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1、知识改变命运 勤奋塑造成功整理人落叶时间 2011-4-15天才是百分之九十九的勤奋加百分之一的灵感法律英语词汇学习attorney: Another word for lawyer. Someone who has studied law and defends or represents someone else. bailiff: An officer of the court who protects the jurors and keeps everyone in the court room in control clerk: Someone who keeps track of

2、the files and records for the clerk (judge?). counsel: A lawyer or group of lawyers who give advice to people needing legal help or who represent people in court. court: The room where trials are held; a place where legal disputes are settled. court reporter: A journalist whose specific purpose is t

3、o report what happens in court. defendant: A person who has been accused of doing something bad and who now must defend him/herself. defense attorney: A lawyer who specializes in defending people who have been accused of breaking the law or causing harm to someone. district attorney (or crown prosec

4、utor): A person who represents the government or legal system and prosecutes (tries to show that someone is guilty) a defendant. expert witness: A person who is brought into court because he/she has special skills. For example, a psychologist may be brought in to discuss the mental state of a defend

5、ant. Grand Jury: A special jury made up of more than 12 citizens. Their duty is to investigate accusations against a person. If there is enough evidence, then the person must go to trial for the crime. investigating officer: The police officer who investigated the crime案件 case 案件受理费 litigation fee 案

6、由 nature of case 颁布 issue 颁布 promulgate 办案 handle a case 办理 deal with 包庇罪 crime of concealing the murder 保税区 bonded area 保险法 insurance law 保险凭证 insurance certificate 保证 warranty 保证 guarantee 保证金 bail 保证金 margins 保证金帐户 margin account 保证人,担保人 guarantor 保证书 indemnity保证书 covenant of warranty 保证条款 warran

7、ty 保值利率 inflation-proof interest rate 被裁定为 be adjudged to be 从重处罚 heavier punishment 从重处罚 severe punishment 存款机构 deposit-taking institution 挫折 frustration 措词 worded 错漏 error|mistake 答复 Reply 批复 Reply 打官司 initiate legal proceeding 打击 struggle against 打假 crack down on counterfeit goods 打假办 Office of C

8、racking down on Fake Products 大厂回族自治县 Dachang Hui Nationality Autonomous Region 大股 substantial shareholder 大股东控权人 majority shareholder controller 大化瑶族自治县 Dahua Yao Nationality Autonomous County 大连市 Daliang Municipality 大律师 barrister 大律师的收费 counsels fees 大律师登记册 roll of baristers 大律师公会 Hong Kong Bar A

9、ssociation 大律师见习职位 pupillage 被陈述人 representee 被告人辨解 statement of the defendant 驳回 dismiss 驳回 reject 驳回上诉 reject an appeal 补偿报酬 compensatory payment 不具有法律效力 null 不具有法律效力 void 不履行合同 breach of contract 不履行合约 repudiation of the contract 不名誉的行为及手法 dishonourable conduct and practices 不能成立 unable to establ

10、ish不时frequently 不予支持 unassisted 不作为 omission 财产分割 properties division 财产所有权 property right 裁定 ruling 裁定 order 产权制度 property order 产权关系 property relations 撤消并发回给 reversed and remanded to the original court 陈述 state 承担 assume 承担责任 to be responsible for 承典人 pledgee 承典人 pawnee 承认 confess 城市住宅局 City Hous

11、e Bureau 出典人 pledgor 出典人 pawnor 出口退税制度 the system of refunding taxes on exported goods 出口押汇 bill purchased 出资比例 ratio of investments 处罚 penalty 触犯 violate 传销 pyramid selling 串通 collaborate 从宽处理 lenient punishment, liberal punishment 从轻处罚 lesser punishment 从轻处罚 lighter punishment 从轻处罚 impose a lenien

12、t sentence 从轻原则 the principle of lighter punishment 从事 commit 大律师名册 panels of counsels 大律师事务所 barristers chambers, chambers of counsel 大律师书记 barristers clerk 律师行业 the practice of law 大批 bulk 代理检察员 acting prosecutor 代理人 agent 代理审判员 acting judge 代通知金 payment in lieu of notice 代销 sales by proxy 丹东市 Dan

13、dong Municipality 丹阳市 Danyang Municipality 单位 entity unit 单务合同 unilateral contract 担保 guarantee 担保人 guarantor 担保书 certificate of guarantee 但书 proviso 当事人 litigant 当事人起诉要求 the litigants sue for 党政分工 division of labour between the Party and the government 档案工作人员 file clerk 盗窃枪支 crime of stealing firea

14、rms and ammunition 盗窃武器装备 theft of military equipment 道真仡佬族苗族自治县 Daozheng Mulao Nationality Autonomous County 得到证实 to be believed 得利者 beneficiary抵触 contravene 抵押 mortgage 抵押品 pledge 抵押物 mortgage 地方人民检察院 Local Peoples Procuratorate 地役权 easement 第二审判庭 second tribunal 第三者 the third party 第一审判庭 first tr

15、ibunal 典当物 pledge 调查 investigation 调查报告 investigation 调查取证 investigate and collect evidence 调解 mediate 调解和强制措施 mediation and enforcement measure 调解书 mediation agreement 调解书字号 Written Mediation No. 订货合同卡片 a card of contract 订立 formation 定案结论 verdict 定案理由 reason for decision 定金 deposit 定期减免所得税 regular reduction of income tax 定性 determination on the nature 丢弃 waive 东北人民政府 Northeast Peoples Government 东乡族自治县 Dongxiang Natio


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