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1、安徽工程大学本科毕业设计(论文)专 业: 工业工程 题 目:芜湖运安危险货物运输有限公司财务人员 绩效考核制度探讨 作 者 姓 名: 汪 丽 君 导师及职称: 谢荣见(副教授) 导师所在单位: 管理工程学院 2012年 6月 10 日安徽工程大学本科毕业设计(论文)任务书 2012 届 管理工程 学院 工业工程 专业学生姓名: 汪丽君 毕业设计(论文)题目中文:芜湖运安危险货物运输有限公司财务人员绩效考核制度探讨 英文:Wuhu luck Ann dangerous goods transport Co., LTD. Financial personnel the performance ap

2、praisal system is discussed 原始资料1顾琴轩.绩效管理M.上海:上海交通大学出版社,2006.2付亚和,许玉林.绩效评价与绩效管理M.北京:电子工业出版社,2004.3杜映梅.绩效管理M.北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社,2003.4方振邦.绩效管理M.北京:中国人民大学出版社,2003.5王怀明.绩效管理M.济南:山东人民出版社,2004.6熊超群,梅志国.目标管理与绩效评价实务M.广州:广东经济出版社,2004.7张德.人力资源开发与管理M.北京:清华大学出版社.2004.8罗洪铁.现代人才资源开发论M.四川:四川人民出版社.2005.9朱爱军.如何提高绩效管理科学

3、性J.现代金融.2005,(1):24-43.10郑其绪,司江伟,张玲玲等.人才评价M.东营:石油大学出版社.2003.11付亚和,许玉林.绩效评价与绩效管理M.北京:电子工业出版社.2003.12梅红,宋晓平,吴建南.知识型员工绩效管理的评价要素与模型构建J.科学管理研究,2007,(3):89-92.13 蔡飞,王倩,企业绩效考核中存在的主要问题及对策J.科技情报开发与经济,2009,(4):195-197. 毕业设计(论文)任务内容1、课题研究的意义绩效管理是企业运营管理不可分割的一部分,是企业管理者为了达到组织目标对各级部门和员工进行绩效计划制定、绩效辅导实施、绩效考核评价、绩效反馈面


5、指标为主,根据工作岗位特点辅以工作目标评价指标,实现定量考核与定性评价相结合的财务人员绩效考核体系。并就绩效考核指标选择、权重分配等进行了实证分析,比较系统地阐述了绩效考核的实施步骤、绩效考核结果的应用,探讨了绩效考核实施需要的配套措施等,坚持理论与实践、可行性和实用性相结合的原则,力求使考评内容准确,考评方法得当。3、提交的成果:(1)毕业设计(论文)正文;(2)一篇引用的外文文献及其译文;(3)附不少于10篇主要参考文献的题录及摘要。指导教师(签字) 教研室主任(签字)批 准 日 期 2012.3.15接受任务书日期 2012.3.16完 成 日 期 2012.6.10接受任务书学生(签字

6、)安徽工程大学毕业论文芜湖运安危险货物运输有限公司财务人员绩效考核制度探讨摘 要财务人员是每个企业、事业单位的重要成员,是不可缺失的岗位,在每个单位中起到核心地位。现阶段各个企业、事业对本单位内部的员工进行绩效管理,财务人员的绩效考核便随之诞生。财务人员的绩效考核指标设计合理与否,关系到财务人员的工作积极和稳定性,考核指标合理与否还关系到个人物质待遇的公正与否,从而影响到员工的工作积极性,甚至是员工的去留。本文以运安公司财务人员绩效考核为研究对象,在对绩效考核相关理论进行必要阐述、对相关考核方法进行对比分析的基础上,对运安公司财务人员的绩效考核现状进行了分析,找出绩效考核中存在的问题和原因;运


8、挥重要作用。关键词:运安公司;财务人员;绩效考核Wuhu luck Ann dangerous goods transport Co., LTD. Financial personnel the performance appraisal system is discussed AbstractThe finance staff is an important member of each enterprise, institution, non-missing post, play a central role in each unit. Various enterprises and in

9、stitutions at this stage of the unit employees within the performance management, finance staff performance appraisal will come about. Finance staff performance appraisal indicators is reasonable or not, related to the finance staff to work actively and stability assessment indicators is reasonable

10、or not related to the treatment of personal material is fair or not, and thus affect the work of the employees, even employees fate. Transport security companys financial staff performance appraisal, performance appraisal theory necessary elaborate on the relevant assessment methods based on compara

11、tive analysis of transport security companys financial performance evaluation of the status quo were analyzed to identify performance appraisal of the problems and causes; use of the work in integrated analytic hierarchy process method of key performance indicators, critical incident assessment meth

12、od, the target management methods, systems theory, key performance indicators to reflect the supplemented by the work of the job characteristics of the target evaluation, quantitative evaluation and qualitative evaluation of the combination of the finance staff performance appraisal system; Finally,

13、 the paper on the performance evaluation index selection, the weight distribution of the necessary empirical analysis. In short, this article adhere to the theory and practice of combining the feasibility and practicality of a combination of principles, and strive to do the evaluation of the accurac

14、y of the evaluation methods properly, scientifically sound evaluation system. System for transport safety, design a set of qualitative and quantitative evaluation of combining financial staff performance appraisal system, and implementation of performance appraisal of the key aspects of the control

15、and management has made specific recommendations. Believe that with the implementation of the finance staff performance appraisal system, will enhance the companys overall management level play an important role.Key words: Transport safety;Finance staff;performance assessment目 录第1章 绪论- 1 -1.1 论文研究内容



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