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1、同等学力基础班课程,Unit Three 编讲:吴梅,Review,experiencelimit airplane howeverdevelop increasingly popularleisure pastime divide various in terms of lengthnecessary training costtechnical hi-tech equipment knowledge require ballooning balloon flight it is/was not until Britain British unusual usual countryside

2、disappear appear,Review,rise sunrise sunset afford possible producer produce developer provide instruction on hourly basis hang gliding glide realize step off since relatively relative inexpensive expensive involve face course hilltop land take off accurately accurate bottom,Review,five-day course n

3、ormally reach standard should wear waterproof airproof bulletproof clothingspecial protect oncecomplete join commongallonbottled plasticcontain pure spring water foreign foreignermineral mine Europe European Euro soft drink,Words for Passage One,million 5miljEn百万 millionaire miljE5nZE billion 5biljE

4、n n. billionaire biljE5nZE die v.死 dead a. death n. lack v. n. 缺乏 lack of weak a. 虚弱 weakness 弱点 strong a. 强壮, 强大, 浓的 strength streNW n. 力量, 力, 优点 disease di5zi:z n. 疾病 illness cause n. v.(引起sth发生)原因 blame vt.责备, 谴责 for/who should be blamed for his death? reason n.理由, 原因,Words for Passage One,false

5、fC:ls adj.错误的, 假的 true more than 比sth 多; 不仅 quantity 5kwCntiti n. 量 throw WrEu v. 扔, 抛 threw Wru: thrown WrEun rapidly 迅速地, 快速地 rapid production 生产 produce, producer population 7pCpju5leiFEn n. 人口, 数量 wealthy 5welWi a. 富裕的 wealth 5welW n. 财富,Sentences for Passage One,It is sad to know that millions

6、of people die every year because they do not have enough food. Lack of food make people weak. Who should be blamed for this situation? Although the worlds population has grown rapidly, food production has grown faster than the population.,Exercises for Sentences,缺钱使人具有依赖性. 孩子能使父母幸福. 超女节目使张靓颖家喻户晓. 印度

7、的人口增长比中国快. 单亲家庭的孩子比其他的孩子承受更多的社会压力.,Exercises for Sentences,Lack of money make people dependant. Children make parents happy. “Super Girl” makes Zhang Liangying famous. Indians population grows faster than Chinas. Children from single parent family have more social pressure than other children.,Words

8、 for Passage Two,philosopher fi5lCsEfE n.哲学家 philosophy fi5lCsEfi n. 哲学 important a.重要的 importance n. 重要性 believe v. 相信, 认为, 想 character 5kAriktE n. 角色,人物 create kri5eit v.创造, 引起,创作 creative kri(:)5eitiv a. 创造性的, 创造力的 creativity 9kri:eItIvEtI n. 创造性 summarize 5sQmEraiz v. 总结,概述 summary 5sQmEri n. 总结

9、 short saying 谚语 famous 5feimEs a. 有名的,出名的,Words for Passage Two,wise a. 明智的, 聪明unwise essay 5esei n. 小品文, 短文 danger 5deindVE n.危险, 危险物, 威胁 lazy 5leizi a. 懒惰的, 懒散的 laziness 5leizinis n.怠惰, 无精打采 ambitiousness Am5biFEsnis n. 抱负 ambitious Am5biFEs adj.有雄心的, 野心勃勃的 accomplish E5kCmpliF v. vt.完成, 达到, 实现 e

10、xpect iks5pekt v. 期待, 预期 gain ein v. n. 财富的获取, 收获V. 得到,Sentences for Passage Two,The philosopher and writer was one of the most important men in the early days of the United State. “Poor Richard”, a character Franklin created, summarized Franklins ideas in short sayings. People who spend all their t

11、ime just hoping will die without food. One day is worth two tomorrow.,Exercises for Sentences,在改革开放前, 工人阶级是最受人尊敬的人之一. 哈里. 波特, 一个罗林夫人创造的角色, 深受全世界的儿童以及成人的喜爱. 那些把全部时间花在消费上的人将会身无分文地死去. 北京的一个两居室值洛阳的两个三居室.,Key to Exercises for Sentences,Before open and reform, the working class is one of the most respecte

12、d people. Harry Porter, a character created by Mrs. Rowlling, is loved by children and adults worldwide. These people who spend all their money consuming will die without money. A two-bedroom flat in Beijing is worth two three-bedroom apartments in Luoyang.,Words for Dialogue,employment im5plCimEnt

13、n.雇用, 利用, 工作 employer im5plCiE n.雇主, 老板 retire ri5taiE n.退休 director dai5rektE n.主任, 主管, 导演, 董事 easygoing 5i:ziEuiN a. 随和的 personality 7pE:sE5nAliti n.个性, 人格, 人物 handle 5hAndl n.柄, 把手 vt. 处理, 操作 kidding kidiN n. 开玩笑 nervous 5nE:vEs adj.神经紧张的, 不安的 consider kEn5sidE vt.考虑, 照顾, 认为,Words for Dialogue,ch

14、allenge 5tFAlindV n.挑战 vt.向.挑战 Tennis 5tenis n.网球运动 table tennis imagine i5mAdVin vt.想象, 设想 finance fai5nAns n. 金融, 财政学 vt.供给.经费, 负担经费 pressure preFE(r)n.压, 压力, 电压 impression im5preFEn n.印象, 感想, 盖印, 压痕 unedible Qn5edibladj.不适于食用的, 不能吃的 undercooked 5QndEkukt adj.煮得欠熟的 plate pleit n.盘子, 金属板,Sentences

15、for Dialogue,Keep your finger crossed. Whoever they choose is fine as long as its not me. I mean, what kind of person does it take? You got to be kidding. I consider teaching tennis a challenge. I cant imagine myself managing a staff and worrying about finances. Thats not the impression I have of yo

16、u at all. Its just that Im too tired to do much talking after all that walking around town. There is no problem talking with Howard.,Suffix and Prefix,collect n. 领取、收集 collection situation n. 情况、状况 situate sorrowfully adv. 悲哀地,忧愁地 sorrow sorrowful assistant n. 助手、助理 assist suspiciously adv. 怀疑地,猜疑地 suspicious , suspect different from 与不同 difference, differ examine v. 检查 examination, examiner, examinee nodding n. 点头 nod, shake official n. 官员 office, officer,



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