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1、,讨论严肃话题 Talking about something serious,Part six:,范例引路:,MODEL WRITING,某学校附近准备兴建一座化工厂,现征求师生的意见,师生赞成、反对比例如图。请你以该校学生名义,以“There are other things to consider besides money” 为题,写一篇100词左右的短文,陈述反对在此建厂的理由。 反对的理由: 1、严重污染饮用水,防范措施不充分。 2、造成严重的空气污染。 3、侵占学生游戏玩乐的场所。 同意的理由: 1、可以为本市赚钱 。 2、提供就业机会,It is reported that a

2、 new chemical works will be built here. Certainly, it is a good idea for developing economy. But on the other hand, it also causes a big problem. Firstly, many people dont agree to build this works. It will pollute the drinking water though they have promised to do something to prevent pollution. Se

3、condly, the smoke and the soot will bring lots of illness, which is dangerous for every one. Thirdly, the chemical works will be built where we students play games and have sports after school. If built, we will have no place for fun. Because of the above reasons, we hope that the chemical works won

4、t be built near our school.,五个基本环节 Five basic steps to discuss something serious 一、开头 Starting 二、提出观点 Giving ideas 三、强化论点 Developing 四、提出反驳 Arguing 五、得出结论 Coming to a conclusion,规律总结,一、开头(Starting) 1、陈述事实式 Once again university graduates start a new round of job hunting. Now in the country areas, th

5、ere are many children out of school. 2、设问式 Right is right. Right? But is left wrong? (Is Left Wrong?),二、提出观点(Giving ideas) 1、借助常识: It is known to all that smoking is harmful to our health. 2、直抒己见: I think it is useful to build a new dam across the river. We believe that doing exercises every day wil

6、l do us a lot of good. 3、巧用成语: “Where there is a will, there is a way.” It is the same in learning English.,三、强化论点(Developing) 1、First,Second,ThirdFinally 2、Firstly,Secondly,ThirdlyFinally 3、First of all,Then,Next,At last 4、Furthermore;Besides;Moreover 5、Whats more,;At the same time,; What is worse,

7、四、提出反驳(Arguing) 1、but, yet, still; however; although 2、on the other hand; on the contrary; in spite of; even though; At the same time 3、60 percent of the students thinkand about 10 percent give no idea, while the rest of the students are strongly against the suggestion.,五、得出结论(Coming to a conclusion

8、) 1. Finally;Therefore 2. In a word;In short;In the end; In other words;As a result;In all 3. Generally speaking 4. As I have shown; As has been stated; As we (you) all know,习作评析,某学校附近准备兴建一座化工厂,现征求师生的意见,师生赞成、反对比例如图。请你以该校学生名义,以“There are other things to consider besides money” 为题,写一篇100词左右的短文,陈述反对在此建

9、厂的理由。 反对的理由: 1、严重污染饮用水,防范措施不充分。 2、造成严重的空气污染。 3、侵占学生游戏玩乐的场所。 同意的理由: 1、可以为本市赚钱 。 2、提供就业机会,The majority of the students and teachers in our school, including me, are against the construction of a chemical works near our school though the rest 10% do agree to the plan. They hold the view that the works

10、will make lots of money for our city and provide new jobs for the local people, but we think it will do us more harm than good. First, the drinking water will be badly polluted even if some measures will be taken. On the other hand, the air over the city will be polluted too. Worse still, the site o

11、f the chemical works has been the only place where we students play games and have sports after school. Where would we go if it were occupied? In a word, we hope the factory wont be built here.,The majority of the students and teachers in our school, including me, are against the construction of a c

12、hemical works near our school though the rest 10% do agree to the plan. They hold the view that the works will make lots of money for our city and provide new jobs for the local people, but we think it will do us more harm than good. First, the drinking water will be badly polluted even if some meas

13、ures will be taken. On the other hand, the air over the city will be polluted too. Worse still, the site of the chemical works has been the only place where we students play games and have sports after school. Where would we go if it were occupied? In a word, we hope the factory wont be built here.,

14、半开放与开放性作文,Part seven:,作业检查:目前,有不少中学生利用寒暑假期间打工赚钱去年暑假期间,你曾在一家饭店打工当服务员打工之余,你有如下感受: 过去常常向父母要钱,现在你用自己赚的钱,心里很激动 你明白了金钱的价值,也学会了一些与他人相处的方法 积累了一些工作经验和社会经验,为以后步入社会作了些准备 总之,你度过了一个愉快的假期 要求:不要逐字逐句翻译,词数左右,典型错误:1.词: the valuable of money ;many student ; a English corner ;the important of protecting;at March 12th 2

15、.句子: (1) I fell/was exciting (2)The job was very tired (3) I getted many experiences (4) I was worked in a restaurant (5) I think it will good for my future (6) Its not easily for my parents to own money (7) I could buy something what I want with my own money (8) I hope use the experiences in our jo

16、b when I leave school (9) I used to use money which from my parents,One possible version: Nowadays it is usual for us students to find part-time jobs in the holidays. Last summer, I worked as a waiter in a restaurant, and I learned a lot. Firstly, it was the first time for me to earn money on my own, so I felt extremely excited. Now I can buy what I want without asking my parents for money as before. Secondly, during the period I learned not only the value of m



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