAgreement,the following expressions have the meanings set fonh

4、 below:“营业日”指位于和的银行开始正常银行业务的任何一天,以及同业银行拆借市场进行美元拆借交易的任何一天。Business Day:any day on which banks are open to conduct theirregularbankingbusinessin,england,andLos Angeles,andonwhichdealingsinDOllardeposits between banks are carried out in theinterbank market;“承诺”:指银行在本协议生效日即承担向借款人贷款的义务。Commitment: the ob

5、ligation of the Bank to make the loan to the Borrower on the date hereof;“信贷”;指位于的信贷银行的国际分部。Credit: Credit Bank, International Division,;“美元”:及“$”符合,指美利坚合众国的法定货币与本协议项下所有支付有关的现汇。Dollars and the sign $ : lawful money of the United States of America and , in relation to all payments hereunder, immediat

6、ely available funds;“违约事件”:指依本协议第八条中所列举的所有事件。Event of Default: any of the events specified in Article Vlll of this Agreement;“担保人”:指银行。Guarantor:Bank Limited;“负债”:任何人或借款人的负债是指依据国通常接受的会计准则所包括的在债务被确认之日该人或借款人之资产负债表负债一侧所表明的确定负债的全部债务项目,其也包括其他被承继或被担保的,或属借款人次要或偶发的债务(有别于在托收过程中文件背书)在内的债务及负债,无论是源于任何协议所引起的负债,或

7、是提供款项及预付款项或其他方式引起的负债均属此范围。Indebtedness: of any Person, or the Borrower, means all items of indebtedness which, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in Name of Country Would be included in determining liabilities as shown on the liability side of a balance sheet of such Person

8、or the Borrower as of the date indebtedness is to be determined , and shall also include all indebtedness and liabilities of others assumed or guaranteed or in respect of which the Borrower is secondarily or contingently liable (other than by endorsement of instruments in the course of collection),

9、whether by reason of any agreement to acquire such indebtedness or to supply or advance sums or otherwise;“分期付款日”:指根据41的规定自协议生效之日起达到18个月,24个月,30个月,36个月,42个月,48个月,54个月和60个月之日。Installment Payment Dates: subject to Section 4.1, the dates which are eighteen months, twenty-four months, thirty months,thir

10、ty-six months, forty-two months, forty-eight months, fifty-four months and sixty months from the date hereof;“付息日”:是指每一个计息期的最后一日。Interest Payment Date: the last day of each Interest Period;“计息期”:指自协议生效日起个月之后止的一段期间,每一计息期自上一计息期最后一日始,到借款人所选择的三个月后或六个月后止,但是(I),如果每一计息期的最后一日不是银行营业日者,则顺延到下一营业日,或(II)假若一个计息期早

11、于或晚于分期付款日开始或截止,则计息期将在该分期付款日结束。Interest Period: the period commencing on the date hereof and ending on the day which is_ months after such date, andeach period thereafter beginning on the last day of the immediately preceding Interest Period and ending on the day which is three months or six months a

12、fter such date, as the Borrower may elect;provided, however, that ( I ) any Interest Period which would otherwise end on a day which is a Business Day shall be extended to the next succeeding day which is a Business Day , and ( I ) any Interest Period commencing before and which would otherwise end

13、after an Installment Payment Date shall end on such Installment Payment Date;“利率”指依24、26和27中规定,或另有规定的利率。Interest Rate: the rate of interest to be determined as provided in sections 2.4, 2.6and 2.7, as the case may be:“贷款机构”:是指国际银行机构,或根据其意愿随时指定的分行、分理处、分支机构或支行:贷款将自此类机构发放,且未偿付及全部偿付款项亦由此类机构收取。Lending Of

14、fice: the International Banking Facility of the Bank, or such other branch, office, affiliate or subsidiary of the Bank as it may at its discretion from time to time designate, from which the Loan will thereafter be made and for the account of which the Loan will be outstanding and all payments hereunder will be made;“贷款”:指依本协议21款规定由银行向借款人发放的贷款。Loan: the loan made by the Bank to the Borrower pursuant to Section 2.1 hereof;“票据”:指由借款人开业以银行为指定付款的依附录A基本内容的期票,其证明因银行依本协议向借款人发放贷款而产生的借款人对银行的负债。Note: the promissory note of the Borrower to the order of the Bank in sub


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